If you’re having trouble with DPS you might be playing suboptimally. It’s not that you’re a bad player because I am too but don’t call BM hunters wet noodles. We are the best ranged DPS and one of the best overall DPS in nyalotha
i’d say our biggest problem is being geared towards long prolonged fights but having little utilities of any real use for surviving a long drawn out fight. Bringing back spirit bond or increasing leech to like 70% like demon hunters have or both (considering some people use ferocity and some people use tenacity) would greatly remedy this I think, would need some testing but I’d think it’d solve the majority problems we have of being “squishy”.
BM is probably the easiest DPS in the game.
ive played every class, every spec, and BM is literally falling down with my face asleep in an open book boring easy to get good damage.
Yeah, it’s given. It’s easy. Unkillable or hard to kill. And 8.3 just added Corruptions. Now, we can make the gameplay even harder. We are the Class that is capable to hold the highest Corruptions… ability to make high risks and wield its powers. Our mobility is now being put to use to the fullest.
Try other Classes with high Corruptions, you would envy BM Hunters.
Most people would agree that fire mage is by far the best ranged dps at the moment. But yes, BM has a solid grip on #2 which is more than fine.
I think that most of the complains come from the damage pattern of the spec. Unlike a fire mage, destruction warlock or balance druid where their damage spikes very high on the opener and then slows down, BM’s damage is a lot more consistent. The highs are lower, but the lows are much higher. You’ll be pretty far after the opener then just catch up and get ahead over the course of the fight.
While this can be desirable to have in a raid where priority targets will come more often than cooldowns are available, it translates poorly to PvP where being able to burst a target is important.
The fact that the spec relies heavily on crit which is not as effective in PvP also hurts it in those situations. And I’m pretty sure those early expansion nerfs to pet damage are still in and at the time most people agreed that the last one they did was not warranted.
I’ve played them all and keeping up barbed shots and not over capping your cooldown reduction on other abilities is harder than arcane mage, fury warrior, and havoc
so it looks like they trashed it more than I thought thru BFA here.
I literally loved playing BGs during legion, but absolutely hated seeing a bm hunter showing up for the party. My goal was to keep as many opposing players so tied up with me that they’d give me the attention and my team could get X done.
Even running as tank (me), BM hunters were the only specs Id run into that would drive me nuts.
If they trashed the spec for PvP…why would anyone bother playing it and catering to this company?
THIS is why I dont main a spec anymore and play so many classes.
Having played Hunter as my main for several years and enjoying them the whole way i still want to play them. Unfortunately the devs have just let the specs MM/BM die and focused on YET ANOTHER melee spec in survival.
MM’s buff is laughable and won’t do nearly enough to fix it. The fact that they let MM go live in BfA in the state it did and had things like Sniper shot which did almost nothing for damage but still had you have to hard cast and turret, it shows a colossal inability to understand how to make the class work. With all the CC in the game and them splitting everything and forcing multiple GCD’s to burst then on top of it force you to manage resources and hard cast while turreting they have no idea wtf to do with the spec. in PvP clearly. More reach could certainly be nice in BG’s…but in arena there are so many places to hide while the hunter tries to hardcast/turret it’s laughable.
Both specs just suffer from low dps and need serious buffs for PvP.
When im looking at my similarly geared DH/Warrior doing 20-27k dps and my hunter is doing 10-12k something is seriously wrong. In addition for BM you are stuck with only a handful of pets because of how they have made pets locked in on certain things, there are must have pets.
MM/BM need a lot of love, not some 5% increase in dps as if that would bring MM even close when the problem is how the spec is built and is supposed to function.
i laugh at people that say BM is the easiest class to play… have you never played a DH or fury warrior??? what about and ele shaman?? Nothing in this game is hard to play, they removed skill caps with wrath of the casual king.
Dunno man i am always last one to die. Just stop being weird and get spirit beast for 120k heal on 30 sec cooldown. The fact that you are ranged and can dps on the move is already a big advantage. Do you play on another hunter? Because you profile doesn’t even show LFR progress, so what prolonged fights are we talking about.
i’ve never gotten 120k heals from spirit mend, at best it’s been 5,000’ that’s with aspect of the beast and most other modifiers by the way +healing azerite traits, so I’m definitely not skipping on the heals. unless you’re referring to 120,000 as a whole, which is useless against most bosses as many of them can do 1/4th of that in some of their boss mechanics and some of them can chain said mechanics. as for getting a spirit beast, I have 3 how many more do I need ? what prolonged fights I am referring to is like krosus and the qurong/other major mechanic bosses, with searing brand DoTs/orb of destruction mechanics. however I finally managed to kill him and solo Heroic nighthold yesterday with breath of the dying rank 2. as for my LFR progress, it’s cause I solo everything, who needs a group when I can take all the loot?