Blizzard Stop Allowing People To Kick

It is getting annoying in Islands to the point where some user just kick other user for not saying hello back. Making up some violation. User click on the prompt because it in the middle of your damn screen. Having a delay on vote move the windows to one side so its not in way during combat.

If players don’t like the way the group is going they can leave. But allowing them to fake a report and kick someone is a violation of TOS. So unless blizzard wants to review the authenticity of every vote kick. Legally they have no choice, Blizzard you cannot allow other user to violate the TOS when you require money for game time. It has to end. No one is keeping anyone. They can leave. However they do not have the right to modify another players gaming time without cause. It is causing damage, for the kicked player. Missed game time, rare loot, azerite, is what a player missed out on by being kicked. If there is no cause, i.e. players are doing the natural designed game play without causing harm to other players via chat or other actions that could be generally understood as a violation. Then it unwarranted attack on that player that has cause harm.

At least cap it, a player can’t vote kick more that 5 players in one given substitution month. and/or allow users to petition customer service for the loss loot, added if the player who did the kicking has a habit of kicking without cause they should be punished for TOS violation with banning. They are using the system to cause harm to another player gaming experience. Logs should be able to prove it. If nothing in chat or player actions that would support kicking that player from the group, it is harassment plain and simple.


removing kick would be disastrous and encourage the parasites who sit on the boat while everybody else does the work. Rather, I think the victim of a kick should not suffer a debuff unless they were last in line for kill contribution, and they should recieve any loot they would have gotten from the mobs they did tag.

Also solo queue islands would be nice too…


Removing the ability to kick would be a return to the time of “I don’t like this dungeon so I’m sitting down and doing nothing.”

It happened. A lot. Which is why Blizzard implemented the current system. It’s not perfect, but when you get 3-5 players together and you have a jerk in the midst, that 1 jerk can ruin the game for the other 2-4 players.

Yes it sucks when you encounter a large group of jerks, but given a choice between the many suffering and the few having to suffer the choice is obvious.


/kicks op



They don’t have to even give a reason. There’s absolutely no rule breaking at all if someone kicks someone else and puts “ugly mog” as the reason. This doesn’t even get reported to blizz, its only there for the other players. This is the consequence of randomly made groups and it’s not against the rules.


Remember, child. This was invented because people like you were angry when the tank would just sit and refuse to do anything when you all were being derps. Don’t give tanks the option to veto the group again.

Oh, wait. Please do that. My other character’s a tank. :smiley:


Only that it’s not a violation of the rules to kick someone. In fact, groups are allowed to kick people for any reason they wish. All that’s required is a majority vote.

Blizzard has a policy of not providing items to players where there are no logs to prove the player had earned/obtained the item in the first place. They’re not going to give you free stuff for getting kicked. Can you imagine how many players would start joining groups and demanding to be kicked for their free loot!?!

You got kicked. It’s not the end of the world. If it’s happening often, perhaps the issue isn’t the other players…just say’n.


Im not questioning this claim, but can you post the part in the TOS this is located, I doubt it would be in there.

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Commentary slung before and afterwards can be a violation.

But actually kicking someone out of an instance is NOT a violation.

It was done to protect the many from the few. And like any system, there are those that will abuse it. No system is perfect.

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According to Blizzard, anyone can kick for any reason. If the vote passes, it’s legit. If I hate your transmog or name, I can kick.

Will I do that? No, that’s stupid but people do it.

Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way, including:

  1. Disrupting or assisting in the disruption of any computer used to support the Platform or any Game environment. ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE PLATFORM OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY GAME MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS.
  2. Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

without changing TOS, Blizzard legally can allow voted kicking without cause.

That doesn’t mean what you think it means. Disruption is actually very specific: disrupting servers or zones through things like lag. They don’t even count NPC camping as disruption.

Nice try.

I guess I should address harassment as well. Harassment is something like unrelenting chat abuse where they bypass ignore attempts and continue to be abusive. If you engage them though while they are being abusive then it is no longer harassment but a conversation between two people.

Feel free to report people who kick you from islands though, or even put in a ticket and see how far it gets you.


And none of that applies to Vote to Kick. It’s been covered a hundred times in the Customer Support forums.

Still not a violation of the rules. Here are some examples from Blizz employees:


Removing players from group without cause, has damages. You can not say blizzards does not care their system being used to harasses other players. I don’t care what blues say, they need to talk to their legal department. Using any system to Disruption / Harassment another players game is a violation of TOS.

It’s not harassment. Harassment, which I addressed in my edit above, is something entirely different.

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Just make literally 1 friend and do islands with them

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You need to look up legal definition of harassment.
Disruption / Harassment another players game is a violation of TOS.

having a tracked system for kicking is much better than having one where TOS can easily be violated.

Blizzard isn’t going by “laws in the real world”. Their terms are their own. If you want to report people who kick you to a lawyer or the police for real world harassment, then go ahead. Blizz is there to protect players from actually harassing other players, not play mediator when you join random people and get random results.


Why? What law is being broken? That’s where lawyers get involved and since no laws are being broken…

Also, the development teams that design the game and the rules, are well aware of how the system works.

In fact, they even wrote an official Support Article on it:


civil, TOS is binding to all parties.