Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

There’s a big difference between the players being forced to speculate and say “well this must be why” (Which is what you’re doing) and having the team come out and say “This is why this his happening”

You’re speculating that it could be the Fel wearing off, and it could be, but without the team coming out and saying “yes this is why” then you’re speculating. You’re correct that a potential reason why we got this option could be from that cause, but without the team to say it explicitly.

You keep arguing in circles that is was said, but seem to not grasp that a lot of potential reasons were said from official sources, and any one of them could be the reason why we got them.

It’s what you are doing. I’m going by an actual dev interview.

The only official one I’ve seen is of it wearing off.

Except official sources have referred to the customization specifically as a “High elf customization” which would be a weird thing to call it if it had nothing to actually do with High elves. The reason for Blue eyes could just as easily be the reintegration of High elves back into Silvermoon than it could be just the “fel fading”

Telling people what it is like it’s a matter of fact is pretty foolish. You are correct in one thing, it is a possibility, but there are many of them, and until blizzard steps up and picks one canonically then it’s mere conjecture.

It could work similarly to the Golden eyes where those who tap into arcane magic are having their blue eyes return. We’ve seen this happen with elves that have consumed a lot of arcane power, or have succumbed to being wretched. They could be a new generation of blood elves that have not inherited the Fel Taint, or again the most likely outcome, it is because of the return of High elves.

These are only a couple possibilities that we’ve heard of or seen in game that could just as easily explain their inclusion.

Which is again because Blood Elves and Void Elves are … dun, dun, dun… HIGH ELVES!

Wow, so shocking. Which is why we are getting back our eyes. Because that coincides with fel wearing off.

It’s literally going by what they said. You are hoping for more. So that’s why you keep arguing with me.

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Let’s not split hairs, when Ion or a player refer to a “High elf” they’re not referring to the fact that “technically” blood elves are High elves. Otherwise why call it a High elf customization if just really a blood elf one. And by that logic if they’re the same then it makes NO difference if they return, or if that is the official reason why.

Again, many things have been said that could be the cause, picking one and telling everyone that is the reason is merely conjecture.

They absolutely are, which is why they gave us the eyes before your fantasy story of some random NPCs coming back to live could happen. Which wouldn’t make sense anyway. Because we don’t need them to be High Elves, we don’t need them to have the customization.

The only thing that has been said is we get back our previous eyes due to the fel wearing off. Anything else is obsessing with High Elves and hanging on to fanon.

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They gave us blue eyed Blood elves since TBC, are gonna suggest that the Fel magic had already begun fading at that point to? Astromancer Darnarian is a blue eyed blood elf at the Sunwell raid.

That’s some impressive gymnastics. Why haven’t all the newer customizations been called “High elf customizations” then? if the fact that they’re technically “High elves” is the only reason that it was called that?

It’s funny that you are trying so hard to remove the “High elf” element from the blue eyes, despite it being explicitly stated that it is a High elf customization that you would turn around and go “Well blood elves ARE HIGH elves durrr” knowing full well that the use of “High elf” was not being used in that context.

You know very well that those random ones were because they were not exposed to fel.
Don’t try to confuse the topic.

They called them High Elf customizations. You only can’t have the racial name. Which is what YOU want. But it has nothing to do with why I a Blood Elf still have the options.

I am not trying to remove it at all. I just said that Blood Elves and Void Elves are still High Elves.

It’s the exact context. We are high elves, we got the customization, without any deserters coming back to Silvermoon.

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Who’s making up fanon now? In fact the game officially stated that no Blood elf was spared the Fel taint, to the most pious of Priests to the those most loyal to the light, everyone was changed. There’s no canonical source saying that any pockets of Blood elves retained their blue eyes.

Astromancer Darnarian is rationally a High elf who joined the Blood elves among the scryers in shattrath, which is why he is wearing the scryer garb.

What? I don’t care about the racial name, Danuser already came out and said that doesn’t mean anything, that these customizations were to help allow players to play as a subrace that wasn’t previously available. That if you are, lets say a bronzebeard dwarf but you choose Wildhammer tattoos and wish for your character to be a Wildhammer, then they are one.

Seems weird that the very purpose of these customizations were said to be implemented for this very reason, yet you’re convinced that it’s just the fel fading because that’s what you want.

It isnt, or else every customization should be referred to as High elf customizations

It absolutely does not state that. There were Belves that were never near the city.

I say that because that is what Blizzard said.

The blue and purple eyes are, because they were the eyes we had before fel. Sorry that you have such a difficult time accepting it.

Maybe you’ll get your NPCs coming back and be able to call yourself a High Elf. Eventually in the future. I don’t think they are needed for that.

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Yes it does, in the Q&A people asked how did the Fel taint become so widespread and this is what they replied with

How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan.

The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green.

So yes, they did. Astromancer Darnarian was not only around constant fel energies in outland, but he was quite literally in Quel’thalas which was still covered in Fel crystals radiating fel magic. Saying he was a blood elf not exposed to Fel magic is not supported anywhere.

Especially if we take into consideration that in TBC blue eyes were used exclusively to distinguish blood elves and high elves from each other.

They also said it was a “High elf” customization so that players could play it as a subrace, just like players who are “Darkspear” trolls can now be sand zul’furrak trolls, or dwarves can be wildhammer. That is the purpose of these customization options, it was literally a whole round of subrace options for players which suggested that some have joined the horde.

Lol, your own quote states only Belves near the city or Outland.

We already went through that.

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Astromancer Darnarian was both in Outland and in Quel’thalas… lmao

Yes, we did. But it seems lost on you.

Blizz isn’t great at consistencies.

It’s not lost on me, Helfer. I just accept what Blizz says. You try to force fanon on me.

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What? He was the only blue eyed blood elf in TBC, how is that not consistent? He was clearly not a Blood elf originally given the lore and the lengths they went to tell us that ALL blood elves were effected. The fact that every single blood elf in game had green eyes. You used the fact that we had blue eyed npcs to support your argument and then the moment it doesn’t support your argument anymore you try to handwave it as “oh theyre bad at consistency”

the transparency is real.

Except Blizzard literally called it High elf customization, you’re literally putting your fingers in your ears because it doesn’t suit your agenda.

I said there were blue eyed NPCs not exposed. I didn’t even mention Darnarian. There are a few Blood Elves with blue eyes. Just random NPCs.

Yes it is quite

All Alliance looking Helves. Very interesting.

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In TBC? Where?

You must be really new to this whole debate if you just read my accounts and think I’m a helfer. I’m pretty sure anyone here can recognize me as pretty anti-alliance helf.

Blue and gold is the original High elf colors, not alliance.

No you aren’t as well know as you think.

It’s been discussed here before.

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I am though, I was literally the one that put a stop to the whole “blue eyes on blood elves was a bug” argument from the alliance camp when I reached out to Danuser to confirm whether or not Lanesh Steelweaver’s eyes were canonically blue or just a bug. I’ve been around for quite some time hun.

Why do I care about someone speculating?