Blizzard should change BC/Wrath

I just saw a thread about someone asking wether Blizzard should “remaster” Wrath. That gave me a idea to make a thread of my own encouraging Blizzard to make changes to BC & Wrath when they are released.

I used a example in that reply to note that in 2011 Nintendo changed Ocarina of Time in a way that did not dramatically alter the original game, but improved it. I also noted that, Nintendo is still selling physical copies of this game too, for the 3DS. That’s almost 10 years later.

Blizzard needs to do similar things to BC & Wrath. I think “no changes” should not apply to expansion re releases, but only to classic & vanilla.

I will give two simple examples though from classic that Blizzard could have done that wouldn’t have changed the game much. One, when you fish you don’t see a icon of a fishing hook, but rather see a screw thingy. If Blizzard added the hook, it would be more realistic, but nope no changes right? Second, on boats, like between Booty Bay and Ratchet, there are no npcs. Ghost ships I guess? Why not add crew to make it more realistic? Maybe add some quests from them too? But nope, no changes.

This should not happen with BC or Wrath. Please share your ideas on wether Blizzard should change BC and Wrath. Thank you.

(Note: Even though I am against releasing BC or Wrath at all, this post is made knowing my view on that won’t change the fact BC and Wrath will be released)



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So do you think Nintendo should have just ported the N64 version of Ocarina of Time to the 3DS without changes?

My question is intended to make you think.

I’d just like to see TBC with the Patch 2.3 quality of life improvements released earlier.

Hopefully blizzard will cater to the rabid #nochanges crowd a little less in TBC/Wrath classic.


Pretending that these games are anything like each other, then comparing them like they are…dumb.

Striking balance in a single-player game vs. an MMO, with an in-game economy, and PvP interaction. Not even within the same realm of thinking.


When has Blizzard ever catered to the #NoChanges crowd in classic? They released the game with layering from day 1, introduced a number of changes to accommodate metas in Classic that never existed in Vanilla like making the Dragonslayer buff go out even if the NPC gets sapped and the list goes on.

Blizzard is following their own “in the spirit of the original” philosophy whatever that means, trying to stay at least somewhat authentic to the original is the not the same as #NoChanges.

Spell batching? Which is fortunately finally being removed.

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Them keeping spell batching had more to do with unanticipated bugs and interactions that could occur if batching were removed because the game was designed with at least some significant batching.

The batching in classic isn’t even authentic to Vanilla though it’s a recreated imitation not an actual direct copy from the way batching was done in Vanilla.

Actually no, batching was added late in classic beta and the game worked great before that. It was added as a result of the #nochanges crowd whining about it.

“improve” is a matter of opinion.

The beta was on a limited set of content and it was a closed beta…

Each new phase has brought new bugs that didn’t exist in the original client or 1.12 version, which have required Blizzard to directly intervene. Removing batching only increases the likelihood that new content comes out with additional bugs and unintended interactions due to the difference in the way abilities are processed.

All 6 phases are now out and most(hopefully) bugs have already been dealt with, all content is cleared, and Blizzard is now free to focus on any unintended consequences of removing/changing batching.

It would be pretty cruel to “cater” to the #NoChanges crowd all of Classic only to ultimately betray them by removing batching anyways right? I don’t even think EA is capable of being that heartless.

Which doesn’t change that batching was not added until the very final weeks of beta which was very open at that point and the game worked fine without it.

And that we had to deal with the garbage that is batching for almost all of classic because a handful of whining #nochangers thought that two mages occasionally sheeping each other was funny.

Why the exception? No Changes was the worst mistake Classic Vanilla made. It’s a fundamentally bad philosophy in every situation.


The exception is because classic has already been out for about 17 months.

As for others I won’t respond to those who are trying to say Ocarina of Time 3DS is a bad game or is better or worse than WoW. You all know the reasons I brought up that example is to show a older game can be refreshed and made better. Not to start a Ocarina of Time discussion.

WoW BC and Wrath can be made better with changes. Many of us already played those original games. Let’s make them better now is my opinion.

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Noooo…don’t play it off like that, guy. Nobody is trying to have a discussion about OOT. I was saying it’s literally apples and oranges when discussing a remake of a single-player game and a multi-faceted MMO with much more intricacy and nuance.

OOT is one of the best games ever made, and I’m sure trhe remake is awesome as well…no one is arguing that lol.

they announced batching as though it was being added to give a “classic experience” and reddit and GD ate it up

artificial lag was never a good idea, somechanges are good for the health of the game

They did change them. It’s called Retail.

I don’t care because I’m not interested in playing Ocarina of Time. I am uninclined to take your word that the changes were universally recognized as an improvement in light of the utter disdain for any perspective but your own that you’re expressing here (see next paragraph if this is unclear to you).

Also…you don’t want them, but you want to dictate what they should be like for people who do want them? Wow, that’s awful.

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LOL “Ghost Ships” I like it ;p

Anyhoot, “realistic”, you say? (tries to conjure food and water)

It’s not so much “no changes”, it’s I ('cause I can only speak for myself) want to play the games as they were. Even adding a quest or two (that weren’t there, before) takes away from the concept.

Before, we start screaming “but, the game has already changed! You’re not playing the ‘real’ version!”, let me tell you something, just because there are changes, doesn’t mean we have to keep making changes.

Now, while you might view this as a “weak reason” doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s still a valid reason to simply not be interested in any of the changes you proposed.

Thank you, though.

No, I don’t think they “should”.

You’re welcome.