Blizzard should change BC/Wrath

Fish in retail & fish in classic. There is no reason a cosmetic change could not have been made to the icon that you see when hovering over the end of the line to a fishing hook for realism.

Also about the boats, in retail there are NPCs on the boats & in classic there none. It is unrealistic. Obviously the designers of Vanilla knew there would be changes made to the game and things like missing npcs would be added later. There was no reason npcs cant be on the boat in classic.

Since we now know what a “no changes” experience is like, BC & Wrath should be changed. Honestly, no changes was a bad policy. It failed to breathe new life into the game. Much of the community is just aging players (myself included) all playing a older game. It’s like we all want to live in a nostalgia bubble forever. Blizzard should try to refresh BC & Wrath to bring new life and spark into them. If there are changes that can be made to improve, why not? Makes no sense to just ignore it. Even if it is just improving the graphics. We all have more powerful computers than we did in 2007 for example.

In my opinion, if you take time to remake the older games and ignore changes, it’s kind of like neglect. It would be different if the code was fully intact & nothing had to be remade. But that’s not the case here.

As for the others who again are trying to bait me into digressing on Ocarina of Time, I will say you all know the example of a older game being improved by a refresh is valid.

I really (and genuinely) have no clue what you’re trying to say here. I guess I should just explain what I think (keyword) you’re trying to say about Fishing (I think you’re talking about Fishing). When you “cast” the Fishing Reel out, you want some Icon to “pop up”, when you hover over the Bobber (of the Fishing Pole/Reel), with your mouse? And, that “pop up” is an “icon” (of some sort) that looks like a “screw thing”?

Also, this is a FANTASY game, so I like the fact that it isn’t “realistic” :woman_shrugging:

Sure, there is!

  1. I like how it is, now.
  2. It’s how it was, and what I expect to play.
  3. As an RPer, Cosmetics play a HUGE factor, in my gameplay.

I’m sorry, I don’t agree that it SHOULD be changed just because YOU didn’t like it :woman_shrugging:

What do you even mean, when you say “new life”?


So? What’s wrong with that? I don’t get it :thinking:

I don’t think they “should” “refresh” BC & Wrath. I still don’t know what you mean, when you say “new life”. Are you trying to imply you want “younger” people to play but fear that they’re not interested because it’s not their kind of game, but it is for you, so you want to alter it, to entice them to play? Because you don’t like playing with the people around your own age because (to use your words) they’re “aging”? As in…“too old”? :thinking:

Because I’m not seeking to “improve”, anything. Maybe you are, but I’m not, so what’s the compromise? What is the solution that’ll make us both happy?

I much prefer the older graphics compared to the Standard Game. It’s funny how preferences work like that.


You’re right, it is YOUR opinion. I don’t view it as “neglect”. I view it as a nice gesture, by the company, to be as faithful as possible (not saying that it is) to the original product.


I never said it wasn’t. What I don’t like is how you want to make your wants and desires more “important” than my wants and desires.


They made a remastered version even before that. Remember “Master Quest” ?

You obviously understood what I meant about fishing. All because you ridicule what I wrote by dragging it out and adding obvious explanation doesn’t make it wrong before.

I’d like to have a credible response as to why NPCs not on the boat makes classic better?

Also maybe you need a english lesson if you seriously don’t understand what I mean by “new life.”

Piper likes to troll. Just be aware.


The Master quest on the 3ds version is mirrored & has even better graphics than the improved graphics of master quest on the gamecube.

It also naturally adds better and more smooth controls for aiming things like the hookshot, which is a part of the 3ds version. It is the “better masterquest.”

Yeah, there’s no reason “Classic” versions of TBC or Wrath shouldn’t also refine things in the same manner.

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No, I REALLY didn’t understand what you were trying to say about Fishing. And, I NEVER said you were “wrong” for wanting such an implementation :roll_eyes:

Also, I (personally) NEED “long drawn out explanations”, so I can better understand what people are actually saying. You can just say “yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying!”, and we can go into further detail about it (since, you know, you like details, so much, for the game, but not when it comes to explaining your ideas but whatever) and give a proper imagine, in the heads of the readers. You’re not JUST talking to me nor those responding. You do have an audience to convince, as well. They may not say anything, but they show support in their own way.

Just because YOU didn’t like my answer doesn’t mean it’s NOT an answer nor “un-credible”. Anyway, I NEVER said it makes it “better”. I just said I like it the way it is. It’s still a very VALID answer whether YOU like it or not.

I don’t understand how other people define words, these days. Because what IK words to be, seem to be defined differently by other people which is why I asked YOU ('cause you’re the ONLY person who can define what YOU mean by it).

Nah, it’s what some (not all) like to call me, when they don’t have actual arguments. The conversation diverts away from the subject to begin talking about my character. Not gonna lie, I find it funny but please do carry on.

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I agree that you think classic should remain the same & BC and Wrath should too. We obviously disagree about things & I accept that it is not a non credible answer you gave and I was wrong about that.

Thank you for your input.

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While it does sadden me, that the game, itself isn’t satisfactory enough for you. I truly and genuinely hope Blizz can make something for you to enjoy, as well. I would very much like as faithful of creations as possible of the different versions of the game. Meanwhile, there are some (not all) that want an “in-between” version of WoW Classic and the Standard Game. It’s the best way I can put it LOL

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Like these?

No arguments.

You’re like a small child asking, “Why? Why? Why?” in the shopping cart.

It’s asking questions. I’m not arguing against anything nor am I discussing anybody’s character, like so:

I’m actually contributing to the conversation, even if it’s asking questions.

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apples vs oranges bruh, single player console experience vs MMORPG PC game. That’s like arguing Final Fantasy is the best FPS, just doesn’t make sense.

And when people offer a detailed explanation, you just say:

You ask questions. When people answer, your basic responses are, “Oh. Well, I disagree because I disagree.”

Nobody wants to explain things if that’s the sum of your response-making.

I give straight forward responses. I don’t hide my intentions behind red herrings and smoke and mirrors. I get STRAIGHT to the point.

You mean, some (not all) won’t TRULY admit what they ACTUALLY want because they want to make themselves look “virtuous” while pushing some agenda? I agree! I just cut through all of the smoke and mirrors and red herrings and just want to get straight to the point. Which is the OP doesn’t like the original design (and that’s fair!) and wants to see something different (still fair!). I’m just not going to be sold some false story/narrative about irrelevant nonsense that have NOTHING to do with the TRUE intentions behind what other people ACTUALLY want.

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Most of your responses boil down to, “I like” or “I don’t like” or “I think” etc.

Like I said before, I can only speak for myself. I’m not the voice of other people nor should I be. The OP talks about what they think and like, and other posters do the same. I’m looking to find some middle ground between ALL of our interests which is why it’s IMPORTANT to establish everyone’s own individual interests, in order to reach that compromise. The OP wants to see BC altered, whereas I do not. Therefore, what is the compromise that will make us both happy?

As I asked, earlier because IK for a FACT the OP is not the ONLY person that feels the way they do and likewise, I’m not the ONLY person that feels the way I do. How do we compromise to benefit BOTH the likes of the OP and myself?

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Which means all your “arguments” boil down to, “in my opinion.”

So you can’t really say this:

Because the fact is, you don’t have any actual arguments. Unless you think “It’s my opinion” is a valid argument.

Correct. This is ALL of our opinions!

I can say that because the ONLY OPINION the likes of you (it’s not EVERYONE, mind you, just the LIKES of you) seem to spew is about me, as a Character. Which isn’t RELEVANT nor a CONTRIBUTION to the ACTUAL topic, at hand. It’s easier to write someone off as “Troll” merely because they don’t think EXACTLY the way you do rather than holding an actual conversation that defends your position. We’re so far off the rails of the ORIGINAL topic, anyway. So, for the sake of the topic, I will bow out gracefully of this irrelevant conversation that has NOTHING to do with the original topic, at hand. Enjoy :+1:

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The comparison doesn’t make sense if you choose to be unnecessarily dense and literal instead of trying to understand what he means with his example.