Blizzard's Inaction on Server Populations is Unacceptable

Oh yeah, that thingā€¦I donā€™t have high hopes for it

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Blizzard did take action. in Classicā€¦ and it did fix things. When they closed the paid server transfers and new character creations on high pop realms SO THEY COULD REMOVE LAYERS it stabilized the realms and the majority of Classic realms stayed healthy to the end, even with the ebb and flow of Classic raiding etc.

Iā€™m now convinced that if Blizzard embraced the layers back then like they do now we would have already had the dumpster fire back in Classic thatā€™s going on today. Most of this problem is on Blizzard.

Also i took a free transfer from Herod to Earthfury 3 weeks after Classics release (and I have never once and still do not regret that choice), as did many people I knewā€¦ and many people in general took free transfers to Earthfury which populated it anyway. So every time I hear somebody say ā€œnobody took the transfersā€ I have to correct themā€¦ because that statement is wrong.


Those old transfers actually caused imbalances because they were never shut off even after it was well past tipping the server

I unsubbed due to people leaving my server in droves. If I still had people to play with, I would still have a subscription.

So iā€™d say yes, in some cases, people would not quit, if there were enough people to still play with.


Well Blizz is dealing with a lawsuit claiming theyā€™re unethical. This sort of decision making does fit the profile donā€™t you think?


Iā€™m at the beyond disappointed stage now. My server - which is already tiny - is losing two guilds this week to server transfers.

Theyā€™re great people, too. So not only are we losing two raid guilds weā€™re losing quality community members that help make the server what it is.

It sucks.


It does suck about your server too. :frowning:

Iā€™m assuming youā€™re talking about Deviate Delight and I heard the best things about the server community there during the Classic days anyway. So watching another great community die is not good.

Earthfury alliance is now losing most of the hold-out guilds now. The majority donā€™t want to leave but itā€™s getting to that point where they are. Itā€™s also become pretty apparent horde side and the horde are getting very complacent in the world with the new almost PVE server status. All of this sucks for so many servers and I have nothing positive about any of it to say.


Yeah, DD is what Iā€™m talking about. The community was absolutely amazing. But yeah, people just canā€™t recruit. When someone quits thereā€™s just no one to recruit.

Iā€™m just stubborn and wonā€™t give blizzard the money for something they created. I heard EF was losing alliance, I donā€™t blame them. Being on a lopsided PVP server sucks. DD is ā€œally dominatedā€ I literally wonā€™t attack anyone because weā€™re so scuffed as it is. I just want to let the horde do their thing in peace.


Iā€™d love to see how the holdouts spend their day? 5 players?!

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There is almost never any evidence about anything in WoW because Blizzard never releases any information about their game. All we can do is make guesses based on anecdotal information, our understand of the game, and our understanding of human nature.


Why do you defend Blizzard so hard on this? Do you take pleasure in seeing people have problems or what?

Someone asked me if you were a known shill on the forums and I donā€™t think so but I can see why they asked.

Anyway, I already informed the OP that your type would be in the thread.


Iā€™m not defending Blizzard at all.


A known shill? Sounds like quite the world you live in.

LoL. Nice attempt at tribalism.

Anyway, we knew what we were signing up for. Transfers are available, and so is rolling on other servers.

If people play WoW just to feed their own resentment and anger, thatā€™s their prerogative. It is also the prerogative of my type; the type that solves their own problems, to point out that you can enjoy yourself and the game if you choose to.


Servers have always been an issue for Blizzard right back from the release of vanilla in retailā€¦

They have never made any effort to fix it once and for all. All we get are more realm connections and cross realm stuffā€¦ which no doubt they will bring to classic i can just see it happening.

For some reason on both EU and US (English) on Retail there have always been way more servers than needed we donā€™t need 100 serversā€¦ we dont need 100 in classic and 100 in retail.

I really really wish they would sort this out because it makes it so bad for me personally and i am loosing faith with it.


That has been the gameplay of PVP servers sinceā€¦ forever.

Thereā€™s a reason that we got realm connections and eventually warmode in retail. This thing happens and it is largely unpreventable. People only want to play on a PVP server if their side is winning.


I donā€™t think youā€™re a shill based on other stuff Iā€™ve seen you post, but someone asked me if I think you are one because your posts in these threads make you look like it.

I solve my own problems too but the problems of others donā€™t make me happy because unlike some people I actually have empathy.

Your type meant this:

Both of these things are great if you want to do them, transferring to play with friends or rerolling the other faction on another server. When you are ā€œforcedā€ they are terrible and they destroy the game experience for people.


I play this game too. I suspect that most people who play it have dealt with server changes, transfers, rerolls.

If Blizzard does make some changes to how servers function, then cool. However ranting about things that we not only knew about coming into this, but we can solve for ourselves should be called out, imo.

If you disagree with that, then thatā€™s your prerogative. I do empathize to a degree with the OP. My Horde main from WoW Classic was on Kurinnaxx, which had a pretty great community and is pretty dead now. I rolled there at launch due to long queue times on Faerlina. I even rolled it on a second account so I could actually play while waiting in queue on what I was expecting to be my main, only to find out much later that there would be no account to account transfers.

I rolled my Alliance main in Fairbanks. If you think that I have the opinions I have based on never having experienced server balance diversity or population changes, weā€™ll think again.

However, we can solve our own problems in this case. If you are looking for an excuse to quit and use this as one though, then that also works.

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I have put effort into 4 servers at this point, so itā€™s not like I havenā€™t tried. Iā€™ve paid two xfers that I can recall. Eventually enough is enough.

Next youā€™ll say, rESearCH Better So yoU dONā€™T HAVe To MOve AgAiN.
Except I did. Every server I joined was balanced at the time. Months/years laterā€¦one faction is entirely gone. I am utterly bitter about putting so much time into a server just to watch it fall apart. Sure, the people did that. But Blizzard let them.

At this point, there arenā€™t even good choices left to move to for people like me seeking 50/50 pvp. So what solution do you see for this?


No, I wonā€™t. We canā€™t reliably predict the future of any given server. But we can solve the problems ourselves that we have with a server we are on by transferring, rerolling elsewhere or playing a different game. There may even be other choices, but some of them require considerably more effort, such as recruiting people to a low population faction or server.

Yes, if things change over months or years, and youā€™d like to continue playing the game but on a server with different population numbers, you can do that. If you donā€™t want to pay to transfer, or reroll, then it might just be that you are looking for an excuse to quit anyway.

There are a couple that are pretty close (Thunderfury, Ashkandi), but on the low end of the population spectrum. Iā€™m not sure what your best bet would be, but if I cared much about population balance, Iā€™d maybe go somewhere like Whitemane or Faerlina Alliance or Grobbulus Horde, create a guild, and get good at recruiting in an effort to bump those numbers up.

Is that what you want to do? Probably not. So, maybe either figure out whether you prefer being on the higher or lower end of the population side on a server, and play there, or stop focusing on raid log balance.

There has never been a faction balance ratio guarantee as far as I am aware.

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