I like all of that except for dual coloured hair. Nty. I also wouldn’t mind a few different shades of brown and maybe even blue(i don’t know if Blood Elves can get blue hair anymore, but if so, I’d like that).
I like the gothy hairstyles, Lor’themar’s hairstyles, tall ponytails and the flowing hair ideas. I don’t really agree with them getting untamed hair and Alleria’s aesthetic. Male blood elves getting fancy beards like Lor’themar would also be pretty awesome, I think. Since they’re clearly loyal and loving of the Horde, I’d probably start giving them some horde inspired hair options, maybe? They could start borrowing some styles from the other Horde races, like how Dwarves and Humans do.
I personally don’t think they should be getting blue, teal, lilac, no glow or purple. I honestly think if Half Elves are around, Silvermoon would have rejected them. As of now, we’ve only seen Half Elves on the Alliance. The rest of those options are something I’d love to see though.
This would be great.
I wouldn’t mind a few more youthful faces though. A lot of the faces look pretty old.
I like these options. And I think it’s confirmed that they’re getting darker skin colours, so at least one of them is on the way.
I personally don’t think they should be getting blue, green or purple tattoos. I’d give them red, white, orange, gold and black.
I wouldn’t mind giving Blood Elves those Nightborne earrings that cover their whole ears. Giving the men some jewelry would be good too. I don’t think any race should be getting chokers though, lol.
Blue eyes + super light skin tones/grey skin tone + super white/light hair color + blue arcane esq tattoos or markings + actual facial hair customization options.
I do believe they’ll give pale skin tones to void elves or add further customization to them. You see Void Elves and High Elves traveling together in pairs within Stormwind, seems to imply something. You don’t see any blue eyed elves anywhere in Silvermoon or among the sin’dorei NPC’s anywhere really. So I think that’s the route they’ll go, after all, void elves already have blue eyes for an option.
Um, sorry to disagree here, but eye colour does not determind a race. Plus, the major difference between the Blood Elven eyes and the High Elven eyes is the glow. High Elves have more “human-alike” eyes where Blood Elves eyes actually glow.
Blizzard have changed their tune on a lot of things in the past. There was even a time they said they wouldn’t update the worgen and goblin models cause they still looked good enough too. Wouldn’t put it past them to do this in the future.
Considering their track record of doing things that don’t make sense such as removing tier sets, saying the Legion exists across all timelines, making an AU expansion and straight up changing canon due to player request (Me’dan) I’d say it’s not too fetched.
Ion even acknowledges that High Elves and Blood Elves are different, they just look very similar. Here is his quote.
“So, Blood Elves kind of are High Elves with different eye colors and backstory in terms of their relationship to magic in the Sunwell. But if you want to be a fair-skinned, light, blonde-haired, tall, majestic, elf…that is a Blood Elf.”
So considering that he does see they are in fact not the same but just very similar aesthetically, anything is definitely possible. What I do know is I never see blue eyed elves a part of any Horde questlines or scenarios. Yet I see them walking around all over Stormwind and in our Mage Tower. Odd.
There is a few NPC’s on Horde thougb where there is Blood Elves with Blue Eyes. But the thing I noticed with those blue eyes is that they almost look like the old DK’s eyes, and not “really blue” as what we see with the Silver Covenant or Highvale Elves.
Yeah I’m speaking in more general terms. Why does Blizzard purposely add Blue Eyed Elves to our newer zones and content for Alliance, but not Horde? Blue eyed elves in the new Mage Tower. Blue eyed elves walking around with Void Elves in Stormwind. Blue Eyed elves hanging on our ships in Warfronts. Blue Eyed Elves a part of Jaina’s spellblades.
Yet Horde elven NPC’s in later areas purposely are still made green eyed or yellow eyed. Just saying, it’s really odd Blizzard does this if they truly saw them as the same. And for those who believe the possibility doesn’t make sense for the future. Errrrr, Blizzard has done a lot of things that many could argue wouldn’t make sense with lore, least from what I’ve seen.
Because they’re not Blood Elves. Those are High Elves. The ones who did not rename themselves to Blood Elves. The ones that people have been requesting to play for a very long time.
“That said, obviously I understand that if you love Alliance, you’re an Alliance player, and you just want to be a fair-skinned, light-haired, you know, blue eyed elf… sorry? the horde is there waiting for you.” To which he then mentions possibly giving blue eyes to players in the future.
There are blue eyed blood elves during the isle of thunder, and the purge of dalaran though. The Sunreaver Frosthand mages are blue eyed blood elves that you fight during the purge of Dalaran. The Sunreaver Assassin blood elves can have either blue, or green eyes, and the Sunreaver Captains can also have blue eyes and can be found in both Dalaran and the isle of thunder.
Lanesh the Steelweaver is another blue eyed blood elf among the Sunreavers who was even acknowledged by lead narrative Danuser.
Since the eye update this is no longer the case. Any blood elf with blue eyes should look pretty much the same. For example, the Sunreaver Frosthand blood elf looks like this.