Blood elf customisations

Allied races do have the least for most of them, it’s because they haven’t done the complete customization pass on them yet. Because they were working on core races first. They’ve touched on them here and there, but most of it is due later.

Y’all are still chaffed by that, lol.

We really are lacking. We don’t have anything. So the fact OP is crying about Blood Elf customization he should really try playing an allied race.

Forgive me if my maths is off it’s been a while, but, using the formula of multiplying each option…
Bloodelf men: skin (15)x face (10)x hairstlye(21)x haircolour(16)x facial hair (13)x ears (3) x eyes(17) = 33,415,200 total possible bloodelf male customisation combinations.

Mag’har men: Skin (10)x face(9) xhair (8)x haircolour(8) x beard(6)x sideburn(5)x eye colour (8)x earings (6)x piercings (4)x tusks (4)x hunched(2) = 265,420,800

Zandalari men: Skin (6)x face (6)x hair (12)x haircolour (16) x tusks (7)x eye colour (7)x piercings (6)x ear guage (3)x tattoo(4) = 24,385,536

Maghar = 265,420,800
Bloodelf = 33,415,200
Zandalari = 24,385,536

Is definitly wrong. You need to re-check.

Zandalari men do actually have less options than bloodelves (Not by much though and also just recently got new haircolours) Mag’har men are leaps and bounds ahead.

And again this is comparing a base race, to the allied races which is shocking and shouldn’t even be a comparison nevermind a comparison that the base race is coming out worse off in considering allied races wern’t even meant to be included in the race cosmetic update that added all the new options.

Bloodelf men get no jewlery options or tattoos or sacrs or anything like that, they only get the very basics like skin, face, hair, beard.

The numbers do change if you add in women, and bloodelf women are not quite as badly in need as bloodelf men, but they are still shocking low options for a base race.

I dont get how the most popular race in the game of all time isnt getting the most development and new customization, blizzard’s way of thinking backwards never ceases to surprise me.

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All races should get an equal amount of options.

What I don’t understand is, that wow players always have to fight about stuff like who deserves to get stuff and who doesen’t.

Blood elf players are allowed to ask for more options, aswell as every other race should ask for more.
The amount of customization options in this game reminds you of something that would come out in 2010 or so.

Zandalari women:
Sin (6)x face (6) x hair (10) x haircolour (16)x tusks (7)x eye colour (7) x earings (2)x Ear Gauge (3)x piercings (4)x necklace (2) x tattoo (4) = 54,190,080

Compared to bloodelf male 33,415,200.

You’re allied race character who wasn’t even included in the big cosmetics update has more options than my base race character.

THAT is what I’m talking about.


At the end of the day we are both selfish and want what will make ourselves happy, but at least what I want will positively affect the most people. I think they should focus mostly on the popular races like Blood Elf and that will make the most amount of people happy and you want a balanced approach so the less popular races like Goblin will receive more attention which will make less people overall happy and instead have a bigger effect on a minority of the playerbase for the people who play those weird races.

Unless they get infused with a big blast of void energy like the vold elfs did. Alleria went through a more controlled process to become void.

The void elves be like this:


Oh, you were serious? Allow me to amend my response.


Probably yes.
It’s sad but I think first Void Elves are going to get tauren mane and horn style customizations first.

And probably also Worgen Tails as well, before the worgens of course.

Coming from a night elf woman who has a total of 2,664,990,720,000 possbile customisation combinations. When me as a bloodelf man has 33,415,200 (less than most allied races)

2,664,990,720,000 vs 33,415,200

Why are you laughing again?

Skin, hair, eyes and and 3 choices for ear length. that’s it, that’s all we can customise.

And this is after the big cosmetic update to all base races. we have suposedly had our turn, yet we got almost nothing and still have less than most allied races.