The most reasonable solution would be to give void elves some pale skin colors. Alleria can already walk around like a high elf, it doesn’t make much sense that the rest of them can’t. But Blizzard is the king of not making any sense now.
That’s a more reasonable request.
It’s the diehards who demand nothing less than WarCraft II era High Elves that are going to be disappointed.
It would be cool if they had made them an allied race, like the nightborne, and just altered some of the animations slightly so they’re still the same, but different. I’d maybe play one then. I’m not a huge fan of the blood elf animations or skeleton though.
But I have a feeling they’ll be spiteful about it and give them to the horde or whatever. Might as well screw the alliance players over one more time.
Blue eye option for Blood Elves wouldn’t ‘alienate a lot of fans’. What a silly thing to think.
Alliance helfer fans got their Blood/High elf option with Void Elves.
Eye color doesn’t make a race.
Is actually not that logical. There’s nothing in lore that says they would return to have blue eyes and gameplay-wise blue eyes are used to easily show a character is a high elf and not a belf. Giving blue eyes to belves would mean they’d have to bother doing other stuff to determine a character is a high elf down the line.
It might happen but seems pretty pointless for them to do.
Uh, yeah, it would. You must not know the high elf fans very well.
It does actually, in this case. But I’m not getting into a high elf argument, I’ve said my piece.
Please, let’s not derail this thread arguing about High Elves. I didn’t put blue as an option to spite anyone. I just think it should be an option.
At this point every race should have option at all hair/eye colors and 2-3x the hair styles. I wish there was a slider for height/fatness too.
It’s completely logical and makes sense according to lore. This is just one post among so many others explaining it.
Only the fanatics would care and their numbers aren’t significant.
Glad you’re not going to drag alliance npcs into this.
Yes I know it’s the same argument as always, but still there’s nothing that indicates that they could/would go back to their original eyes instead of just moving on to the golden since the well was purified by a naaru.
I will be Sylvanas’s MOST loyal!!!
I want Undead BE Dark Ranger Esque lewks! A champion of the Banshee Queen!
just stop. please. youre embarrassing yourself
You’ll excuse me if I think the only thing embarrassing is trying to dull someones excitement considering undead BE skin tones ala Dark Ranger esque are very real wants/ ideas that have been floated around for a while.
As someone who wants playable alliance high elves, I have no issues with blue eyes for blood elves. It won’t change my stance on wanting high elves.
I am a fan of more options for everyone.
i dont care about them being excited about dark rangers, this dude is a total sylvanas fanboy if you look at other threads.
Dont even try to convince me that’s not embarrassing
Honestly I want allied races to get a little more customization mostly the high mountain, void elves nightbourne and lightforged.
Way to be a party pooper, Avarie.
Konen, Lann is fine.
yes, but still makes me want to puke.