Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I know it happened and was said. It was for sure a thing. It might not be what you want, but it was what they stated about it.

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Well, without any citation I remain unconvinced. Hopefully you might stumble upon it or someone else might know which post you’re referring to.

Here’s someone else discussing it, so it’s not a fever dream.

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yes, they’re referring to that being a possible outcome in the future, they’re not saying that is the reason we’re getting those options right now. It has not been explicitly stated in the same capacity that the golden eyes were, leaving it up to our speculation.

Yes, it could easily be rationalized that the Fel will eventually fade and return back to their natural blue eye shade once again, but I think it’s far more likely that a customization given to us for the sake of giving players access to High elf subrace options would involve High elves to some capacity and not just be swept under the rug as this ambiguous thing.

I don’t know how you manage to separate these things or try to do that. It’s even explained in the Q&A linked. Sure they should also explain that in game, but they went the lazy route.

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Because that explanation was given years before the Blue eyes were even released, and at that point they had no real plan to release them any time soon anyway. It’s already been officially stated that they are High elf customizations, nothing has referred to the Fel fading as a reason in any official capacity since it’s release.

Given that it was made as a way to allow players to have access to “High elf” customizations, I think it’s natural to think that if we wanted some rational as to why we have access to it as Blood elves it would likely involve “High elves” but thats just me

They explained why the golden eyes were given after the release, and gave the players a clear and concise explanation as to why it was an option, who was it canonical on, and who you could expect to see it on. I would appreciate some level of clarity like how they handled the golden eye interview.

And just in time because they said it’d take years to wear off. It took 13 years. Fits right in with what they said.

They are high elf customizations. They are high elves. Their eyes turned green to fel, and turned back when it wore off. I’m sorry that it doesn’t fit your narrative.

You asked for proof, I provided it. You still don’t want to accept it. Seems like a personal problem. But I’m done with the gaslighting. I need to go do something productive other than entertain fanon.

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When the phrase “High elf customization” it’s generally referring to the sole physical distinction between Blood elves and High elves. I am not saying that blood elves aren’t technically High elves themselves.

It’s not about it being my narrative, no one has come forth and explained why we suddenly got that customization as an accessible feature. I’m not saying your wrong, or that your idea isn’t a possibility, but that they went much further reaches to rationalize and explain how the golden eyes worked to the players when they released them while they’ve remained completely silent on the blue eyes.

It’s not hard to come up with any number of ways to rationalize why it might be possible, I’m not arguing your logic so I don’t know why you’re saying it doesn’t fit my narrative. You seem needlessly combative.

I’m saying that without an official source coming forth in the same capacity they did when they were asked about the golden eyes customization in that interview, then we can only really speculate as to which one of those possibilities is the primary reason for their sudden inclusion.

Runic is definitely more believable than a actual tatoo like what is shown in the post.

And wow, I just actually checked and you’re right. Still…that is very light and I’m not even surprised I’ve never noticed that.

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i know you want blizz to come out and i’ve very newbie at lore but i believe this is what this is:

  • original sunwell is powered by arcane. gives off silver/blue magic.
  • sunwell breaks. belves go green on fel magic lol.
  • sunwell is restored. remember, it’s still giving off arcane magic and is now also powered with light magic thanks to muru.

it takes some time for belves eyes to change their colors back and it’s been like 15 some odd years so yeah, it’s not gonna be uncommon since like the end of tbc for belves to be walking around with blue eyes. in reality it took way longer than it should to get them lol.

so honestly, you dont need blizz to tell you how it really works…but i mean they can change up anything at anytime but that last bit sounds pretty logical.

edit: i also want to mention the color of the sunwell stuff has been told in the books so it may have not been said here.

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There was no lore reason. It was just a compromise. Alliance players asked for High Elves, got Void Elves instead. Kept on complaining for years until Blizzard relented and gave them Blood elf skin tones and blue eyes so people could RP as a High Elf. They gave Blood Elves blue eyes for the same reason.

Doesn’t get anymore official than a CDev Q&A. The fact that they said directly what is happening and you going, it’s not that, is why I’m combative. Because you make this big deal about me needing a citation and then when I produce it, you deny what’s in it.

So that’s why I’m done with that conversation.

Does it matter why blue eyes got added?

Maybe time has past and the fel has faded.
Maybe youre a returning high elf.
Maybe you got lost in the woods during wc3 and never got green eyes in the first place.

Its your character, tell your story however makes you happy.

There is more than one valid reason to use blue eyes. Official confirmation is not needed for any of them.


This is true. Especially since our characters don’t really exist in lore. Just some random hero/adventurer/champion/etc. lol.


Rommath has other tattoos.

And that with the Farstrider stuff makes it all believable. Especially in a game of war. Everyone should have tattoos and scars.


We’ve had Lanesh a blue eyed blood elf since MOP so i assume they in some numbers do find themselves returning home and joining the blood elves.

Does it make a huge difference since blood elves are high elves? Idk but id still like the name tag if they do sub races. And a bit of story like you mentioned maybe seeing a few in Silvermoon etc

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It’s not a requirement by any means, but if the topic comes up it’s a valid ask as well.

Like i think it’d be a bit much if anyone was freaking out over it, but if it’s just a “hey if they ever do sub races or racial tags this would be nice and here are the reasons why” sort of thing what’s wrong w that?

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I was just commenting on the debate about if there was or was not official word on what the addition of blue eyes meant.

I dont think there was talk in there of a subrace nametag system but if there was i totally missed it.

No thats how the convo started more or less originally was the name tag sub race discussion which was just a friendly convo about story we’d like to see, the more recent stuff came after that.

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I feel like some story should be added that confirms high elves returning to Silvermoon beyond Lanesh’s implications.

And if they added a racial tag type feature id appreciate that too.

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