Blizzard, please ban GDKPs

So bad even blizzard stopped pushing it

Well, that’s the only thing that will help.

Except people hated it enough for blizzard to change it. So its not wanted and helps nothing

It helps kill gdkps lol.

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And becomes detrimental to all raids. Congrats, you replaced a system that only affects those using it and replaced it with a system that hurts everyone with its anti progression tactics.

You should be a Blizz GM with low IQ takes like that

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It’s not detrimental to all raids. The only people with their panties in a twist about personal loot are the people that want to lord over others in a game. It’s a game, it’s okay.

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It is when it blocks loot that is needed by members of a raid and those items get destroyed because of it.

Soooo unless destroying useful loot is good for raids its detrimental

you get MORE loot, which negates wasted items.

in mop they added a means to get additional rolls too.

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It doesn’t. You can get MORE loot that you waste and destroy. There is a reason its not a forced loot system anymore.

It was detrimental. And in classic it would be even worse than retail. PL was the worst system ever created. Im glad its gone and not coming back

The only raids it was okay for were LFR, which is of course where it was added for, for reasons that simply don’t apply anywhere else.

It added no value in any other raid and actively detracted from loot.

not true it solved loot drama

Well in the sense that it removed looting sure.

But that didn’t help anyone outside of LFR/LFD.

no more loot drama is massive

easily the biggest complaint about the game

corrupt lc, gdkp, etc…

saves a lot of raid time too

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And yet when it was an option for guild/pug runs noone choose it.

Seems odd if it solved so many problems…

ppl want to prio themselves loot

not complicated

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Or people legitimately want to be able to distribute loot how they see best not have the game RNG loot that just gets vendored :slight_smile:

I personally feel that GDKP takes a lot of the joy out of the game at best and a gold laundering machine at worst

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ya “best” lol

like hoping a billionaire is looking out for you

I have had zero loot drama with ML

Do a lot of GDKPs?

Why would you ban GDKPs when they have been around forever and clearly people enjoy them otherwise there wouldn’t be that many around.

If you don’t like them, don’t do them? Just like if you don’t like EPGP or Loot Council you won’t join a guild that does that.