Blizzard should change BC/Wrath

No. Just yours.

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How so? Final fantasy is a single player game that never really focused on any kind of online or multiplayer experience(much like zelda) and FPS are generally about pvp multiplayer with little focus on single player content (have you tried stuff like MW3 single player?) trying to create one game based on what works like the other and you end up with crap like Destiny that was a big waste of money.

Did ya play Warcraft 3 remastered?

I rest my case.

#Nochanges because I don’t trust Blizzard and I don’t trust half the community.


Idk if you are trolling, but all he did was give examples of a rerelease that had some changes integrated to it that didn’t detract from the original experience. Game genre has little to no importance here. Idk why you are focusing on genre.

Because making changes to single players that doesn’t detract from the original experience is easier to do than in a mutliplayer game, Maybe if blizzard wasn’t such a failure in the eyes of the fans for the last greater part of a decade then maybe I’d trust them to touch stuff, but the current activision blizzard has no idea what it’s players want and would mess up the changes 100%
EDIT: also to add to the example they gave, even nintendo effed up the majora’s mask remake so you can’t point to a single example and claim it always works out for the best.

I gotta say, if they were really doing this they would have nerfed the boosting meta we have now. No way the original devs would have let that become what it has.

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changes that are acceptable to make to wrath:

  1. remove random dungeon finder
  2. remove heirlooms
  3. remove dungeon summoning stones

changes that are acceptable to make to tbc:

  1. remove summoning stones

disclaimer: my opinion

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Replace dungeon finder with the LGF tool and make it same realm only. Would apply that to TBC classic as well.

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lol they meant “in the spirit of the original money”

I mean they did do some things like nerf Gor’shak xp farming which was an obvious exploit so at least there’s that.

I don’t think there’s anything they can ultimately do to get rid of boosting short of changing the entire game though. They can do things to make it much less efficient but it’s so ingrained in the classic playerbase now that it would always exist in some form unfortunately.

It is NOT a “fact”, that Classic will suddenly become a “better” game with NPCs on Boats. It is NOT a “fact”, that Classic will become “better” with said NPCs having additional Quests. That’s purely an OPINION by the OP.

Just like it’s MY opinion, that I don’t think those two things will “better” Classic. We ALL have our own thoughts and opinions into what we want to see in the game, that makes it fun for our own individual pleasure. Having these discussions with EVERYONE’S opinions, is how WE reach a compromise. That’s how it works.

Back to you, OP. I would like to bring the topic back, to your topic. Another input, I have (and that I have suggested, before, just not in this Thread) is the Standard Game having an option to explore Old World pre-Deathwing Destruction.

For anyone who doesn’t know, the Standard Game allows players to select a “Timeline” (of their choice) to explore and level in.

The only thing that was against this thought was the inability to fly around due to the graphics, but what if we took the OP’s idea of updated said Graphics TO allow flying? OP gets their graphical updates with Old World pre-deathwing questing, and others (who really want it) get flying, out of it.

EDIT: I mentioned this idea, here -


No, it’s more than that. The OP mentioned a precedent set by another game. The OP is not just stating “I like this” or “I think that.” The OP has played other games and that help in establishing the overall meaning of the post.

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It’s nothing more than just an opinion even using other games to fulfill and establish more onto their opinion. Regardless, this conversation is IRRELEVANT to the OP’s overall point. To which, I’m looking for solutions for. So, instead of fighting with me over stuff that’s IRRELEVANT to topics, ACTUALLY participate in the conversation asking for altered Classic. I bring up a fairly good point:

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This attitude fundamentally devalues the well-informed opinions others have in exchange for you simply having one because you like to have one.

Thank you for your opinion on that. It’s been very much established. Now, some advice (IK you won’t listen nor care because it’s coming from me) what you’re doing is ACTUALLY “trolling”. “Trolling” doesn’t mean somebody holding an opinion you don’t like. It’s purposefully trying to deviate the conversation AWAY from Topic’s INITIAL purposes and intent. Please refrain (IK it’s very difficult) from talking about my character, in other topics and actually ENGAGE in conversations about the ACTUAL subject matters. What you think about me is IRRELEVANT to every single topic you have posted in, talking about me.

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No, saying “So?” four times in a single reply to minute details in a post derails a post.

Talking about one’s character is derailing the conversation away from its original topic.

Responding with “So?” (which is a question) isn’t because I’m asking questions trying to figure out what the problem is. Just because somebody states something and posing it as “a problem” (even though it wasn’t explicitly stated), I’m supposed to just take their word for it and accept it that it’s a “problem”, even though I don’t see it? Please.

Anyway, enough about how you don’t like how I talk. PLEASE get back onto the subject of what the OP wants.

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No you’re not. OP states, “We all have more powerful computers than we did in 2007 for example.”

You reply with, “So?”

It’s not a statement the requires an question. It’s an example given to support other statements being made. What you’re doing is nit-picking every sentence without taking everything into context, understanding it, and replying to what’s being said overall.

It’s annoying. And you’re doing it to be annoying.

I can think of 2 changes for BC/Wrath:

  1. Change the slow flying mount speed to 150% in BC
  2. Remove the random dungeon finder in Wrath