Blizzard, remove your auto ban system

Apparently some guild named “Grizzly” or something mass reported someone and stopped them from getting their mount. Auto bans shouldn’t be a thing in a toxic environment like this imo


There is no auto ban system from right-click player reports.

Why would Blizzard create an automatic banning system that is ineffective against bots, that no one has ever shown to have banned a bot; no video evidence, nothing. Why would they create a system that can apparently only be used when a large group of people conspire to ban someone unjustly?

People complain for months on end that reporting, even en masse, does nothing to remove botters from the game. Now people claim those same reports can automatically ban people.

If there was an automatic banning system, players would be able to go around with raids, banning the bots outside of Stratholme and ZG. This will never be shown to happen because automatic bans from player reports do not happen.


Incorrect there’s video proof of this system, streamers have made several videos of this


… have you been living under a rock?


Incorrect, there is no video proof of this. There is one video of a player being suspended while pulling a boss that shows no evidence of an automatic ban. Blizzard already addressed this video here:


It doesn’t matter what FAQ or related topics you copy and paste, it’s all been debunked with proof that the system is automated


No it isn’t.

Explain to me why an automatic banning system from right-click player reports would exist.


It takes multiple people to trigger the automative system, plenty of YouTube videos showing it.


There is no youtube video that shows an automatic ban from right-click player reports.

Why would Blizzard create an automatic banning system that is ineffective against bots, that no one has ever shown to have banned a bot; no video evidence, nothing. Why would they create a system that can apparently only be used when a large group of people conspire to ban someone unjustly?

If you believe that an automatic banning system exists, then you believe that multiboxers are now Game Masters.


If we want to ask why Blizzard is doing something that makes no sense, we’re going to be here a very LONG time.

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Another day, another round of gaslighting from the usual suspects.


Did you play in the AV PVP Meta ? Alliance premade would report players to make room for more players in the discord.

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100% not what happened. They tried to do this. Blizzard overturned the auto bans, the horde players got there and rang the gong. A bunch of people from the alliance guild got 3 day suspensions for abusing the system. And, because it’s the horde, the horde kept anachronos in combat for the ENTIRE ten hour war, preventing anyone from Grizzly from completing their scepter, meaning no one in their guild got the mount because they were being deebs and both blizzard and the community wrecked them for it.

Yes it is asmongold made a like 30 minute video where ppl mass reported him and got him auto banned… instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and going Nooooooooooo im right try using the internet first…


yes there is.


That wasn’t banning them.

What was happening was, they were reporting them for spam, which kicks them offline to restrict their chat via the squelch function.


Years ago Asmongold made a video where he told people to mass report him for spam so he could prove that silences are automated. What he proved instead was that the squelch system is automatic, which is different from the GM applied silence penalty.

This is explained here:


Blizzard has had a Squelch system in game for MANY years to deal with gold spammers and such. Lots of reports would initiate a squelch until a GM could get to it. This was not widely known about outside of the CS forums and such.

In 2016 Blizzard rolled out the Silence system which replaced the full game suspensions for language infractions. A Silence is applied by a GM, stacks, and has more consequences.

Lots of reports puts something at the top of the GM review queue.

Asmon asked people to mass report a line of chat. He triggered the Squelch system.

THEN he got SUSPENDED totally from the game for abusing the report system.

He never actually got a Silence applied.

It is frustrating how people still misunderstand that even now.

Players can’t get you removed from the game or forums with reports alone. A Blizz staff member has to push that button. Not saying GMs don’t ever make mistakes in applying a Silence, but that part is not automated.


Yes there is. Certain report categories receive different automated punishments.

There is no LONG term ban issued automatically, but you absolutely can receive a short term suspension meant to allow a GM time to review your case before issuing a long one.

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Please read the post above yours.


You are not really wrong in that the Squelch type system has been around forever. It is completely intended to stop widely reported behavior like gold spamming until a GM gets to it.

I have not heard it applied to reports for cheating, such as many people reporting a bot. Otherwise I would think a guild could just go clean up all the botters and get them put into limbo pending GM review. If that has changed, it is new to me.

Agree totally though that the actual penalty has to be applied by the GM, or forum mod. Not saying they are always right, but that is what appeals are for.