Blood elf customisations

LOL, BE’s have some of the WIDEST customizations available. Look at others like Mecha Gnomes and some of the other AR’s that have tiny TINY amounts of customization. Just comparing BE’s to VE’s means nothing since both have some of the widest customizations available.

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And they were done wrong by their heritage armor. Blizz does amazing with some customizations and just drop the ball on others.

No we do not. I don’t know where people get this idea. But it’s Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Nelves and Humans that are high up on that list.

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Backing this up after looking in the char creator, belves are lacking compared to other core races. Gnomes are ALSO lacking, but for different reasons.

Can we just agree that all races in the game have way too few options? I mean, come on, it’s 2023 and this is supposed to be a mmorpg. :sweat_smile:

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Because you’re a Velf, NOT a Helf. The High Elves are on the Horde, and call themselves Blood Elves in honor of their fallen brethren, or so says the race selection screen.

And so are BE’s. Always have been. Also Tauren have a tiny amount of options too.

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No we do not. Someone created a list of the number of customizations and especially male Belves are severely lacking.

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Some elf players… jeez :roll_eyes:

By all technicality void elves should have high elf customization, and we do to an extent. Alleria is able to harness the void and control it while still keeping her original form, it made sense. Blood elves have high elf customization as well, and arguably it looks way better without the silly emo hair or goofy tentacles.

`The Blood Elves that experiemented with the voide have gotten void features, like tentacles. I have a velf myself, but iy looks like a velf. Homoginization isn’t really good.

Checks out since this is starting to become yet another elf player vs elf player beef and is only reminding me how idiotic the overall race divide in this game is.

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Yes, they have. There are some who want to play void elves to look like void-touched elves. Homongenization also makes sense lore-wise for the quel’dorei, sin’dorei, and ren’dorei. There’s been so little time for evolution that they should look similar, not necessarily the same, but VERY similar.

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I mean if your lacking because you only have 10k combinations…you are probably ALWAYS going to be lacking.

The fact is many MANY other races need more customizations before BE’s get touched.

Uh no, it’s that male Belves are severely lacking compared to other races.

And many other races can also and do need customizations. Us asking for more for our race doesn’t mean we don’t want it for other races and they don’t need it. There are only a few races that need touched before Male Belves given that list.

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Ah, of course. You preppies want more and more.

I want more Druid classes unlocked to Dwarves [Wild Dwarves ftw] and Pandarens.

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Your race has some of the most customizations in the game.

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Everyone could always use more, if that’s what you want to ask for then that’s good. Asking for more when some races have tiny amounts just to go to the head is probably not going to work much.

Give us void elf hairstyles!!!

Doesn’t matter, we’re still ugly.

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