Blood Elf Customization in Shadowlands

Funny. If only it could escape the humorless void that is my life.

So they keep the lines blurred between both factions purposely. In certain instances from MoP, there were blue eyed elves helping Horde. Yet it’s still odd Blizzard don’t add any blue eyed elves guarding or helping Lor’themar in 8.2. Why add them for Alliance in Mage Tower, guarding Jaina and helping in Warfronts for BFA? And even with that quote, both of them combined only makes it more diluted, Ion still hasn’t since straight up just said “Only Horde will get this option in Shadowlands”. Why keep it diluted and secret? Why keep the forums spammed with the topic where others have been shutdown? Either or, the threads of thousands of responses of back and forth between Horde and Alliance with these requests and no Blizzard interjection leaves us still with no official answers and anything being possible.

Ultimately I suspect to avoid drama they’ll not add blue eyes to any of them at all (albeit void elves already have blue eyes lol), at the end of the day. And if they do add it, they’ll likely just give void elves tattoos and pale skin options (why the blue eyed elves are seen spending lots of time with Void Elves in Stormwind) and belves blue eyes among their other options to please both sides yet make people tell the difference between Horde and Alliance. Not sure why they even care about the confusion; seeing as nobody is confused with Pandaren and they’re exactly the same on both sides.

Blizzard seem to do odd things from time to time. Before it was datamined, Night Warrior was never fathomed and even now it’s still odd they gave all night elves the option when there is only one night warrior. Was this cause belves god gold eyes? Idk. I guess we won’t know anything official on how they’ll deal with the issue till Shadowlands releases.


what drama? maybe 10 people hopping on alts on the forums each making a cry thread? you think they are afraid of that? a case can be made for blood elves(high elves) to manifest blue eyes and other colors. you dont have a case beyond i dont think they should get a customization option that makes sense because it hurts my chances of getting a carbon copy of a horde race. not that it was ever going to happen. blood elves are the high elves and void elves are a thing now too

there are no golden eyes NPC blood elves beyond liadrin and only priests/paladins have the potential to manifest golden eyes lore wise per stever danuser once they have been cleansed. potential is also there for magister types who are heavy arcane user types and would simply be reflective of the cleansing effect of the sunwell

after 8+ years in game time of being bombarded by the sunwells arcane/holy magic and being a race who has a known quirk of reflecting the type of magic in their ambient environment or have a strong affinity with, this is long overdue and a small customization option

blood elf mages should be able to manifest blue eyes as a result of working with the arcane at this point. everyone knows it and it was always going to fade away

theres 2 on a ship and 4 for the whole expansion, perfectly in line with how alliance high elves have been presented in lore and in game(an extremely rare thing). the eye color is insignificant. if it mattered my DK would have red eyes and not blue because im literally a blue eyed blood elf(high elf). eye color for high elves is a marker for magic affinity not a political opinion

and isnt it obvious by now? why you got void elves and not a blue eyed blood elf on the alliance? because they are going to update the blood elves in shadowlands with where they can and should be now


Random assumptions about people’s alts aside, If this were the case why didn’t they just do it when they added the golden eyes for Blood Elves? Doesn’t really make any sense at all to not add them when they’ve shown they have the full capability to do so just for lore and flavor purposes prior to Shadowlands. They purposely didn’t add them and have been holding off on saying anything truly official about their answer for some reason. And carbon copy? Nightborne are literally Night Elves with a slightly different posture and tattoos. I wouldn’t put it past them to be worried about placing carbon copy of races on the opposite faction at this point.

Again, you bring up a lot of lore which I’m not dismissing. But Ion himself talked about the High Elves as if there were too little of them to justify being an Allied Race. He talks about them and acknowledges them as something separate from Blood Elves. Yet they added Void Elves as a race, which were nothing more than a handful of elves who were exiled? Doesn’t really make sense. It also wouldn’t really make sense to suddenly say, “Oh yeah Horde’s eyes randomly turned blue again, and all those High Elves who were exiled just sprouted into infinity and suddenly appeared on Horde cause nobody can truly tell the difference between ones who were exiled and weren’t”. Really is a convoluted situation where once again Blizzard is purposely keeping both factions in the dark about this.

And you say “Alliance” High Elves as if it isn’t even rarer to see on Horde. Regardless, if it were as you say, they should be appearing more frequently in Horde areas than Alliance areas. They should be seen walking around in cities like they’ve been added to Alliance cities where they weren’t before (they are walking around Stormwind). They should be a more prominent presence for Horde, not Alliance. Literally no excuse for this unless Blizzard themselves are either trolling or just doing something behind the scenes for either faction.

You say that’s the obvious reason they added Void Elves but there’s nothing official. They could’ve just added the blue eyes with the yellow eyes update and they didn’t. Until I hear anything official or see it drop on the PTR, gonna still keep my guesses. It’s just odd they keep holding off on saying anything or doing anything when they’ve shown the capability and willingness to do these things (giving belves their golden eyes).

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Blood Elves need blue eyes and its about time they get them.


It’s amusing that anyone really believes Blizz is concerned about a few fanatics.

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Sigh. Provoking an argument wasn’t my intent.

Beards, real ones like Lor’themar has. Hate these small barely-there patches of hair we get now.


Thank you, goblin Sir. :slight_smile:


:hugs: :kissing_cat:

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if you need a lore reason for why only golden eyes right now, it should be obvious. priests/paladins are closer to the light and use holy magics heavily thus speeding up dissipation of their very minor green glint. but the sunwell is also arcane as much as it is holy and the potential is there for magister types who are closer to the arcane once they have been cleansed by the sunwell. its how they got blue eyes in the first place. and lets be real theyre not giving the horde elves 2 new options while the alliance elves only got 1

it makes much more sense to add it when every other races gets to choose from the at least 5 eye colors established in game so far especially with this shadowlands update and ion saying flatly we want more options with eye color. i also have no respect for your opinion because its not one based in lore

no he didnt he said theres ‘slight’ differences. slight meaning so minor they arent even worth discussing. like the difference in magic with the sunwell obviously being refusal to drain mana from vermin to sate addiction. even the green glint began the process of fading with the restoration of the sunwell and priests/paladins being cleansed first and proving it can change. he also said eye color cannot be used for differentiation and high elves are playable as blood elves and that maybe they will add contacts(a joke in jest because of the absurdness of the request). fast forward to today they have separated eye color from faces and gave you void elves

void elves get around the population argument because they are distinct. simple as that and you can attack that strawman all you want. idc. you were never getting a blue eyed blood elf because they were always going to give that option back to blood elves at some point. and it doesnt make sense as high elves are more intrinsic to the horde. alliance high elves are still a part of the blood elves as a race and the race is playable. do horde need a kirin tor or fogsail freebooter human AR? i mean if kael never changed an adjective we probably wouldnt even be talking about this

You have no respect for my opinion cause it’s not based in lore? But you said Ren’dorei get a pass cause they’re distinct, even though in lore they’re just a handful of exiles? What have I said that tries to defy the lore or what’s been said before? And where is Blizzard saying the reason they’ve not added the blue eyes is because of these lore or game reasons you’ve stated? Is there a questline that goes into this in game?

Also in terms of not adding it cause Alliance wouldn’t get anything. They added the bee mount for Alliance only. Pretty sure the belf golden eyes came first and the night warrior eyes came later on. So they’ve shown they’re not afraid to give something extra to a faction when it fits story purposes for the time being, which according to your lore and case has been overdue for awhile. Not just recently. Definitely could’ve just been added instead of letting the forums be filled with threads of thousands of replies of back and forth, and being forced to deal with Q&A questions.

Hm… I didn’t know “not worth discussing” was added to the definition of minor. Jokes aside, point is he sees there were differences. He did not speak of them as if they were the same. If he did, why would he say there aren’t enough of them to justify being an Allied Race. Wait aren’t enough of what? Blood Elves? I didn’t know the Blood Elves were so minuscule it didn’t justify them being a race. Wait if he wasn’t talking about Blood Elves, then who? The Silver Covenant? Then why didn’t he just say that instead of High Elves? He even gives mention to their differences in history and relation to the Sunwell. His whole conversation makes no sense if he’s saying they’re both the same. He realizes there are differences between them, he himself just doesn’t personally believe there’s a “lot” of difference.

Also I’m sorry, but that’s a bit unfair, circling back to the population argument. Ion said High Elves are too few to be justified as an Allied Race, that was one of his reasonings. Then Void Elves who’re a handful of exiles are made into a race. This can’t be blatantly ignored because it’s perfect reasoning as to how Ion can say something very obviously contradictory and arguably wrong. Shows he says things that don’t make sense at times; he’s not right just cause he says it. He’s admitted wrong many times before.

Also, when did Blizzard say Alliance are “never” getting a blue eyed belf? When did they say that Horde was always going to get that option? Everything as of right now is up in the air. Void Elves have blue eyes and are very closely related to Blood Elves. Nobody would’ve guessed that prior to Legion, so why would it be so shocking to see a few additional options such as tattoos and skin tones later down the line? Blizzard do a lot of things people wouldn’t expect. Like the golden eyes prior to announcement, or even the Night Warrior eyes. Or just blatantly handing the Alliance canon victories for the war for a random question at Blizzcon cause, “Oh uh yeah, those are important areas for the Alliance so guess they won both battles.”

You saying it doesn’t make sense (ironically) doesn’t really make sense in itself, considering the case of the void elves. Just cause a race looks cool, doesn’t really translate to a handful of exiles somehow justifying being an entire race. For one who brings up lore being very important, I feel you can see the logic behind why I feel it’s not very fair to ignore that. And Kael changing the name from High Elf to Blood Elf is pretty important. Sin’dorei is pretty distinct and prideful thing to go by for Blood Elves, not Quel’dorei.


void elves fit perfectly as an AR. not worthy enough of being a core race but distinct enough to warrant a playable option. thats what ARs are supposed to be, cheap and easy to implement. no harm is done to blood elves by copying theme and culture keeping them unique and now you have to consider the impact they have on void elves. no doubt fanfictioning they would be better, more noble and pure

its just not happening. the option to play a traditional fantasy high elf is on the horde. each faction now has a thalassian elf option and a kaldorei elf option. elf fans are catered for. you just have to play the faction they belong to in a faction based game

That said, obviously I understand you would love Alliance elves…you’re an Alliance player, and want to be a fair-skinned, light-haired, blue-eyed elf. Sorry? :man_shrugging: The Horde is there and waiting for you. Eye color is not quite the same but maybe contact lenses in the future, you never know? Anything is possible in the future, but no plans in the near-term to add High Elves as an Allied Race.

you can cling to the platitude, but the reasons for not giving you a carbon copy of a horde race arent going away. and he does speak of them as the same thing its why he tells you the horde is waiting and ‘give the alliance something like a blood elf’ ‘a light skinned and majestic elf? THAT IS A BLOOD ELF’ ‘theres only a couple’

But Kul’tiran pretty much contradicts this. Kul’tirans were built with a unique rig, and could totally be their own race due to that. They were not cheap and easy to implement, as Blizzard have even mentioned they’re the reason Zandalari were postponed. Also no harm would be done to Blood Elves, same as no harm was done to Night Elves with Horde getting a carbon copy known as Nightborne. Night elves who stand at a slightly different posture with silver tattoos.

You saying it’s not happening doesn’t really cement the issue as Blizzard never actually said it specifically. They made quips and jokes, Ion gave his opinion but never stated anything actually official announcement wise.

That quote at the end of the day also says anything is possible in the future, again leading me back to my original comment based on speculation and possibility. We have proven that lore is contradictory to what’s included in gameplay (Ren’dorei being a race despite lore population). And that AR are not always cheap and easy to make, (Kul’tirans getting a unique rig, and having more time spent on them to implement.) Blizzard also care very much about vocal issues, such as Teldrassil players getting no closure (extra cutscene added for them reclaiming Darkshore). And the closing of the war. (Alliance winning both Warfronts and pretty much ending the war). Even much smaller issues such as mounts. (bee mount quest).

But eh, we’ll just have to agree to disagree until something more official is released like a PTR. Until then, it’ll just be endless back and forth with neither faction actually in game having none of these options naturally.


do you have to get the last word or something? they said NO PLANS to add ‘high’ elves as an AR because they are already playable and a another flavor of high elf is also now playable

they create new rigs and models every expansion. ARs allow them to implement them at any time without waiting for a new expansion with a capital and story narrative. kul’tirans are also on the same faction and do not infringe on another factions identity

nightborne are as different from night elves as void elves and high elves. completely different themes and aesthetics. show me a night elf with blue skin and upturned ears


the very first thing i want is blue-eyes, not because i gonna use it but because it will finally shut up all of those high elves threads out there…
besides that, black color hair would be awesome

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It wouldn’t so what is your point?


my point is, people still insist that high elves and blood elves arent the same thing, if blood elves got blue-eyes then its official belfs are high elves all along and people cant ask more of them anymore

Sure they can and they would.