Group Harassment

11/07/2018 04:38 AMPosted by Crøsswalk
I was removed from the group by majority vote.

I suspect your original post got eaten by the spam filter because of the edits, and this one much the same.

I've quoted the most important part. It is a majority rules system, they don't need a reason, nor do they have to share it with you. This is not harassment. There are no rules broken. I'm a bit surprised they were able to do it during a kill, I suspect it must have been initiated earlier. THAT part you are certainly welcome to pursue through our developers and perhaps even bug forum, but this would not be the correct venue in CS.

I totally get how upsetting this must be, and that system is by no means perfect - but it is far better than how it once was where a player could actually use it to harass a group and essentially hold them hostage.