After playing the horde stories in this expansion, I have determined that the horde is just as evil as they always were, but there is no more metzen to try to tiptoe around that with claims of “nobility” to go along with their “savagery.” The horde is now savage in general, and it is played completely straight. Yet people are still treating them as if they are honorable just because they falsely call themselves honorable. They never were honorable, just like the ussr was never a classless society, but the rhetoric does not have to mirror reality.
evil characters must now claim they are evil and have red arrows above their head, because apparently just looking at the actions of the characters to determine what they really are is too hard.
sylvannas & the forsaken are concentration camp holding mass murderers. The mag’har recruitment scenario has them shown to be racist, brainwashed, slave-holding ethnic cleansers who get along with sylvannas because they have that in common with her. The nighborne are ambitious, mass murdering addicts who swore an oath to kill the alliance because the alliance pointed out what they were and that they needed to change their ways. The nazmir questline involves you making a deal with the wow devil because the horde high command thinks that will get them power.
People get angry and call this bad writing. They claim that the actions of the horde do not match their rhetoric, as if mass murdering psychopaths are also very truthful people and would never tell a lie. The imperial Japanese soldiers were informed the americans were the aggressors in ww2, and when they found out that was a lie the command structure actually committed suicide in shame. They were lied to as tyrants lie to their soldiers to get them to do evil things, but this playerbase would call that bad writing because it isn’t spoonfed to you that “this is bad m’kay.”
What evil does well though is project, and that is portrayed here and it adds nuance to the story. Weak, effete andiun is portrayed as a warmonger by sylvannas by projection. The draenei in the mag har scenario are peaceniks who care only about global warming (not kidding) and racial harmony, yet the actually brainwashed and actually tyrannical mag har accuse the dranei of everything the orcs are actively doing. More projection. But -again- because it is played straight, people do not question it. So anduin is a warmonger and the draenei are brainwashed tyrants, despite paying attention in game proves the horde races are just bsing 24/7.
you could have a questline of orcs murdering and entire village, and the quest would be called “we are the good guys,” and people would call it bad writing to imply that those who murder an entire village could also be disingenuous about what they are.
So the ultimate irony is, that by injecting nuance into the game’s story to make the writing better, they ended up making the playerbase claim the writng is terrible because it is a little too subtle for them now.