BLIZZARD thanks for 'muted' but WHEN are we getting 'ignore'?

My only guess is that you are TRYING to keep the environment in here the way it is so more members can be suspended rather than just letting them ignore posters like we used to be able to do.


Just dab on the haters, Gaiazhel.

Do you get triggered when people disagree with you?


Ignore is a bit of an issue when the point of the forum is to engage in discussions

Youā€™re going to have people who disagree with you, and echo chambers donā€™t benefit anyone, if you feel a discussion is going south, you have the power to just stop responding to the poster

If a poster focuses you for harassment and threats, use the report functions provided to you, and preferably donā€™t respond further to the offending party


I donā€™t think Blizz gave you muted either, that was probably part of the software.

you want ignored well come to GD and ask for a blue response to anything that isnā€™t whos got the best waffles or how many cute cat pictures do you own?


There are people on here whom Iā€™d love to never again see anything they write. I donā€™t feel that they are capable of adding anything productive to any conversation ever in the entire life unless they have a major life and personality change. There are posters here whom Iā€™ve never even interacted with that I would have absolutely put on ignore so that I never even accidentally read what they pass off as thoughts.

It doesnā€™t take agreements or disagreements to decide I donā€™t need to hear a persons behavior anymore.



After one post today, it might be me. :stuck_out_tongue:

uhhā€¦ I donā€™t think so. Maybe?

I would definitely have to do it in the moment of reading the persons post thoughā€¦ the type Iā€™m referencing arenā€™t important enough to remember and I forget who they are until I read something else.

Still donā€™t think you.

I understand that reasoning, and thatā€™s why services like Twitter and the game itself has ways to block other players, as the main focus isnā€™t to discuss things (although you can if you want)

The forums, however, only has one real function: To discuss things about the game or issues youā€™re having with it in the proper forums, and trust me, itā€™s all too tempting to get passionate and block whoever you disagree with, and thatā€™s not helpful to anyone

Totally know what you mean by folks who clearly show they are unable or unwilling to have a discussion, but thatā€™s what reporting is for: If people donā€™t wanna have a discussion, they donā€™t really have a reason to post on here

It was a half joke based on as big a dick as I can be, Iā€™m surprised everyone doesnā€™t ignore me.

So when I see something like that I kind of assume it until proven otherwise, especially if that person and I have legit never talked.

The problem is that reporting doesnā€™t remove them unless they actually broke ToS. Being dumb or annoying isnā€™t enough. For example, I donā€™t know if its the same person, but Iā€™ve seen like 15 people today be accused of being triggered by something. Just, instablock that guy. Iā€™ve yet to see anyone use that who has gone on to be able to communicate like a person.

Why not? Iā€™d probably have a dozen people blocked, Iā€™m sure someone would have blocked me too. However, there would be plenty of people left for me and for them to talk to and discuss on here. Andā€¦ if I block so many people that the forums are barren to me, thatā€™s my problem, right? I donā€™t think most people would just block those they disagree with - itā€™s too enticing to keep arguing with that person, so i donā€™t think it would get out of hand.

Well, if someone is being dumb and/or annoying, take the opportunity to educate instead of playing their game

If they donā€™t want to listen to your point of view, well, thatā€™s a person you donā€™t need to post to again and can instead focus on others who are engaging in the conversation :slight_smile:

If itā€™s too tempting to try to get the ā€˜last wordā€™ try focusing on another thread for a bit, or let the discussion develop and focus on other comments

Feel like ignore coming back would cause a lot of fractured discussions, and for a forum, thatā€™s never a good time

They lied when the software went live and weā€™ll probably never get a basic ignore feature back.

ā€œIgnore : We do have a story in for this for feature development. Itā€™s not part of the traditional Discourse offering, but weā€™re using a modified version that our Web & Mobile team has been partnering on with the Discourse folks.ā€

I donā€™t want to see what they write.

For instance

Do you get triggered when people disagree with you?

I would absolutely just block this person. 3rd post in this thread. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever posted to them, or interacted with them in any way. But I donā€™t believe this person has anything of value to add to the world and wasting even seconds to read what they say in the future is not worth.

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They just want to pretend that itā€™s for ā€œdiscussion sakeā€ when itā€™s really just ā€œpoor choice of forum softwareā€.

So while I agree with your stance on this, thereā€™s little desire on Blizzards part to actually correct this with the creators of the forum software (and it has been like this for over a year)ā€¦ so it is what it is unfortunately.

I suppose thatā€™s your prerogativeā€¦ but wowā€¦ just wow.


People can no longer cover their eyes

If this disturbs you, then walk away

You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of

Ten thousand fists in the air

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Enough experience with how people communicate enables you to make some inferences about how theyā€™re likely to continue communicating and how they will interact with people. While, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m occasionally wrong, Iā€™d rather weed out 100 people and risk 1 of them being worth knowing than having to interact with the 99 that werenā€™t. On this forum, there are certain catch phrases Iā€™ve seen people use and I havenā€™t noticed much redemption in later posts from people who behave in certain ways.

And there literally tens of thousands of posts to read, functionally not enough time to read them all, that missing posts from people Iā€™m confident will continue to meet their low bar helps get to more of the content from people who are trying.