A LOT of blue-eyed Blood elf NPCs out there

I tend to subconsciously take note of NPCs in areas as well as stories, quest info, random dialogue, etc. Naturally as I enjoy the BE story, I keep an eye out on their actions in each expansion.

I noticed there have been a LOT of blood elf NPCs with blue eyes or gold eyes, and very few with green. Heck even all the blood elves in the Kirin Tor camp have that pretty cerulean blue glow. (Edit: Yes they are Bloodelves, they have the default bloodelf voices and lines and glories to the sin’dorei yada yada)

Don’t get me wrong, I love customisations, choices and unique attributes, but it was also surprising and made me think.

Is this some sort of reference to how much the cleansing away of any fel influence has reached after 5 years time?


No, the blue-eyed “Blood Elves” are High Elves of the Silver Covenant.


Yes, I think so.


Those are High Elves not Blood Elves.


I’m out.


A lot of High Elves were living in Dalaran at the time that the scourge invaded Quel’thalas and (The legion destroyed) Dalaran back in WC3.

Many of these High Elves were likely amongst the refugees who escapes the devastation, and many others were living inside the bubble we saw in vanilla WoW in Hillsbrad Foothills (I believe it was).

The green eyes are a result of fel exposure, primarily from the burning crystals that you see around in Quel’thalas, therefor, any High Elves who spent a period of time in QUel’thalas after their implementation (after Rommath returned) would eventually get green eyes.

However, the High Elves who lived in Dalaran would not be exposed to this fel, and thus their eyes never changed. That is why you are likely to see those blue eyed elves amongst the Kirin’tor.

Blood Elf NPCs will primarily show up with green and golden eyes.

But logic dictates, that blue eyes should swiftly show up amongst Blood Elves too, since all Blood Elves are exposed to arcane and light energies from the Sunwell - as was stated in the Lor’themar story: In the shadow of the sun. A rapid cleansing of their bodies should, logically, be happening as a result.

Following the events of Mists of Pandaria though, when Jaina purged the city of Dalaran of Sunreavers (primarily Blood Elves) you should expect them to be ‘High Elves’ primarily, and not Blood Elves.

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I mean….they clearly talk about “Glory to the Sin’dorei” and other Bloodelf quotes so….


If that is the case, they are Blood Elves and my logic stands, and blizzard appearantly agrees

That said… High Elves and Blood Elves share the same race-code, so I would not be surprised that blizzard just ended up being lazy.


You mean there have been plenty of blue eyes elves among the Requilary?

The Kirin Tor do have a vague mix of high elves, blood elves, and void elves. The Requilary are horde and are sometimes seen with blue eyes-- or purple eyes as I see while sitting here in Camp Nowhere.


So see mention above that they are clearly blood elves (which are high elves anyway but you get what I mean)

Also the Kirin Tor this expansion have been showing a lot more of their inclusivity than I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen Kirin Tor members of every race I can think of, even Vulpera.

Well yeah, they’re the same thing. Void Elves too.

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just out of spite of a certain void elf hunter i almost dont want to consider void elves anything just because of him lol

It’s as if there was a reason to why Alliance wont shut up about High Elves.

Well, Void Elves are a mistake.

Then again, I also think the High Elves is a mistake to have reintroduced in the way that they were.

They’re High Elves of the SC if they use night elf voicelines


if it were me i’d just give them the blood elves that didnt change their title, so yes those “high elves” and not this abomination. this was quite literally the opposite of what players asked for lol.

Not necessarily. Most NPCs have stock greeting/goodbye voice lines. You can sometimes hear it when they have a distinct voice actor for dialogue, but those generic lines when you click on them.

Because hiring new voice actors on retainer is not an expense that Blizzard is willing or pay for.


It’s literally this. It’s really not any deeper than this.

So the Reliquary joined up with the Explorer’s League this expansion to form the Dragonscale Expedition and honestly by how jolly they seem with each other and working together…I wouldn’t be surprised if they became a permanent neutral party.

There have been quite a few blue-eyed and gold-eyed blood elves there as well (yes they say bloodelf lines).

We even had the great quest chain with Lathos Sunbane (blue-eyed blood elf hero) within the Expedition camp and working alongside a Human (mage?) that ends up sacrificing himself to save the human :cry:

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I would not have given them either.

The High Elves I would have introduced would be much more like the withered, or even wretched, seeing as they did not take the additional steps to battle their magical addiction.

Already addressed somewhat

But still, it is flawless logic that Blood Elves would quickly get blue eyes again, all things considered.

So it is either or.

My hope is that blizzard’s storyteam soon realizes why consistency in the story is so important, and why always retconning is bad.