I wonder if anyone upvoting this nonsense post you made actually played the scenario. I did.
the war is out of self-defense, but the option was given to convert otherwise. either way neutralizes the orc thread and one is peaceful. orcs, being slavers and mas murderers, HATE peaceful.
I did play the scenario and gave my thoughts the moment I completed it. I read all quest text and even spoke to all npcs:

As per usual, the writing in this expac makes the horde truly evil. Now, they always have been, but at least metzen isn’t there to force a tiptoe around it anymore. The mag’har are a strange mix of industrialized and savage in that they are just as bad to the environment as they are to any non-orcs. They turned their lands into a junkyard where you can also get enslaved and your skin turned into a loincloth. From reading the npc and quest text, they seem like if garrosh was carbon copied doz…
here is a continuation
After playing the horde stories in this expansion, I have determined that the horde is just as evil as they always were, but there is no more metzen to try to tiptoe around that with claims of “nobility” to go along with their “savagery.” The horde is now savage in general, and it is played completely straight. Yet people are still treating them as if they are honorable just because they falsely call themselves honorable. They never were honorable, just like the ussr was never a classless soc…