Blizzard, PLEASE require a Social Security # to play WoW

No it does not. Like i said quit making up lies. All anyone here would have to do is go and make a LA account and see that you are lying about it. I just quoted you contradicting yourself as well.

Also find it very odd that both you and OP think that Americans should be held to the same standards that North Korea is. Once again. I play the game. You have the OPTION o f adding your phone number and your SSN but you do not have to in order to play the game. You are saying things that are false. Anyone who plays the game will know you are making this up. Just trolling people here with your lies. So stop.

Quoted you and made a direct reply to your threads
 so obviously I read it. SSN option for your account is so that if someone hacks it, two people can have the exact same name but no two people there can have the same SSN. And also to add a little something. Since I am leaving this discussion after this
 They are not issued SSNs for anything cyber. It is an RRN. 13 digits. An SSN is 9 numbers and the two serve different purposes. You must be thinking of that since it seems similar to you but a TIN is actually the closest thing to an SSN that they issue, not an RRN. RRN is a type of ID care. SSN does not serve the same purpose. They are different.

SSN = 9 number RRN = 13 numbers. They both fulfill very different things. You need a DID number for a phone there, not a SSN. SSN is an American creation by the way. It has nothing to do with Korea.

Go and make a Korean Lost Ark account? Good luck with that.

Weird thing to say since you’re the only one talking about North Korea, rofl.

Clearly you didnt.

I never said it did, kind of why I said whatever their equivalent was. Must have missed that with all that “reading” you supposedly do lol.


You may want to double check your geography here.

North Korea does not even allow citizens on the internet, much less have video games.

I think you mean the large economic and tech hub that is South Korea. That one has video games and vid game studios. They do require a national ID number for their citizens to get online and play various games though. It is not required for non-citizens.

Even Korean Bnet accounts require a National ID number for Korean citizens. You can find that tidbit of info in the country change article

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I have nothing to hide, but I would not give my SSN to a video game company. I don’t give it out unless absolutely necessary. This is a silly idea tbh.

You cannot use global internet but you can still use monitored internet there in NK when it is global. I mentioned NK staying how people like to compare to NK and SK for things.

But was trying to say they do not require a SSN to play it. I also said it is not LA that is asking for it. It is their gov that is. So OP wants us to be like Korea and I dont want to is a TL;DR of what I have been saying. Cuz I dont.

And also OP is suggesting we give our SSNs out to Blizz when RRN that is given out is nothing like an SSN so OP is going to mislead some people into thinking that we should.

He got a dozen likes and lots of support already.

Most people in NK don’t even have regular electricity
much less internet. The “elite” have some access in cities with govt permission to their own internal network, but not to the real world. The exception would be state level hackers who engage in ransomware and other things gain money for NK. Those are govt individuals though, not average citizens.

Yes, SOUTH Korea.

The OP is trolling and this was a bait thread. Blizzard can’t and won’t ask for an SSN. Data privacy rules on storing that kind of info are very strict and nobody wants to deal with it if they don’t have to. Of course, a lot of the world does not have one. So yeah, the OP is not creating this thread with any sort of realistic expectations. It is bait.


You can’t dodge bait when you respond to it tho

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They have some second level of account, secure account or something like that. You get special privileges.

Look OP I know this is bait but basically corporations should not receive social security when making an account or it being required because they can blackmail you.

I suspect the majority of the playerbase has already given their CC details for the purposes of buying game time, subscriptions, services, etc.


So funny!

The amount of bot issues that game had when it went global says otherwise.

Not all countries have a SS#. People are allowed to have multiple accounts. Non legal citizens are entitled to play video games.

I haven’t i buy blizzard sub. cards