Why would the eye color be changing? Again there has to be a reason if you are trying to introduce something into the story.
And they were removed because it wasnt supposed to happen and people flipped their lids when the bug was taken out of the game so they put the bug back in.
Lord Thorval… if you look at his face, has the same face tattoos / scars or whatever they are supposed to be as Thassarian and Whitemane and for some reason that feature cannot have glowing eyes.
Thassarian and Whitemane are both like this right now. Its nothing new. But Lord Thorval in the hearthstone art has blue eyes. Whitemane has blue eyes in an in game cinematic, Thassarian also has blue eyes in the WoW comic. Its a game limitation that repeats all the time with this facial feature time and time again.
ill copy my other comment since you cnat seem to find it
"This is such an easy solution. Make it a freaking glyph. then youre not locked to eye color based off of spec. and if you dont want your eyes to be anything but blue. you dont have to. and if you want to have red, or green you can.
its really simple. you have and npc in acherus sell it saying they discovered a way to bring forth your powers in a more visual way or something . and BOOM color option. then you dont have people arguing over pointless “lore” reasons as to why players cant have something minor and inconsequential while also keeping lore."
It might be depending on the model and what else is going on that might not be visible. You have absolutely no idea, and that Troll is a ZF zombie.
They also might have just stuck place holders in there and forgot to change it later on. They also arent full fledged death knights evident by the name. There are also non-death knights within the Ebon Hold.
I also find it suspect that people say these things are easy, or at the very least hint at it, without ever doing it themselves. Do you know everything about these models that they used?
And yes, being addressed years ago does mean that part of the discussion has ended. Its been explained, you are acting like a flat earther saying the earth is flat, the evidence was presented years ago that its round, and you are saying just because its been addressed doesnt mean the discussion has ended… yes it has.
Please dont take something out of context to make it seem like I was talking about green eyes. Lady Alistra has red eyes, so even if I do agree she is a death knight (I dont and players changing a wiki to have an argument isnt evidence) unholy players would have red eyes. So what about Blood players? What color would they have?
But at the end of the day and I haven’t seen you address this outside of your own bias and preference blizzard can add any reason they like to give DKs eye colours.
What’s the worst that will happen? Nothing, 0, nil, nada, zilch. Except maybe more people will be happy with customisation and you quit the game in a lore rage out. Win win.
If following the lore is bias then you can call me biased all you want to but my views extend to DH’s as well. They have a reason for their green eye glow (fel) and we have a reason for our blue glow. If there wasnt a reason then Bolvar wouldnt have changed blue in the cinematic, if there wasnt a reason eye color wouldnt have mattered what so ever and there would be absolutely no reason for them to not allow different colors that, but the fact that there is.
And how do you know MORE people would be happy? How do you know all this lore butchering wont just piss off more people than would like the change?
Not to mention all those non-glowy eye people that were posted arent even listed as Death Knights, just disciples. Disciple of Unholy, Disciple of Frost, Disciple of Blood. There are also unworthy initiates.
You know what that tells me, DK abilities arent exclusive to DK’s, not to mention that they pulled from other sources to make up our ability pool. Death and Decay is from a Lich, that doesnt make Liches death knights though.
So all the arguments in here arent valid at all and it all really comes down to “I want it because I want it and I want you to change the lore to do so because Kelliste suggested something different and we cant have their suggestions be in the game because we hate that person.”
Its a crappy shallow argument.
A lot more people quit than what Blizzard would be happy with because they are changing the lore to satisfy a bunch of people that cant help but kick and complain when they dont get their way.
I don’t think anybody’s going to quit because Death Knights get an extra glow option or two. Guess you gotta keep living up to your reputation in the DK forums, though, so you do you.
Oh… oh no… not what other people think of me. Should I just follow the crowd and not have my own views on things?
It depends on how they do it… right? If they go changing lore again retconning it and making it even more garbage then yes, yes people will quit. You think its just giving options but its not. Blizzard said they would do customization when it makes sense, well it doesnt make sense for DK’s to have changing eye colors on a whim.
This is what people say when they dont have a point against the argument being made.
All these things people point to either arent death knights yet try to say they are for their own gain, or extremely reach and even try to change things to have an argument. The Lady Alistra wiki didnt change until this thread popped up.
Her wiki said “death knight trainer” until someone needed an argument and went in and changed it to say Death Knight to have an argument because they wouldnt have one anyways. There is no citation or anything to back up that part of the wiki so its not accurate in the slightest.
I don’t think anybody gives enough of a damn about why DKs’s eyes are blue to actually quit the game, at this point, specifically over options being added.
Blizzard doesn’t always need lore justifications to add cosmetics, but I digress, you’re known for what you’re known for in this segment of the forum.
they can add lore reasons to change things. its not that hard. youre reasons for not wanting people to have small things is pointless. it hurts no one to add something.
i agree, lore reasons is a bad excuss to limit custization options, people just want choices wher right now there are none, blizard writes the lore, they can write new lore
Blizzard disagrees or else I would be banned by now.
You underestimate people. Changing DK eyes and having it change through lore, invalidates Wrath of the Lich King, Legion somewhat and now Shadowlands.
Not always, but where it needs to make sense they want it to make sense.
Like what? Through saying our eyes are the color based on the type of magic we use? Thats not why our eyes glow blue. Blue isnt because of frost magic, its necromancy and just because you channel a certain type of magic doesnt mean your eyes glow.
So yes, it has to make sense.
Can you not read the many times I have said helms, glyphs and toys, add them all day long? Why are you still harping on this nonsense argument?
Not when it doesnt fit in the lore and doesnt make any sense. Lore is a perfectly good reason to limit customization.
And they did with Shadowlands and said DK eyes are blue, the announcement cinematic at Blizzcon. Bolvar turned blue because of the connection to the shadowlands and specifically the Jailer. Tapping into that source of power which should have landed Sylv and Bolvar somewhat equal footing but she tore into him like a bag of doritos.
I dont know what WoW game you guys are playing, but its not the same one I am.