“2handed frost should never return!! Waaaah!! !! But muh lore but muh feelcraft!
“Might of the frozen wastes should never return!! Waaaah!! but muh lore but muh feelcraft!
Just those ones.
Carry on sir, I salute you! Xx
“2handed frost should never return!! Waaaah!! !! But muh lore but muh feelcraft!
“Might of the frozen wastes should never return!! Waaaah!! but muh lore but muh feelcraft!
Just those ones.
Carry on sir, I salute you! Xx
Got any quotes to back that 2h frost should never return garbage that you are just parroting?
And yes, might of the frozen wastes should have never returned. A lot of people then and now agree that it shouldnt have been introduced like it was. Here is one from just 3d ago.
But do you actually have any quotes of me saying 2h should never return? Eh? Took you that long to come back with that pointless drivel that doesnt actually prove anything? And why are you bringing up 2h in a thread about eye color?
Are you really that hard pressed to get one over that you are willing to fail so hard?
I read it, I know. I don’t need to fact check and certainly don’t need to link anything to someone who hasnt proved a point with a link or a sim in their 6000+ post life. Every time you’ve been asked to ‘show your work’ you chicken out. I particularly enjoyed biceps pulling your logic apart a short while ago. He got you so bad in fact you put him on ignore! gold!! Oh the 2h thing was just what I hope to be a small indicator of what blizzard might do, which is the opposite of what you say it seems!
I only returned to this thread for a laugh which is damn well what I got! Awesome stuff, keep bumping champ! Long live different eye colours! Down with the fun police!
I just provided 2 links 3 posts ago.
If you read it you should be able to quote it. The fact is no one… and I mean NO ONE has been able to quote me saying that 2h shouldnt return. I did say that 2h shouldnt return if its just going to split the spec, but you are just here to troll and make this about something this thread isnt about.
And what about Biceps? The guy that didnt even know that GA cd was reduced by haste? That person? The person who wasnt even bothered enough to log into the game to see how abilities functioned while trying to tell people how to play? Who was hyping people up saying “2h is poggers” only for it to still be in DW shadow?
He has been on ignore for a long time, so it doesnt really matter what he did a short while ago because most likely he was on ignore before that because I just see him as a hype man like many of these other people just placating to peoples views about 2h that never really work out.
You are just trolling this thread at this point. It has nothing to do with the topic which you are kind of forcing my hand to talk about DW vs 2h because you just want to talk trash about another play like the majority of your 54 posts are. I bet the majority of my 7200 posts are actually on topic until someone like you comes along trying to start some drama.
The fact of the matter is that every undead elf, red eyes or not, is a Darkfallen and the only “darkfallen” anyone can point to is Lady Alistra which no one has a definitive answer that shes a Death Knight and are trying to create links based on where they want the evidence to go instead of going off of what the evidence shows.
Shes trains Death Knights, thats the only certain thing. By a lot of peoples logic, I could call her a Lich. She trains death knights, Amal’thuzad trains death knights, therefore shes a Lich. He also uses DK abilities… so I could also call him a DK right? And hes blue, dk’s are blue… hes a DK. Thats what people are doing in this thread.
You on the other hand arent contributing AT ALL. You rather talk some bs about me which shows what kind of person you are. And its not a good one.
Could red/green wispy eyes be added and be within lore? yes. does it hurt anyone to make it an option like the valkyr gargoyle or a glyph? no.
How? Because blue eyes are already pretty set in stone in terms of DK.
see my previous comment
That doesnt answer my question. You said it could be added and be within lore. So how?
To me that sentence means it can be added and make sense of why death knights have red or green eyes. Thats why I asked how.
Ive already stated multiple times to use helms, toys or glyphs for cosmetic changes but people dont want that for some odd reason.
Your training through blood mastery has left a lingering affect on your risen body, turning your eyes red.
Your training through unholy mastery has left a lingering affect on your risen body, turning your eyes green,
They can even have a more frosty blue for frost players.
Easy as that. And with how terrible SL lore is in general, who cares?
To add, if lore is such a big issue for people, don’t they have RP servers still? or RP guilds? Limiting other people’s choices for a minority population of the game seems like a bad decision. Also, there are literally undead paladins… that makes total sense yet the dk one doesn’t?
This is a cool idea. Tacks nicely onto any lore too. Having things change colour when they go deeper into magics fits great in Warcraft.
It is a bad decision indeed. The lore of this game twists and turns so much that adding the ability to change eye colour through a glyph or however would be of very very little consequence.
A lot of people. People quit over the lore being retconned and turned to garbage. Pyromancer went on a whole rant about it.
Blood Magic doesnt change your eyes red though so it doesnt fit with lore. Look at the San’layn for example. The queen has black eyes, the knights have blue eyes, the princes have yellow eyes. Also, if the lore is to be followed and Lady Alistra is in fact a DK, then Unholy would result in red eyes and not blood.
How do you know lore people are the minority? How do you know the people that want customization dont also want it to make sense? I mean people in here are trying to justify elves getting red eyes as dk’s because of one… ONE, npc that has limited lore.
What about undead paladins? The Scarlet Crusade has many of them so its not outside the realm of lore that there could be a Darkfallen Paladin (undead blood elf paladin).
And yes, dk eye color changing doesnt make sense from a lore standpoint.
On the flip side, undead paladins and priests have been explained. Even though the light hurts the undead, their faith was so strong in life that they are able to call upon it in death. It still hurts them, but they just take it. Its probably one of the more interesting things in the story, better than the Jailer and the SL story everyone is trying to forget because it was just terrible writing.
Lore is literally what wow writers write it to be. Have you read any of the books? I have. All of them in fact, and sadly most of it has nothing to do with a lot of in game things. Look at shadow’s rising for example and the “secret ending” with Anduin and the void…
If they write saying DKs can have red eyes because of X reason, then it becomes canon. The devs literally just have to flip the switch. Would them writing a reason for dks to have different eye colors bother you? Or is it because it wouldn’t be a lore reason you like?
People are justifying dks having red eyes because of 1 NPC because of people like you who seem to be so against it. That way both parties are happy. We receive the customization we want, while lore people get some type of lore reason for it.
They gave all the unique hair colors. Blue dk hair for blood elves was given too all blood elves, what lore reason was behind that? Literally nothing, just that people wanted more options. What about the dark rangers? Were there literally any paladins or priests ect in their ranks? Yet it is still justified… what a load of crap imo. The lore is already stale. If dks having different eye color bothers someone that much, then clearly they don’t really care about lore. There would be hundreds of other things to complain about than that from a lore perspective. (look what they did to Arthas for example)
And to answer your question about population and lore, look up the numbers for servers that deal with RP vs ones that don’t. Or RP guilds vs ones who don’t. There is a clear difference in those who care about the lore vs those who don’t. And to add, if giving DKs more control of the way their character looks in a fantasy game bothers someone, then they should really be on a RP server and not any other. That way they can still go about how they want the game to be. You can’t say you want to play on a Non RP server and then complain about not everything being 100% up to par lore wise when it affects other people’s characters and not your own. You aren’t forced to change your own eye color if giving the option.
Bottom line, Blizz has already crossed the line for customization vs lore. So why stop now?
Also, what is to stop a Dark Ranger from being killed then risen as a Death Knight? Literally nothing.
And so it has been written.
They had the opportunity to do it in SL and they didnt, in fact they doubled down in trying to explain why DK’s eyes are specifically blue.
Yeah. It would, because its changing what they established for no reason at all. All you have to do is look at what Amazon is doing to Lord of the Rings to see what happens when you go awol with the story.
I have said several times in here to use helms, toys or glyphs.
You also do know that 1 NPC was only listed as a DK trainer and not actually a DK until this thread opened up right? So people are saying she is a DK because thats where they want the evidence to lead to instead of the evidence leading them.
As far as I know hair color doesnt have any lore implications.
Um, what? Dark Rangers are rangers, its in their name. Or are you trying to say only Dark Rangers have red eyes which would go against DK’s getting red eyes.
Its why people are trying to forget SL happened at all.
That just shows you people that like to role play to those that dont.
Again thats just people who like to RP vs ones that dont. Not everyone on RP servers actually RP, and not everyone on PvP servers PvP.
Yeah, you can. I dont like to RP, but I still like a story that I can be immersed in and constantly changing the lore just because someone said “I pay 15 dollars a month give me different eye colors and make sure it fits within lore” doesnt mean they deserve to get it or even have the right to demand that from Blizzard. Again just look at the LotR fandom. Who cares if a lady Dwarf doesnt have a beard even though they do actually have beards in the lore. Who cares if Galadriel is a warrior whatever she is even though she never actually was in the lore. Its not even LotR at this point. Amazon should have made their own story and not ruin the LotR lore.
And? It kills immersion in this already developed world. All of these arguments people are making shows they dont really care about the story or anything else for that matter if they are willing to ruin something that is already established and has precedence over customization.
Why keep going? And if you are talking about hair color, again I dont see where the lore comes in with that. Or are you talking about something else that is more important than hair?
Then they would no longer be a Dark Ranger and would be a Death Knight and gain blue eyes. Look at the forsaken, were they killed and raised again? I mean they would almost have to be right? If it was just a human that rotted a little too long they would still feel like they should go to the human capitol at least since they would have no connection with the dark lady and all that. So their eye color changed from yellow, to the Dk blue. So it would suggest the dark ranger would no longer have red eyes if this were to happen.
Thats because of bad writing, and eye color customization isnt going to do anything to fix that, especially when its only for a singular class, and according to this thread, a singular race as well.
Which is why my suggestion works well, as it would work for any DK race.
Which is what? If its helms, toys or glyphs then by all means go to town. If its to change DK lore yet again… nah.
I am confused. Why is it okay if it is a glyph vs not? I personally don’t care how it is implemented. I just want more options.
Because helms toys and glyphs dont change the lore. Its the best option for the majority of the people, though some people, no matter what, want the lore to change into what they think the lore should be.
Peoples arguments for the changing of the lore have been getting smaller and smaller and smaller. They are now grasping on darkfallen = red eyes and if night elf and blood elf dk’s are darkfallen then they should have red eyes as well while at the same time completely ignoring what darkfallen means while acting like the rest of us are stupid that read the text that says “darkfallen are undead elves that include the dark rangers, death knights of the ebon blade, and the san’layn” and all of those dont have red eyes.
I dont like people leaving out 75% of the context for their arguments. I think that should be pretty clear by now to be completely honest.
Its not like lore has ever been expanded upon or the way things work in WoW have ever changed. the devs couldnt possibley make it so you go to the blood, unholy trainer and have an option to change your eye color and still have the original lore still intact. not possible nope.
I think the biggest issue people are having, is the fact that the night warrior eyes were added, and if I am not mistaken can be used for night elf dks, but we can’t use the dark ranger eyes, or skin tone at all.