Optional Old World (Before Deathwing's Destruction)

Since we have the option to select where to level including seeing Teldrassil and Theramore before their destruction, what if Blizz could implement the old world (before Deathwing’s destruction of it) as an option, as well…

I probably should’ve posted this, in my OP. Main reason I began playing Classic, at all, is the old world (before Deathwing’s destruction). I enjoy the progress of the Standard game. It’s unfortunate the only option is Classic, for old world (prior to the “Re-Vamp”) content.

the old world may not be compatible with flying due to deadzones.

I understand your thought process. I believe Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle, Eversong Woods and Ghostlands (?) are “no fly zones” still? I could be wrong. Perhaps, a disclaimer that the old world will be a “no fly zone”?

It’s just old world vs Cata “old world” are two completely different experiences.

Apologies for bumping and double posting. I would like to hear more thoughts. When I did post this thread, it was in the middle of the night. Hopefully, more during the day might get more input. Do forgive me.