Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

Hello there, I am requesting that the Blood Elf death knights be allowed access to the new options that have been given to the regular Blood Elf population that allows them to be Dark Rangers. There are a few reasons why I believe this should be the case. I will go over two.

One: Night Elves get the Night Warrior eye coloration, and I believe it is a little unfair that the Blood Elves do not get access to the Red Eyes in the same situation. Granted, I am aware that the Night Warrior eyes were hotfixed in after the eyes were given, and would like to request that Blood Elves be given the same treatment.

Two: There is a Dark Ranger Death Knight NPC already by the name of Lady Alistra. She has the Red Eyes already.

That is the character in question. So lore wise, Dark Rangers becoming Death Knights is already established. I hope my request seems reasonable with the previous facts provided. Have a nice evening.


Do it.


Give it to void elf dks too


Hi I just want to put my two cents in here too. When I unlocked dark ranger customizations I rushed over to my DK only to find they weren’t available, when even the night warrior eyes are. I found it pretty disappointing that death knights can’t have the red eyes/skin color combo.

Currently I settled for my paladin having the dark ranger customizations who now looks far more intimidating than my death knight.

I hope that at least the red eyes can be added for death knights in the future.

PS I absolutely loved that these customizations were a complete surprise


inb4 Kelliste says something about lore.


Why do you have a hard on for trashing on people? Seriously do something better with your life.

And yes, there is a lore reason as to why DK’s have blue eyes, not red, not purple, not yellow, but blue. Its because of the magics used to create them. Lady Alistra is most likely a banshee in the flesh which are really good at unholy magics because thats how they get their body back. Death Knights dont go through that process. I dont think the night warrior eyes were intended for death knights either but once they were able to use them because of whatever reason, they had to keep the option in. Lore wise, death knights shouldnt be able to have the night warrior eyes, and in fact it shows that eye color is based on magics and certain processes, just like Dk eye color and Blood Elf eye color, Night Elf eye color, Nightborne eye color, Void Elf eye color.

Red eyes are also a certain process. If you dont like the lore and you dont like the dk, just say so, its pretty clear with how much people want to change dk’s to not be dk’s.


It’s a special kind of silly to point to lore as to why something can’t be done when the devs completely ignore lore when it suits their purpose.


Then its worse to try to use lore to support a change that the lore doesnt support.


Considering that lady alistra is a banshee and a death knight it leaves the implication that banshees can be elevated and made to be a death knight.
That said. What makes more sense? A darkfallen death knight (the request of which is what this fourm is about)

Or a darkfallen paladin (which is currently available-and- would technically be an undead paladin)

If blizzard is going hard on letting players be what they want (as we see with the new upcoming class race combos) it only makes sense to me personally that death knights should be allowed the new options

Honestly i would take things a bit a fuether with death knights. Considering the new options are locked to one skin tone with the eyes its my opinion that since death knights are already undead that maybe they be allowed to have the red eyes with different skin tones (or at the very least only with the special undead skins they have access to)


Maybe you should try reading the op again really, really slowly. Maybe look at the npc that already exists to support red eyes on a dk. Sometimes you take the absolute dumbest positions to argue from.


Lady Alistra… Looks like i already addressed that in my first post. Maybe go back and read it really carefully as to not look like a jerk next time eh?


Hate to break it to you, but you’re literally just making up assumptions in that post to support your stance. It isn’t supported anywhere in lore. No idea why so many people on these forums try to pass off their opinions as fact.

Just because I don’t think you’ll get it, this is you literally guessing (i.e. making something up) to fit your argument.


Do you know how DKs are created? DHs cant have the option either. But we do not go through the same process that Lady Alistra did. Its like people using Bolvar as to a reason why fire dks should be a thing when hes not even a DK nore dead according to lore.


Do you not know the lore of banshees? Its absolutely supported in lore that she is most likely a banshee. If you dont know the lore go bug someone else.

Im not arguing in favor of demon hunters having the option, with their demonic souls them being raised into undeath seems highly unlikely.

If we go strictly off the quest chain, sure all non allied race dks are raised by arthas and all allied race ones by bolvar

Again though if blizzard is trying to give players more freedom, then i really fail to see the issue as someone having the option to roleplay as a banshee death knight and have the look to match.


Lol damn ya beat me to it!

Looks like he/she/they already popped a spew anyways, so I was beaten before I started.

Anyways, to the topic:

I understand that there are lore reasons associated with Death Knight being raised by the Lick King in regards to blue eyes.

However with the Helm of Domination being broken, I feel its a good time to banish these restrictions.

In fact, it would be great if Death Knight kept the eye glow but could choose between red, blue, purple, green or grey/blank.

If we’re really gonna hang up on lore just give us the “decorative” option to magic in some colored contacts whatever’s or something.

Or even make various eye colors unlockable through playing different quests.

I appreciate lore but I also recognize that lore is fluid and particularly where DKs are concerned with Arthas, Bolvar, The Helm being destroyed and other thing are getting shaken up.


Lady Alistra is never said to be a Death Knight, that is an assumption. At best she is just a banshee in plate armor and only ever used unholy magic. There isnt much to go on with her at all. But the things we do know points in a different direction than a DK.

Also, how can a DK become a Darkfallen exactly? They are already undead raised by Arthas or Bolvar in a certain way.


The helm didnt give us blye eyes. Its now our connection to the Shadowlands and Domination magic just like DH eyes are green fire with their connection to fel and the process they go through.



Helm is still broken.

Like Bob Seger said: “Turn the page.”


You inadvertently conjured her. Great.

Please refrain next time.