Blizzard's Forum Rules / Support Responses

You do not get to decide what is or isn’t offensive to another person. People were offended by what you said, a staff member agreed. You were punished, and now you know a little more as to how to couch what you’ve got to say to avoid this again in the future.


Cool, I’m offended by what you just said. I’ll go ahead and flag your post and get a couple of my buddies to do the same…

I’m offended…


Your intentions don’t really enter into it. If several people “misinterpreted” you, and Blizzard agrees with their interpretation, perhaps the onus is on you to be more clear in what you intended to convey.

You know quite well that “dense” is a commonly used synonym for dumb or stupid and you applied it to an entire class of people. Your intentions were pretty clear to most readers.


That’s your prerogative but the difference here is I didn’t malign you in any fashion.


Stating that intent though would be considered trolling, and a mod reviewing the posts would likely not view this favorably.


There is definitely a spectrum of behavior. I don’t think yours was egregious, and I think it’s even fair to say you were in a gray area. But gray areas will always exist. This is a warning to tone it down. It was a 24 hour forum ban not jail time - you’re gonna make it.


LoL, I was making a point. People can be offended by anything. It doesn’t make what I said offensive.

I highly doubt a blizzard mod looked at the flag for more than 2 seconds or gave it much thought. They banned me for something truly petty and then when I asked about it, they give lame 2 word responses, because Blizzard is never wrong!

I don’t disagree with you, but it still upsets me. I get silenced after posting for 17 years for such a petty reason, that in my opinion, was unjust.

Then when I ask for an explanation I don’t get a response until the punishment is over, and even then it was a cookie cutter response. (Trolling was the excuse)

Queue times can vary, depending on what kind of volume we are seeing. My point was that folks putting in multiple tickets because they didn’t like or agree with the answer they were provided generally contribute to the high response times.

Your original ticket was a little delayed because you didn’t submit a forum appeal, but an account/license appeal.

If you notice, your second ticket was answered within 2 hours, as you seem to have used the forum appeal option.

In either case, our staff is generally unable to discuss the penalty with you. They provided this answer:

Though you may see what may look like automated responses, I can assure you that these are indeed implemented and reviewed by humans.

Language does not need to contain profanity to be penalized. Please refrain from using insulting language as that is against our Code of Conduct:

Or, don’t say it at all? What purpose does it fulfill except to insult others?

Being offended isn’t the reason for the action, it is just the trigger for some folks to report the post. That something specifically may or may not offend you is not generally relevant.

Feel free to report any post that you feel may violate our Code of Conduct. It would be reviewed by our staff and if no violation is found, the report would be dismissed.

A word of warning, if our staff verifies that you are purposefully abusing the reporting system, that itself is a violation of our policies.


It serves the purpose of attempting to get them to understand they’re not looking at my point of view but rather their own. (like you’re doing right now)

I get why you’re trying to defend your company’s decision. I see you think you’re attempting to be fair, even though I don’t think you’re being objective.

I’d say you, yourself are slow to understand my point of view right now. Perhaps you should ban me?

Are you seriously sitting here trying to tell me I should be banned because I said someone was being “Dense”?

What a baby world we’re living in… There is nothing left to say, I got banned for the most petty reason in the world.

I get that, Virtus, I do. Understand though, the online world has become increasingly toxic over the years where it is no longer the merit of your argument that is challenged if someone disagrees but all other aspects of a person. Our staff is working to address that toxicity as best as they can and yes, it can seem inconsistent at times, but it isn’t for lack of trying.

The appeal process isn’t there for a dialog, our staff just isn’t able to do that. They look at the original action only and determine if appropriate actions were taken. In some cases those penalties are overturned, which does happen.


Now who’s being “dense”? You are attacking other people, including a Blizzard employee for trying to give you knowledge and claiming they are all wrong. You are even attacking them rather than having a discussion about it. Simple rule of thumb is, don’t attack those you are seeking help from. Don’t insult others as you would not like being insulted.


There it is, They SHOULD have just said that to me in the first ticket.

If they can’t discuss it, or what then say so. All they’d have to say is, we banned you for a petty reason, but we can’t talk or discuss it, because we don’t have the power to do anything anyway.

I’d never have bothered with another ticket after that!

Uh oh… be careful… I might get offended…

EDIT: I’m not “Attacking” anyone. I’m having a discussion.

To what end? This notion that someone else has to agree that you are right or they are wrong serves what purpose?

No, Virtus, I’m not slow to understand anything you’ve said. I understand it just fine, I just don’t agree with it.

You weren’t “Banned”, you were temporarily silenced. It is a warning to change the tone in which you post so that we can better maintain more friendly and productive discussions.


A word to the wise: Trolling the CS forum, the utmost heavily modded forum, is a fine way to get yourself forum action.


I don’t care…

Report any of my posts you want. I will take what ever consequences there are for my actions. Also, remember what Vrak posted earlier about abusing the reporting system is a violation in and of itself.


I was kidding, and no I didn’t flag your post… LOL

I was simply saying you used the exact same “insult I guess”, that I did to get banned…

and Banned, Silenced, whatever it’s all the same thing!

But you didn’t answer my question? Do you personally think I should have been silenced, banned, whatever you want to call it… for that?

You have to admit, it’s the most petty silence you can think of, no doubt!