Blizzard Stop Allowing People To Kick

Welp I can see why you’re getting kicked regularly


No violation is needed to initiate a Kick.

It’s not a report, it’s not fake becuase it’s context doesn’t matter, and it’s not a violation of the ToS.

The only authority needed is the authority of the majority of the group. There doesn’t need to be any oversight becuase it’s not up to Blizzard or WoW to have you kicked, it’s the people you are playing with.

Obviously they do, you had been kicked.

There isn’t a value for any of that, it’s all virtual and has no actual value. The closest thing we can establish a real-world value for is Gold and the exchange rate on that fluctuates wildly.

It already is capped, players can’t initiate more than X votes per run or XZ votes per hour. There is also ‘kick protection’ for players getting kicked too often as well.

There is no inherent guarentee of your gaming experience beyond what is explicit in the ToS.

It’s not.


What civil law? You know what, that’s really more of a rhetorical question. If you think real laws are being broken, call a lawyer. When they finish taking your money to tell you that no law was broken, you’ll wish you had listened to us.



normally I don’t talk in chat just do what I came to do. Logs can prove it.

However you just trolled

Whatever bro, enjoy your 30min time outs


why waste your time trolling

Like you’re doing? You’ve been given the facts, including BLUE statements about being kicked and you still insist its a violation of THEIR rules.


Civil law doesn’t mean anyhting if you aren’t in the juristiction that can enforce it.

Me speaking facts about what happen and stating what was lost, is not trolling. I do not believe the blues on this one.

However I do know that they are read. it will be changed…

Just because some name tag CS with a HS diploma says it is so does not change that facts. Blizzard can not legally allow Disruption / Harassment on there networks.

Just because no one has got in trouble yet, does not mean you are allowed to do it.

no bro, not gonna happen

Also civil law differs from country to country. Say you join a group of people who are up in Canada and you’re a Texan and they kick you from the group because you’ve been a Mouth.

Good luck getting two countries to agree on who gets jurisdiction.


This Agreement shall be governed by, and will be construed under, the laws of the United States of America and the law of the State of Delaware, without regard to choice of law principles.

go ahead, go talk to a lawyer. Come back and tell us how it goes (after they stop laughing at you)

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You forget something. This is their game. Blizzard sets the rules on what is deemed Disruption. THEY do NOT define kicking as Disruption.

If you believe it is harrassment, file a report with Blizzard and wait on their response. That’s all you can do.

Not only the blues, but the official Support Article too. You literally don’t believe Blizzard about their own rules. Clearly you’re not looking for proof about their rules. You’re just unhappy that you got kicked.

See, now that’s trolling. They’re certainly more educated when it comes to what constitutes “laws” versus rules in a video game.

Good luck with the rest of your thread.


I don’t believe you

Oh the scoundrels do it in large content as well. Children will be children and they look foolish in the end anyway!

Like I said, he was given “word of god” from Blizzard on their stance on kicks. He refuses to listen to the facts and simply slings mud, trying to make Blizzard look like the bad guy. It’s a common tactic, make the other side look like they’re being evil, and any garbage you’re spewing looks like gold in comparison.

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Yes, but its their TOS too. They have to hold themselves to their legal contract. All parties do.

And in THEIR terms they did indeed define what Kicking was considered. It is NOT considered Disruption by their rules.

End of discussion.

If you believe you were the subject of HARASSMENT, file a report and wait for a response. That’s how the system works.

If they agree, those who engaged in harassment will be punished. If they disagree, nothing will be done. If you make a habit out of filing such claims, they’ll likely punish you for wasting their time.