Blizzard's Forum Rules / Support Responses

I’m really disappointed with the Forums moderation.

I got a one day silence for the first time in 17 years because I said a person was being “dense” and not understanding what I was saying.

This horrible word led to my account getting silenced for a day. (again for the first time in 17 years).

I ask for an explanation because my statement was tagged as “Trolling”. (I made the forum post btw, it was my thread).

I asked multiple times for an explanation in the ticket system but only ever received generic half sentence responses… then they’d immediately close the ticket.

Their response time to a ticket, was also TERRIBLE. Why does it take over 12 hours to respond to a single ticket?

Why is it I get insulted all the time on the forums, (people have used far worse language and I don’t see them get banned.) I say (and I quote). “Why are you PvE’ers so Dense?” and I get banned, yet people use way harsher language and nothing happens do them?

If the system is based on people flagging your post, then that’s also stupid because it’s their personal opinion. It doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. They could just not like you, or what you said and get you silenced.

Last I checked, “Dense” means slow to understand… there is nothing wrong with that in the context of my sentence. (I won’t get into that here, but understand the person I was talking too was SLOW TO UNDERSTAND my point of view.)

I’d love a real explanation as to why I got banned, but I’m sure it boils down to this. 2-3 people flagged my post as Trolling (in my own forum thread), and the automated system flagged my account and banned me. A human probably looked at it for half a second and didn’t bother to read it. Then when I make a ticket, they don’t care and give me a generic response.

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Well, I learned a long time ago, not to be so combative on the forums, calling people dense is doing just that. BTW, you wasn’t banned, if you was you wouldn’t be posting here at all, you got a 24 hour time out. As for other people, you won’t know if they was punished or not. Blizzard doesn’t discuss that with other players.

AGAIN… The system isn’t Automated. A form response is NOT an automated response.


Let’s be real here though… saying someone is being “dense”, when they were… wasn’t really all that combative?

I must have been “silenced” for the lamest reason in Blizzard forum history!

funny it took them longer to respond to my ticket than the 1 day silence lasted… Their support system is AMAZING!

It very much is. Like the old saying goes. “if you cannot say anything nice…”


Just to jump off from the above, the CS forum isn’t a place for rants and ravings. The blues here ain’t really being paid to handle this - forums actions or anything overturning them.

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I could see how they make that correlation. Perhaps a bit of a stretch but their call not mine. Point could have been made another way though without trolling. Also, does not matter it was your thread.

Oh, so times have improved. Grwat to know. Working from home due to a pandemic and all can certainly help elevate ticket times.

If you feel a post violates policy, flag it. Just know, you will never know the outcome of they do get a silence. That is between them and Blizzard.

Yup makes more sense and I revise my borderline statement. I can see why they actioned for trolling

It is not. Flags just bring it to the attention of a forum moderator. They in turn enforce Blizzards policies.

You broke the rules. That is why.

In the future, find more constructive ways to get your point across without insulting entire chunks of the player base.


Let’s see. Worldwide pandemic. People working from home. Other people with tickets before yours. At current, turnaround time is about 24 hours, though not always that long depending on the issue.


Is it? If I typed out “Why are you so slow to understand my point of view?” Instead of “dense”, should I still have been silenced? Both mean the exact same thing!?!?

How about not saying anything at all? The thing about winning an internet argument is not to play.


My forum post was about the Renown catchup system for the PvP aspect of the game.

A bunch of Pve’ers were responding saying it was fine. I wanted Blizzard to consider giving the RNG aspect of renown for wins an update. (it’s nearly non existent).

They suggested I do Raids, which I’m not interested in doing. I explained that, and then further posts later I asked why they were so dense? And asked why they couldn’t understand where I as coming from.

I don’t see how I can get changes to happen if I don’t make the forum post… If people are offended by the word “Dense” on these forums, than this is a pretty lame world we’re living in…

I’ll sum it up for you: If you’re insulting the people you want help from, or at least talking to folks about improving it, then there isn’t a reason to listen to the feedback.


You got baited and responded to them. You chose to respond to them, and got pinched. Rule number #1, NEVER get into an internet argument.

The whole matter is moot, as we are not allowed to speculate or discuss game or forums moderation.


I’m still fuzzy on the insult I supposedly did… dense means slow to understand… HOW IS THAT AN INSULT? Since when is that an insult?

Are you guys seriously saying “dense” is some horrible insult that warrants a forum ban?

Well, I mean, it does kinda come across as you implying that they lack the intelligence to understand your point of view. I suspect they understand it just fine, they simply disagree with it.

So yeah, you essentially called them too stupid to understand.


You called the pve base dense. That is why. Is it offensive? To me? No. Do I see why they did it? Absolutely.

An example.

Virtus, I understand you have your poimt of view and opinions on this. It is clear you do not understand that I do not enjoy raiding. That I am looking for a PvP solution to a PvP issue.

I respect your input but seeing we are at an impasse of opinions on the matter I am done responding to you on this subject. It is clear my opinions will not change your view or opinions and yours will not change mine.

Thank you for your input.

Something like that gets a point across without insulting or trolling anyone


The Moderation Team isn’t generally able to discuss/debate forum policy and the actions that are applied. The Appeals option is there so that the original action can be doublechecked for a possible error.

Not to put too fine a point on it, Virtus, but activities like yours are why response times can take a while. You appear to have submitted 3 tickets on this matter, requiring three reps to take your ticket, look into the original action and respond.

I can’t speak for what happens to others, Virtus. If the post is reported a moderator will be able to look into it and take what actions are deemed appropriate.

The last time I checked generalizing a group of people, or an individual, in the way you did doesn’t really lend itself to any kind of productive discussion. No, you didn’t use profanity but that doesn’t mean what you did say was appropriate. Change that word to stupid, see if it has the same tone because that is basically what you posted towards other people.

I won’t say that other people do not post similarly or worse. It isn’t a perfect system, because we want folks to be able to express themselves and discuss the game and aspects of it, but our staff does what they can to address inappropriate language and what is considered toxic behavior as they can.

The explanation is, a couple of people reported the post. A Moderator reviewed that report and agreed. The only “auto” functionality that is based on reports is that they can temporarily hide the post while waiting for moderation review. The post is otherwise still available and that won’t cause an account to automatically be silenced.


The combativeness you’ve shown in this thread and the original thread point to why you’re getting this type of response.

“I didn’t insult you, I said you were mistaken, lying or trolling. (I didn’t know which). I see no reason to change that assertion.”

That sort of comment isn’t going to get a favorable response.

You need to be aware of your own presentation.


I didn’t insult that person, I stated a fact. And it was found they were lying, so I was right anyway.

No, you insulted an entire group of people who disagreed with you. You called them stupid, and were actioned for it. There are consequences for your actions, and you need to learn to deal with them like an adult. Don’t use derogatory terms to call out others just because they do not agree with you.


Please, by the time I opened a ticket, I didn’t get a response until my silence was already over. I then got a cookie cutter response.

I then opened up another ticket, and they didn’t even respond to my question. I wanted an explanation. Why is that so hard?

The give 1 sentence responses and close tickets without any further thought. That’s NOT SUPPORT.

Change what I said to “Slow to understand my point of view” would I have been banned for that?

The issue is, what I said was “INTERPRETED” a different way than intended. And I was banned for a grey area offense.

This is what I have a problem with.

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