Blood elf customisations

Yes, I feel that in a MMORPG more customizations is always a good thing for everyone. And have pushed for that, and for heritage armor to be completed for years. And not only that but for everyone to get heritage weapons.

There are six races that have less than male Blood Elves. They could probably get them all knocked out in some .x patch. Not to mention most of those are allied races that came in long after Belves.

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Our hair looks like cardboard compared to other races. Yes please.

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Are you trollingā€¦?

First off, that chart mentioned earlier (which is out dated as many of the lower on the list races like nightborn and void elves have had some love since then), but, acording to that.

Female nightelves have 2,664,990,720,000 possible cosmetic combinations, the ONLY race higher than them is male orcs.

Bloodelf men have 27,518,400. To put that into perspective. The only base race lower than bloodelf men on that chart is Undead women (17,054,400) but they have had more options added since then Iā€™m fairly sure.

Infact most of the allied races who are lower on that chart have had some love like nightborn, void elves (who now have more than bloodelves) highmountain and lightforged.

If someone did an updated chart, Iā€™m fairly sure bloodelf men would be in the bottom 5, and BY FAR the lowest of the base races. The fact most allied races got more love than us is absoloutly shocking.

If you read my subsequent posts I have admitted night elves have quite a bit; and Iā€™m not discrediting that blood elves need more, I in fact agree. I am simply saying other races need love ALONGSIDE blood elves. But call me a troll for making a point.

I hope they give you better faces in the future.

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If you were saying other races need love too, Iā€™d agree with you, but no your words wereā€¦ and I quote.

And the only races who have less options are all alied races, so no pretty sure that the base race which happens to be one of the more played races should infact be higher priority than allied races. yes, there are other races who need love too, but you outright said bloodelves are low priority.

Again, I said in my subsequent posts afterward that I was wrong. Admitting fault is a normal, human thing. Also, to point out, there are some races Blizzard probably DOES consider higher priority, not necessarily players.

Like I said, I believe they could knock out the lower rung with a patch. They usually do several at a time.


I think if they do an update it should be as follows;
Blood elves, Dark Irons, and Kulā€™Tirans/Zanda. Those 4 are probably the lowest customization in the game right now from what I noticed when doing character creation.

Worgen without their human forms and female Gnomes are way down there too. Which is a shame because I can think of many cute customizations for female Gnomes.

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Ok thatā€™s fair, I was mostly just replying to the inital post, and chat moved fast.

Thatā€™s kind of cheating since human form is a big part of the worgenā€™s character. The fact they have two models worth of customisation shouldnā€™t be ignored. But yeah the wolf form could use more options, preferably options to look more monsterous and intimidating.

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Tauren have significantly more options than bloodelves I think you need to go check character creation because you are MASSIVLY misinformed about how many options bloodelves have, specifically male bloodelves, they literally only have 7 catagorys to slide through. (skin colour, hair colour, face style, hair style, facial hair, eyes and ears.) Tauren get 3 PAGES of catagories totaling to 17 different things you can change. (Also gnome males get 8 options, you have more customisation than male bloodelves)

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I just wish our hair moved. If they canā€™t do that, then let us have more hairstyles, like what the LF spacegoats have.

Yea, thatā€™s all new toys but they still only have 5 facial options (1/2 as many as Blood Elves do. I mean if what you want is flowers and braids i guess go for it. Still plenty of races with fewer options than BEā€™s.

Iā€™ve just made this: A Timeframe for Next Customization Wave

Feel free to add your wishes on it so hopefully Blizzard gets it on its radar again if they havenā€™t already!

You guys have the second most customization

the allianse is there waitin for u

While that is true, personally I feel like core races should get love before allied races. Belves look excruciatingly boring and it doesnā€™t do their lore justice. Draenei arguably look at least as boring. Night elf male faces still look old and grumpy. Honestly male humans could also use some new faces. AND last but certainly not least female undead desperately needs some more stuff.

Magā€™har orcs have very few options, even less so than normal orcs. What are you on about?

Even the Zandalari Trolls could use more.

Last I checked, Blood elves had more options than those two combined.

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There is no cheating in this. They can do multiple customization passes at a time. And yes the wolf form needs more work. Especially when Dracthyr have the options they have for both of their forms.