Blizzard's Forum Rules / Support Responses

You are probably not going to get an answer for this. What one person does or doesn’t think is moot when your punishment was upheld and been served out.

And trust me. People have been banned for many differing things, and each one of them believed it to be the Most Petty Thing Ever. Life goes on.


Of course I won’t. He can’t, he’s an employee of Blizzard, so he can’t give me his honest opinion.

If “Dense” was such a silence/bannable offense than at least 2 other people in this forum post alone should be silenced.

This entire thing boils down to this:

I said a person was being “Dense”, that person and maybe 1 or 2 buddies of his flagged the post. A blizzard employee looked at it for half a second (because they have so many tickets, right?) and didn’t bother to see if it was TRULY a bad thing to say. So they just passed it off because they’re busy and don’t care.

I then get silenced…

Again if “Dense” is some horrible offense… then you need to silence a few other people in this thread alone!

It sounds to me like your question has been answered.


It’s not merely the word itself, it was the intent to talk down to and insult people who didn’t agree with you. That, in itself, is a huge difference.


I don’t admit anything of the kind, Virtus. You seem to be applying a motivation to the action as if the Moderator was out to get you. They weren’t, they simply looked at the report and made a judgement based on our policies.

If I were moderating and received the report I likely would have just deleted the post or edited the second part to remove the line since I absolutely do believe disparaging others is not at all a good way to have a discussion.

With that said, I may not have penalized it unless I felt there was a pattern of behavior happening, I tend to be more lenient. So, with that in mind I did take a look at that and you made several statements that were something I would also consider trolling.

Telling others to stop trolling tends to start to get there. Then you told someone to “Stop peddling stupid ideas… thanks.”

and “Damn, I know reading comprehension is tough…”

All of which I would consider trolling and absolutely would have penalized for.


So you created a thread on the CS forums about your Forum suspension… because you don’t care about forum suspensions?


If you wish to avoid future penalties - be nice to people. Accept that others are not always going to agree with you on things - and that does not make them trolls, less intelligent, or otherwise bad.

Insulting people or groups is never going to win you support. It usually just makes people not want to listen to you or have you around.


I actually never implied they were “out to get me” not even close. I’ve actually stated that they never bothered to even look or care.

I’m sure the mods just look at the issue for a second or two and make a quick judgement call. That’s not “out to get me”, that’s indifference.

You can label my posting trends all you want. That’s fine. You do you…

You take snippets of what I said, without the overall contexts. You didn’t bother to post what I was responding too.

When it’s obvious people don’t read a statement, is it some terrible thing to say they lack reading comprehension when they clearly do?

So now stating facts is somehow “Trolling”?

There are so many “Grey Areas” in forum rules. It’s all just based on Opinion.

I think people are just really thin skinned right now, and get offended at everything.

Thin-skinned? No. Tired of putting up with terrible attitudes like yours? Absolutely. You can absolutely choose to do better and make your point without belittling anyone, but you don’t. You instead choose to be coarse and disparaging, which is no longer welcome in these forums.

If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.


A rule of logical debate, Virtus - ad hominem is a fallacy for a reason.

Calling something ‘dense’, no matter how factual you feel it is (I use feel, because that is opinion and not fact) is an attack on a person or people.

When debating a point of view, avoid resorting to attacking someone’s intelligence. If they aren’t able to understand, there are multiple reasons, and none of them relevant to the discussion. Attacking someone’s mental acuity signals you cannot back up your points in a constructive manner.

Even if you are silently thinking “OMG this guy is dense”, don’t let it transfer to your fingers :slight_smile: Stay on target, avoid calling people names of any kind (because it damages your argument and you can’t win an internet war), and remember, connotation matters, not just denotation.


No, they are not offended. They just think you are rude and looking to pick a fight.

Oh, Vrak understands the context. Trolling is also define as picking fights and intentionally causing disruption. Which is exactly what you were doing.


This is a matter of opinion.

I could say you’re trying to pick a fight with me… does that make it so? Or is that an opinion?

I never defended my position by saying “free speech”. It’s blizzards forums, blizzard’s rules, etc. I understand that.

I’m saying their rules are based on opinion, feelings, etc. Not based on anything bad I said, unless someone doesn’t like it. Then it’s the worst thing in the world, BAN HAMMER!

Don’t say Dense people, watch out!

I never said you did. That text is part of the comic web page which is why it is inside the quote box with the image.

Ah yes, your feelings on the topic have been made very clear. Read the comic again very closely. Nobody’s feelings are hurt.

So you understand Blizzard’s rules, but also think you were suspended for player feelings? :thinking: Which is it?

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It doesn’t take more than a second or two to make that judgment call. Seeing someone call a group of people dense isn’t a brain teaser.

I didn’t take snippets out of context, Virtus. The snippets are what is relevant. The overall body of your post is only relevant to the point you were making as part of your argument, the “snippets” are where you deviated into insults which is what is considered trolling.

Edit: Also, I didn’t quote the post because you weren’t posting on that character so in order to preserve your privacy, I left that out.

Yes. That is part of what trolling is “insulting other posters”. You are insulting someone’s reading comprehension.

That’s the thing, Virtus, the opinions that matter, in this case, would be our Moderators. They have policies and guidelines that were created for them to apply that judgment.

Some may be offended by things that you or I may not, we all have different tolerances and definitions on what may or may not be appropriate. That doesn’t negate any obligation we all have in doing what we can do to mitigate those offenses. I think at a minimum you might refrain from insulting people simply because they don’t agree with you.


More like, don’t be toxic and argumentative, and don’t call people names if you’re trying to have an actual discussion. Everything Vrak pointed out earlier could have been left out of their context entirely and you could still have gotten your point across. You choose to insult people.

Try again.

Do better.

Edit: …stupid autocorrect.


Since you continue to demonstrate a willful refusal to learn from past mistakes, it should probably be mentioned that forum penalties double every time an account is penalized. There is no upper limit, and to my knowledge, it never resets.

The next time you’re silenced, it will be for two days, then four, then eight, and so on. By the time you reach your tenth silence, it’s roughly a year and a half.

Of course, by your own admission, you don’t care.


I would argue saying reading comprehension is tough, is trolling. It isn’t explanatory or contributing at all. It is included purely as an insult.


It was both… I’ve already explained how, but I assume you didn’t read it.

I read the comic, very cute. Yes, feelings were hurt, that’s why I got banned. They didn’t like what I said, flagged it. Blizzard looked at it for a half second was indifferent and so I was banned. Feelings WERE hurt. Obviously, or I wouldn’t have been banned, right?

You including a comic about free speech, which implies I mentioned free speech as a reason I shouldn’t have been banned.

If you didn’t think so, why include the comic? I didn’t say or imply any such thing to make you post that comic. Seems immaterial to the conversation?

I’d like to add: We aren’t saying you have to sugar coat what you have to say. Obviously, you’re not getting paid to deal with customers and would get fired if you weren’t nice. But we are saying that a disagreement doesn’t give license to insult the other party by questioning their reading comprehension.

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My problem is, what constitutes an insult. If I don’t think it’s insulting and wasn’t meaning to be… then how can that be an insult?

I’m stating what I believe to be facts. If someone isn’t understanding what I’m saying, am I not allowed to say so? Isn’t that the entire point of a discussion?

Perhaps I could be a little nicer, but after all I’m not all out insulting people. If people don’t read a post and reply in ignorance, I can’t say they lack reading comprehension when it’s obvious they do?

I’ll be a little nicer about it I guess… maybe I should give them a hug and tell them they’re special first… and then say they didn’t read the post? LOL

Instead of, “oh my god, are you dense?? That’s not what I said!” You can instead say, “That is not what I’m saying. I’m saying XXX.” and rephrase it in a different way.

Don’t question any aspect of a person. Don’t bring the person into it. Just address the argument.

Edited to add: Even if you feel you absolutely have to say they didn’t understand it, you can instead say something along the lines of, “Maybe I wasn’t clear” or “You may be misinterpreting what I’m saying.”

What we have here is a failure to communicate. - Cool Hand Luke (1967)