Pretty much, the lore is whatever Blizzard wants it to be.
They are death knights, but we are already on the 4th generation of DK. 1st was under Gul’dan and were warlock souls in stormwind knight bodies. 2nd were paladins that were basically shunned from the world even though they were immune to the plague so they sought out the LK for power (dks prior to wrath of the LK) and the 3rd and 4th are the DKs we have now that the player is that have blue eyes.
The 2nd generation DKs werent raised into undeath like the 3rd and 4th.
Also Alexandros Mograine is Darion Mograines father. Unless you are talking about Alexandros in Maldraxxas, which Draka got glowy eyes as well.
That’s cool but how that affect eye color in anyway or are you just making stuff up again?
Lady Alistra is in fact a Death Knight. She uses Unholy Death Knight abilities and refers to her Death Knight disciples as well as herself as “we” when discussing Death Knight diseases and healers’ lack of knowledge of them. She is now classified as a “Darkfallen Death Knight” according to Wowpedia, and on the Darkfallen wiki page, Death Knight is listed as one of the classes that Darkfallen NPCs are, so yes, Lady Alistra is absolutely a Death Knight. While I don’t personally care for the red eyes, the people that want them absolutely have a sensible, lore-based justification for High Elf and Night Elf Death Knights being able to use red eyes.
Back again to say void/nelf/and belf all should be able to have the red eyes. At the very least give us the skin option…
Red eyed blood DK needs to be a thing.
Why are you so against fun. You’re like the only one here trying to fight against people wanting to add an option. More options = better. Get over yourself and get your head out of the lore books. legit nobody but you cares. Lore is all made up junk anyways that has been retconned or repurposed so many times that you end up looking like such a clown out here taking it so seriously.
Gosh. People like you are some of the worst. The fun police, the kind of people who can go into a room and suck all the life out of it. You need to get yourself together and rethink your life choices. Cause you’re a serious drag and the amount of hate you’ve garnered here should be immensely eye-opening.
Why are you so against fun and immersion?
More options doesnt always mean better. It just doesnt.
There are also many people that care. If you dont care thats on you, and you not caring shouldnt have priority over others that do care.
Also, dont tell me what to do with my life if you arent willing to hear the same back. Also, if I was here looking for friends, I would just brown nose everyone like some people on these forums. The amount of “hate” is miniscule and by a bunch of liars in the first place so I dont really care.
The fact that you guys have to fight so hard, twist things around, shows just how flimsy your argument is. This is an MMORPG the last I checked isnt it? That means it has story elements to it that should be adhered to otherwise why waste development time and money on it?
Darkfallen Death Knight just means Elf Death Knight. But, 3rd and 4th generation death knights have blue eyes. If Darkdfallen = red eye elf specifically Night/Blood/Void then explain the lack of red eyes from Elf Death Knights and the San’layn.
And yes, it is eye opening, its eye opening to the amount of misinformation and lies people will put out there just to get their way and you are patting them on the back because of your “fun”.
Like I said, dont destroy lore because you want to look a certain way. Its like what the writers are doing to the lord of the rings lore with beardless dwarf women, saying Harfoots arent hobbits (which they absolutely are), making a women into a warrior that was never a warrior and was actually a great and powerful queen. This is why continuity in stories are important. Didnt Pyromancer leave WoW because the lore was being ruined and for some reason you guys think its a good idea to continue to go down that route?
Get over it, Death Knights have blue eyes.
Wrong. In the universe I play in people like options.
Good for the people you play with, more options doesnt mean better though. Especially when it steps on the toes of other people.
Ive already said multiple times that helms, toys and glyphs would be the perfect area to do this and not to ruin lore for the lore people. So who is really being stubborn here?
Bruh… out of everything you could say. You are the one to call others ‘stubborn’. Dense. Dense as pig excrement.
This is such an easy solution. Make it a freaking glyph. then youre not locked to eye color based off of spec. and if you dont want your eyes to be anything but blue. you dont have to. and if you want to have red, or green you can.
its really simple. you have and npc in acherus sell it saying they discovered a way to bring forth your powers in a more visual way or something . and BOOM color option. then you dont have people arguing over pointless “lore” reasons as to why players cant have something minor and inconsequential while also keeping lore.
If we’re talking about being lore-accurate then there are, at the very least, High Elf Death Knights with red eyes. As for other other races, there would have to be a retcon or update to the lore, which I would be fine with as long as it is reasonable. Green eyes, though? That’s a different story. You do what you will with those.
Where are all these high elves with red eyes that are DK’s?
So based on lore there isnt all these high elf, void elf, blood elf or night elf DK’s with red eyes or else people would have a stronger argument for it.
Yes, they are being stubborn based on the name they see beside the suggestion. Prove me wrong.
It’s been done on many many an occasion, a few times in this thread even. It never matters to you though so i’ll pass.
No those people were wrong, its funny how biased people can be against a name.
Darkfallen doesnt mean red eyes.
https ://wowpedia,Knights%20of%20the%20Ebon%20Blade.&text=%5BReturn%20to%20Lordaeron%5D%20achievement.
Read the first line, Darkfallen are undead elves, including the dark rangers of the forsaken (red eyes), the Vampiric San’layn who dont have red eyes even the BPC have yellow and the Queen has black) and the Death Knights of the Ebon Blade (blue eyes).
Also if Lady Alistra was a Death Knight why isnt she listed under the scourge Death Knights? Changing her wiki to say Death Knight when it has said Death Knight Trainer to try to win an argument just goes to show how absolutely low people are and how hard they will grasp at straws.
The term “we” doesnt have to mean death knight and can mean “we” as in unholy users. She was talking to death knight disciples which arent death knights yet. They are in training hence why they were around a Death Knight Trainer.
Im surprised that no one tried to point at the Dk followers from Legion which lists her as a DK, but also lists Liches as Death Knights, an Abomination as a Death Knight… it lists everyone as a Death Knight.
So… prove me wrong. Come on big boy if you are going to go around calling people pig poop you should be able to back things up.
One thing for sure, you take home the gold for the mental gymnastics event the absolute shapes you get in!
I’m not going out of my way to do anything for someone who is just acting like the damn fun police. Mind you I remember your predictions pre-SL, aged like a fine milk so they did. So carry on, keep telling us why we can’t have different eyes. We’ll see if you end up on the wrong side, again.
Bye. I certainly wont miss you.
What predictions pre-SL? That people could complain about 2h if not done properly? Oh look they did. That KM procs for 2h would be less than DW… oh look at that, they were fewer. That as long as there are mechanical differences 2h is going to be behind… wow what hard stuff to get right.
Where are all these red eye elf dk’s at? Even if we all agree that Lady Alistra is a DK which I dont see it what so ever, why doesnt she have blue eyes like 99.999999999999% of all other 3rd and 4th generation Death Knights? What did she go through that no one else did? She hasnt done anything worth a damn… ever. No battles to speak of, nothing.
Koltira Deathweaver is a Darkfallen Death Knight… why isnt his eyes red?
https ://wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Koltira_Deathweaver
See under Race… it says Darkfallen, no red eyes though.
Blood Queen Lana’thel? San’layn… oh whats that under race… Darkfallen but no red eyes.
https ://wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Blood-Queen_Lana%27thel
So what mental gymnastics am I doing exactly? “We” when talking to the unholy disciples can just mean “we unholy users” since she is the unholy trainer. What mental gymnastics is there with that exactly?
People are going where they want the evidence to go and trying to find the evidence to support it instead of the more logical way of allowing the evidence to lead you to the right outcome.
So, prove me wrong.