Blizzard should change BC/Wrath

Sure it does! What does that unnecessary point about us (a general “us”, no one in particular) having “better” systems have to do with what the OP wanting to add NPCs on Boats and them giving us extra Quests? I’ll give you a hint, it doesn’t.

Not “nit-picking”. Just cutting out all the useless jargon (just like I said EARLIER) to get STRAIGHT to the point. Which is OP wants NPCS on Boats, that gives us additional Quests. On top of some updated graphics which I DID respond (in kind) with what I find to be a solution, but you’re not interested in my actual solution. You just want to continue ripping at things that I said, that you didn’t like. But, that’s OK.

Yes, I get it. YOU think it’s annoying. I’ve understood that, for awhile, now. Unfortunately, for you, IDC. So, you can either put me on the Forum Ignore, so you never have to see the stuff that annoys you or just deal with it. Also, I don’t find myself to be “annoying”.

I find it rather exhausting and annoying, to have to read through all the nonsense that is IRRELEVANT to the point being made. Which is why I have to cut through it all to get to the ACTUAL point.

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Meaning not about just asking these innocent questions, like you claimed.

You’re making quite the lengthy replies for someone who doesn’t care about what I say.

The OP’s post was fine. It’s not your job to “cut through it” as if you’re some kind of arbiter about how people ought to structure their thoughts and feelings on a matter.

It would have been great to see remastered versions of Vanilla, TBC & WotLK instead of poorly-cloned replicas of the original game that introduced even more problems on top of the old ones. But, remastering an old game for more modern times, while retaining the charm/spirit of the old one is a delicate balancing act that requires passion, creative-vision & talent. Activision-Blizzard today fails in those departments.

The QUALITY of my questions, doesn’t matter. I can still ask them.

I don’t care enough to alter my response style, in order to appease you.

Never claimed to be some “arbiter”. Just doing what I want to do likewise with you (not actually contributing anything RELEVANT to ANY of the conversations). Regardless, YOUR opinion on how I PRESENT myself is IRRELEVANT to the OP’s ORIGINAL topic.

You’ve made it VERY clear, in how you don’t like how I respond. You can repeat this claim, over and over, again. I’m not going to change how I respond. Now, it’s up to you, to take it or leave it.

My responses aren’t for you. They’re for everyone else reading this thread.

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And, you’ve expressed VERY clearly, already (numerously, in fact) how you don’t like my responding style. IDK how much clearer you want to express that to your audience :woman_shrugging:

If someone pokes you with a stick 100x in order to ask a question are you going to let them know, “That hurts! Stop it! It’s annoying!” or are you going to shrug and let it happen because it’s just their “responding style” ?

False equivalency.

I have not been harassing the OP with my questions. But, I will say that’s what you’re doing, but that’s OK. If that’s how you want to spend your time. Wasting it on me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

EDIT: Which IK you say it’s not “for me”, it’s for your “audience”, yet you still chose ME, of all people LOL

Nobody else in this thread is making inane nit-picky replies.

According to YOU. That’s the beauty of opinions. You think I am, and others (not ALL) don’t agree with that (plus, it’s been refuted). So, do you actually want to discuss the topic created by the OP? Or, do you want to continue putting on a show, for your “audience” that derails it?

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Not with you. All that’s going to consist of is, “I think, I think, I think, I prefer, I prefer, I prefer,” and “So? So? So? So?”

Oh good. There has been PLENTY of opportunity for you to DISCUSS the topic at hand with OTHERS (that aren’t me), yet you completely ignored them to try to “prove some point (not to mention IRRELEVANT)” (but failed) which DERAILS the subject INTIAL intentions.

You’ve ALREADY expressed your feelings on how you dislike my responding style. Please go back to the topic, at hand with OTHER people ACTUALLY discussing it. For the respect of the OP.

Also I want the original mechanics and boss damage/ health pools of T5 /T4 aka pre-nerf PvE.

It’s not impossible stuff; it’s not even hard, but the post nerf stuff is just too easy.

Also pre-nerf heroics, the later 2.4 nerf versions are poop.

yeah but it didnt substantiate any claims to the point of being factual, which is what piper was referring to


No I am not a #nochange.

Blizzard can not change any expansion.
Once you change a expansion it is no longer that expansion.
It becomes a different game.


But the type of changes I’m advocating for would not change the original game enough to alter it.

I’m not saying things like “let’s remove jewlcrafting” or “let’s remove flying in the outlands.” Radical changes is not what I’m saying.

Imagine BC with updated graphics which make it more visually appealing. Imagine seeing a system requirement to play the game on par with what retail requires. Also imagine content upgraded to make it more “sweet.” Another example from Nintendo is when they added a shop surrounded by Like Likes in the Dark World in “A Link To The Past” for its 2002 gameboy release. Areas could be redone too to make them more realistic as was done in Ocarina of Time 3DS as well, such as in the ice cavern or the bottom of the well. Changes like this in BC & Wrath would make it more “sweet.”

Blizzard should go through every nook and cranny of BC and Wrath and revamp it. They can tinker with boss fights too, for example. Make sure it is more beautiful than before. It would actually make the games better in my opinion. It also wouldn’t change it enough where players can’t claim it is different enough to not be those expansions.

You sure about that?

Anyway, what did you think of my idea about adding an optional Timeline, in the Standard Game, to visit Old World pre-Deathwing destruction? With said updated graphics, to it which would allow flying? Since that was the main point against it…the inability to fly, but we can make it so.

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The hope is that, with the change from 10ms to 400ms, that’ll set the precedent for other “alterations” to the game overall. If they decide to do a Classic+ sometime in the future, I’d prefer the game reflect retail’s current graphical changes and other aesthetics.

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A remaster, that still preserves the ‘look and feel’ of Vanilla, would be welcomed by myself.

Especially if they went as far as to remaster all the gear; no fancy stuff you see on the Mythic Raid gear. But good god, some of the tier pieces you can easily see the pixelation from the default camera zoom.

Plus, some of the human face look like they have dirt on their faces; lulz aside, the shadow mapping is horrible.

As for the model remasters, I’d stay away from the ‘look and feel’ that Retail went with. And focus on the less stylized look that WoW originally had.

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Spell batching isn’t being removed. Just reduced to the point where most people can no longer feel it.