Blizzard, PLEASE require a Social Security # to play WoW

Isn’t ignored anymore…

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Go play lost ark then. I will legitimately quit if/when Blizzard asks for PII.

If Blizzard asked me to provide my Australian version of America’s Social Security Number, I would also reject doing so, and check with my elected Federal Member to see if Blizzard could even ask me for it.

And the OP is Ook Dooken crazy to even suggest Blizzard do this.

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Yeah let’s give our SS number to Blizzard. What could go wrong?

Why not ask for credit card and bank account while your at it :laughing: :sweat_smile: .

i feel like everybody in these comments are boomers who think every single online purchase steals their identity

Stop feeling, get smarter. (edited to correct quote)

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Four year old really! It be adorable to have a little voice streaming raid directions, and then we all fail they tell you to get gud. I can’t get angry at that.

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he also posted that he and his friends were quitting to play LA till Blizz got rid of tokens.

but yet, here he is again… knew it was too good to be true…

less P2W/RMT, cant you literally buy upgrade mats for IRL cash in LA?

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no idea, never played it. but dudes been whining about p2w for a while making up a buncha stories. was really hoping he was leaving for real, but also knew it was probably another made up story.

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… No.


But Aussies don’t have Social Security Numbers!

I can give Blizzard my Library card Number.


Thanks for the laugh.

Our SSN is more than just a unique identifier, and our laws do not support enough protections against identity theft. No way do I give my SSN to a game company.

Most countries have something similar but few use them for the variety of things that the USA does. It is common for citizens in most countries to have a taxpayer identifier number, but it isn’t used to determine credit worthiness, link you to your medical records, etc.

I play it and they did not ask for my number. You are going off of information from 2017. It is 2022 now. I have a Deathblade assassin there. Only needed to give my email when I signed up a while ago. People keep asking for Bards. That game has them.

If you want to make a Korean account and are not in Korea, THEN you have to prove that you are a Korean citizen. You do that by providing your SSN to them. But it is not required to play the game. Only for proving citizenship while outside of Korea. That is how it is set up. You absolutely can play the game without giving your SSN to them.

Stop spreading lies. I play the game and nothing of what you have said about the game is even remotely true.

Don’t forget a social credit score…

I didnt say you give your ss# to them…

Can you not read?

When making up lies, be sure to proof read that way you don’t contradict yourself.

You dont even play the game and that much is obvious.

Does not require a phone number . That part is only optional. You can if you want to. If you do not want to, you dont have to.

Did you even read that? Rofl.

Im not sure to feel sorry for you or embarrassed.

And yes, it does.