Blue Eyes for Blood Elves

I had previously made requests for Blood Elves to eventually get blue eyes as they are in fact high elves.
Unfortunately in the past my threads had been deliberately suppressed by mass flagging because people didn’t like hearing a thought opposing their own.
With Shadowlands cosmetics being added it appeared that BElves were going to get blue eyes since they were in the files.

However, it has recently come to my attention that they will in fact not be getting blue eyes.
Blizzard, I would like to request that you change your mind on this matter and in fact give the Blood Elves the blue eyes they rightfully deserve.

Lets keep up the good fight to keep blood elves on the Horde.

I agree with this comment above, if Blood Elves, which are High Elves can not have blue eyes I request that the ‘Alliance’ High Elves be eliminated from the game if we can not have what should be ours.


Well said!


Silence! They said blood elves evolved from their original high elves ancestors

Giving them blue eyes is meaningless

It’s time for you to bury the horse, his well deserved rest is needed


If you want blue eyes, the Alliance is waiting for you.


I think the good fight would just be killing all the blood elves and the 25 high elves. Then we can all enjoy the peace.


They are in fact not.




Your race literally threw a portion of them away so they would become alliance lol.

And helves are always alliance , just not playable.


What’s ironic is OP is using gold eyes

If she really wants blue eyes, she’d been a green eye blood elf


They aren’t the same thing, and no amount of screaming that they are will change that.

Both sides are flagging each other. For every anti-high elf thread that’s been flagged, I’ll show you a pro-high elf thread that’s been flagged.

Ion has specifically said that the Alliance aren’t getting blue-eyed blood elves, and now, that the blood elves aren’t getting the blue eyes that are associated with the Alliance, rather people wish to admit that fact or not.

This is good for the long-term health of the game. Staying neutral is the only way to minimize the chaos in the forums, with the losers whining and the winners taunting. I’m personally glad that Ion chose not to incite the BS we’ve been seeing on the forums for the past few weeks.

“If this side’s faction won’t betray them to join us, let’s just kill them all.” Useless commentary that will never happen, and unbelievably petty.

Now how about accept that blood elves are Horde but that high elves, whether another race or not, remain Alliance. Neither side is getting what they want and it’s the only way to minimize the high elf spam we’ve seen for the past month.


They’ve already made so many questionable lore decisions, some of which are on the brink of being entirely ridiculous (especially some of the Allied Race choices) that I don’t see giving Blood Elves more eye colors necessarily a game breaking thing. It’s interesting how they pick and choose what ideas they’re against but one thing is for sure, this debate will continue until the end of WoW. For me personally, gold eyes are the most badass.

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Honestly if they think this is what is going to stop the arguments between the horde and the alliance over blood elves they are crazy. It should be a no brainer for the true high elves that players have been salivating over to get blue eyes.
Like it really isn’t a stretch and I think it’s quite sad that we haven’t been granted the option in Shadowlands given that it is the right thing to do.

Seems to be more than a handful, since The Silver Covenant were able to subdue The Sunreavers during Jainas little rampage at Dalaran.

And The Silver Covenant seems to always be strong enough to maintain conflict when ever Blood Elves are involved in the story.


That isn’t evolution. Evolution occurs over generations. Most of the Blood Elves are the same individuals who were once called High Elves. High Elves are going to actually have relatives amongst the Blood Elves.


yea i dont get it. i think night elves are getting at least 5-6 colors too

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you people are very spiteful


(Commentary): My condolences, once again, for those who wanted blue eyes for Blood Elves not out of spite for people who want Alliance High Elves, but simply for the added customization option they believed to make sense with what limited lore we have to base such things on.


its not the right thing to do.

blizz doesnt see it as the right thing to do

you burned yourself over the datamining… always take things with a grain of salt, you spiteful …


The simplest way to solve the alliance high elf problem would be to retcon the void elves creation lore. Instead of Alleria searching for excommunicated blood elves, she stumbles upon a large group of blue eye elves who are currently dealing with addiction again, who are trying to gain access to the Sunwell. However because they are not allied with Silvermoon city they have restricted access. She sees their suffering and offers them an alternative choice, however like all elves one of them makes a mistake and the void elves are born. More blue eye elves follow because if they cannot bask in the light of the well they were brood in the shadows of the void