A Timeframe for Next Customization Wave

So, with all of Blizzard’s efforts invested in the Drakthyr customization-wise for the launch of DF, the rest of our races that haven’t had proper passes yet are kind of left behind. Just like we got a timeframe for the monk class/race combos, human and orc heritage armor etc, we’d love to get a timeframe for the next Customization wave!

The issues with our current existing races:

Void Elves had some additions but they were all copied from Blood elves so nothing new and unique was added to them. They still remain with 10 hairstyles. Void elf fans would really love to see more hairstyles, and void-themed customization like voidy hair effects, tattoos, Old God Eyes, jewellery etc. We feel a little behind compared to our fellow Legion ARs who got new and unique customization in 9.1.5.

Blood elves should get some updates same time as Void elves. Blood elf fans have been very vocal about some specific features they’d like to see since the launch of SL (I never forgot about Brigante and his wishes on the EU forum before he passed) such as tattoos, scars, runic tattoos, pink hair, untoggling the tiara from the hairstyle etc.

Pandaren fans have also been vocal about being able to get more jewellery, more beards, sandals, pink fur etc.

Miscellaneous customization also being asked for is long beards for Humans (Gandalf style!), long beards for trolls, eyebrows for orcs, pink hair for all races etc.

Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments for what you’d like to see for any of your fav races customization-wise :smiley:


I’d honestly prefer they take another pass over class animations and spell effects before they do racial customization.

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I would like both tbh, and I think the class skins thing should probably be secondary to this as the character customization requests kind of predates it but I’d certainly like both!


I doubt they’re going to do another “wave” so to speak. They’ll probably just add bits here and there as they go, like how humans and orcs are getting new hair colors in 10.0.7.

Ooo gonna have to heavily disagree with you there, chief. Class skins are one of the most important things they could add to the game right now, aesthetically speaking, especially as they move forward with their “all races get all classes” plan.


We got the new character customization in Shadowlands, whereas the last time class animations were looked at were mainly in Legion (with a few stragglers getting touched up in BfA). I think the animations should come first.

Ooh we shouldn’t have to pick one over the other in an ideal world :smiley: I wish Blizzard would understand how much fun people would have with class skins and more character customization added in-game. It’d be like a breath of fresh air making it feel like we’re playing a new class

We have to wait several years for customizations, have never ever seen class skins other than warlock green fire, while gameplay changes occur every single week

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Class skins seems like a huge feature that I can see happening in next expansion. Customization for races is something more likely ATM. I like how they started adding minor stuff, but my fingers are crossed for a proper wave of customizations like LF Draenei & Nightborne batch. For the rest of Allied Races of course.

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Tbh i mainly want belf/velf having access to each other hairstyles

Like velfs having belf hairstyle options and belfs having velf hair styles

Also want them to have both beard optioms as well


New hair styles are the number 1 thing for me. I have too many repeats on my many velf and belf characters :laughing:


My belf main would really appreciate an updated long wavy hairstyle.
I would even be happy to just let belf and void elves share hair styles, but adding new ones would be very welcome.


Oh also now that im thinking about it

I also want the green forest troll skin for trolls like they show cased when they did the last big customization wave

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i had just escaped the vessel when reading trhis message. if the huskhide mongrels attempt to furnish the interior than they might be here to stay. what is even the point. meaningless elves, burned their own tree down lmao. cut them out of the story at this point. wont matter when the xbox portal comes out anyways. too many buttons too little hillbilities

That’s what I want more than anything! Also maybe they could update the long wavy hairstyle that Blood elves have. Either way I’d love some new hairstyles for Void elves and maybe some to be borrowed from Kul’tirans and Drakthyr, they have lots of hairstyles that would fit.

Plus pink hair for all races when?? :heart:

Yeah I imagine that must be easy to add, they should totally add that when they add troll beards and more zandalari customization as well


I mean it should be since itd already made just never made available

I’d like to see them prioritize the allied races that are lagging behind the other races in customization options.

DID, HMT, Mag’har, KT, etc…

Can you post a link of the forest troll skin? it’d be nice to have for reference

Ya DID, KTs and Mag’har could really use some more stuff, and it should be easy to port staff over as well from their core races like hairstyles, tattoos etc

HMT actually got a pretty good customization wave in 9.1.5

It’s still beyond be how WoW won’t let you dye armor like in every other mmo in activity.


Troll green skin

It was from the datamining from before SL though i sworn they had it for one of the example images from the blizzcon from then but i guess i mis remember. Still the skin exists and idk why it wasnt used