The Mag'har are evil and Yrel isn't

Why did you reply to me twice to repeat the same bullsh!t? Are you desperate for an argument? Because I have a video that is perfect for you

We are only listening to one side of the story and that was Grom (formerly villain and also canon was even more responsible to sell soul to demons) and left over Maghars.

If they were so bad, then why did some maghars and ogres joined the bandwagon of light ?

Its because the Maghars that joined Horde were too barbaric and still war hungering and had some bad voodoo shamanistic and fel tinkering.

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The Draenei were quite literally foreign invaders on their planet in every respect and in every reality.

Expecting a war-like culture to not go to war with actual aliens that arrived on their planet and began consuming their resources is like expecting a lion to not maul you to death the second your back is turned.


Teldrasill wasn’t genocide. It was a strategic move to take out a powerful stronghold that went a bit too far. Genocide is going out and tracking down every nelf in the world just to kill them all. I don’t support what happened with the tree but genocide is really a unfit word for what happened.


Illidian is one of the most unfortunate and mistreated characters in all of WoW. He has never done something that wasn’t for the protection of his world and his people. He always protected his people, even the ones who betrayed him. He made sacrifices that others wouldn’t make because it was taboo and accepted the consequences of it.

I applaud his actions and killing of a high ranking Naaru. The Naaru saw him as a weapon that could be forcefully turned to the light and got just what they deserved, and no one reprimanded him for it, because they too knew the Naaru were wrong. Now he is the jailer of a titan.

Take your light and get lost, it is not the righteous force you think you’re defending. The Mag’har are not innately evil. The Mag’har orcs she is killing are not the same green orcs we have on our Azeroth. They’re uncorrupted from the blood of Mannoroth. Yrel is fighting the same crusade that Sargeras was fighting, but instead of using fel energy, she’s using the light.

You are blinded by the light.


I wonder if anyone upvoting this nonsense post you made actually played the scenario. I did.

the war is out of self-defense, but the option was given to convert otherwise. either way neutralizes the orc thread and one is peaceful. orcs, being slavers and mas murderers, HATE peaceful.

I did play the scenario and gave my thoughts the moment I completed it. I read all quest text and even spoke to all npcs:

here is a continuation

Nah man, this guy easily:


Was Kael’thas locked away for 10,000 years for saving his people against the invasion of the legion? Nah, nah he wasn’t.


Illidan was immortal, that 10000 years was definitely not perceived as being 10000 years in length, he can suck it up.

Kael’thas watched his entire race be driven to the brink of extinction, forced to fight in a war that saw their numbers further reduced, was imprisoned for doing what was best for his people, and manipulated by demonic entities to twist his desire to do whatever it took to provide for his people into malevolent form for the sake of a bad plot and a new raid.

At least Ilidan got a redemption arc due to his immortal demon soul.

Kael’thas quite literally had fel crystals growing out of his body and somehow he didn’t count. There’s not a character in this lore that has been done a greater disservice than Kael.

I haven’t done the mag’har allied quest chain, basically have no interest in unlocking mag’har orcs. they aren’t even the mag’har orcs of -our- timeline anyways.

Are these the same Alternate Dreanor Orcs that joined the Iron horde?

Perception or no, 10,000 years is 10,000 years. And he didn’t get out for good behavior, he only got released because his brother wanted to use him to save their people from the Legion again. He otherwise would have remained imprisoned forever.

Kael’thas betrayed his own people and imprisoned a Naaru. He did this after escaping Azeroth to Outlands, where no one was after him. He was on the run from an errant group of humans, not the entirety of the alliance. No one told him to use demonic powers, he chose to do that. Its no ones fault that he couldn’t control the power he chose to devour other than his own.

Illidan got a redemption arc way after the fact, and there’s nothing that says Kael’thas doesn’t get his redemption in SL. But Kael’thas’ downfall is his own doing.

Why are so many Worgen players such Horde sympathizers? The horde gassed the Worgen and then tried to light the rest of them on fire.

Stop typing as if you know anything about Yrel or the light. All I know is the Mag’har who came to azeroth supported a warchief that craved genocide and death and served her in combat without a second thought. All the good Mag’har knew the light was the correct path and only the lowest quality are trying to escape.

Lets also take a look at the other allied races of the horde… Hmm… High mountain tauren? They joined the horde because other Tauren were already a part of it. They are so racially focused that they will happily help with genocide and slaughter even if it’s against the Alliance who helped them just as much as the horde.

Nightbourne? Seriously? After all the alliance did for them they turn their backs on them and gleefully join in on attempted genocide.

The horde are full of low quality races with absolutely no honor or reason to fight other than it benefits them.

edit - Reading through your other posts I can already tell you love Sylvanas and cannot wait for her redemption arc. Why the hell are you playing a Worgen?

And neither was Illidan. Illidan was locked away because he created a second well of eternity.

And this right here shows that you do not know the lore. Malfurion did not want Illidan free, he told Tyrande they should move on and forget about Illidan. It was Tyrande who freed Illidan, even saying “Only the godness can forbid me” to Malfurion.

Tyrande Whisperwind: “Illidan? It’s been ten thousand years! Could he still be alive? We should free him, Furion! He would be the perfect ally against the undead and their demon masters!”
Furion Stormrage: “No, Tyrande! That beast must never be set free!”
Tyrande Whisperwind: “But he is your brother!”
Furion Stormrage: “Be that as it may, he is far too… dangerous. I forbid it.”
Tyrande Whisperwind: “Only the goddess may forbid me anything. I will free Illidan whether you like it or not.”

Like did you even play WC3?

Can you guys seriously argue that Illidan didn’t deserve to be lightforged? It would heal all of his wounds and mental trauma. Also if further down the line if the light did become an enemy a light forged Illidan would be a crazy enemy to fight.

Lol, I only recently switched to alliance from Forsaken to push my main progress faster.

Power to the Forsaken!

Also in regard to Yrel and the Mag’har. Its been a long span of time since we’ve seen them. Something like 30 years. The orcs were being pushed back by her because they refused to accept the light. She was killing anyone who chose not to side with her. These Mag’har orcs, might have been influenced by machines and weapons from Azeroth, but they are still tribal creatures who are being forced to share their home world with someone else. They are not evil, they are being forced to accept the light and abandon their own ways. You wanna know whose good? Velen, he’s good. And he would absolutely tell Yrel she’s in the wrong.

We have to fight them back to try and stop them and then abandon the majority of the Mag’har to save a few who can escape while the rest sacrifice themselves against Yrel’s tyrannical army. They supported the Horde because they were saved in the final moments before they were overtaken, not Sylvanas.

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Illidan’s wounds and mental trauma? What are you talking about? You’re absolutely brain washed about the light. This notion of the light is pure and good is toxic. Its just a cosmic force, that can be used for good or evil. We’ve seen this many times before.

Illidan was fully aware of what the Naaru was trying to do to him and he out right refused it and then gave the Naaru what it deserved. He is not a broken person, he is one of the strongest characters.

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Yawn. You just keep guessing. You keep saying things as if they are fact when you have no idea. Our experience with the light is almost universally good. It’s super effective against evil creatures such as the undead and demons. It heals people and the legendary users of the light are all upstanding people who fight for good and help those in need.

All you have to go off of is stupid Mag’har orcs and what they have to say. HEY. Did you know that most people will try to make themselves look like the good guys? For all you know the Mag’har did some heinous s***. Maybe the Lightbound had just finished dealing with another invasion of demons that was caused by letting the orcs continue to be orcs?

We don’t now. But all the evidence says Yrel, and the light, are good.

I guess you never fought against the scarlet crusade. Or the scarlet onslaught for that matter? People who used the light to slaughter many innocent people in their pursuit against anything they saw as evil. They literally killed everything in their path in pursuit of their goal while wielding the power of the light. And the kicker is they were being led by a dreadlord!

As for what we “don’t know”. We absolutely know. More Naaru arrived on Draenor and pushed the Draenei into a fanatical belief that all beings should follow the light or perish. Before the arrival of the Naaru (who are considered beings of the light) they were living peacefully.

Its a religious crusade, stop acting blind. Go fan girl on an rp server about Yrel. She’s not a force of good anymore. The light is neither good nor evil, its a cosmic force. The draenei follow the Naaru as benevolent beings. Its a religious cult. She’s no better than Charles Manson.

Yrel was good at the end of WoD and now she’s evil. smh

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Crazies gotta crazy.