Blizzard, please ban GDKPs

I can’t really comment on that. I feel like I’m playing a different game than a lot of people that post on the forums. I pretty much just play with my guild. I don’t encounter any of these shenanigans. Not surprised that exists on certain servers.

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Trade chat gdkps are not real gdkps

They’re the hosts who got banned from the legit gdkp discords for pot skimming or stealing

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Fact checking isn’t pathetic. Reacting like this to being fact checked is pathetic.


You are like years behind, already is.

Lol, I’ve literally never seen a Jaraxxus wipe. Our guilds second team needed a fill week 1, so I brought my undergeared Hunter. Very average skilled, very average to below average gear across 25 man group. Only heroic we could do that night was Jaraxxus…ez one shot.

Uh huh, I’m sure you also don’t think it’s pathetic to follow someone to their own server just to trash talk them either :roll_eyes:

I’m sorry if you think that this:

is trash talking. Your response to me was a little more insulting than that, in my opinion:

I didn’t follow you to your server. I had to log in to that server to refute your claim. Using any other server’s AH would have been inaccurate. Anyways, I stopped posting here because it was going nowhere. I’ll continue to refrain from posting as long as you leave me out of whatever else goes on in here.


I didn’t buy a single epic gem yet. I got all of them via alchemy transmute or badges.

I mean, clearly you don’t need gold for those, but you need preparation, in other words, alts.

Sorry you got caught lying. Better luck next time.


It really is sad when this is the only sort of comeback you people can come up with. You have my condolences

Condolences for you being fact checked and acting like a tool over it? People are so weird, man.

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Yes this is exactly what it is. (Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you misremembered rather than lied)

When ICC came out with RDF and ICC dungeons people were doing heroics far more often, farming emblems/spending them on epic gems, DEing gear more often, etc which heavily devalues the materials because the supply is increased significantly.
And considering the ICC Patch was nearly half of original Wrath it’s very likely this is what you’re remembering.

Similar to TBC when originally epic gems were only available through Raid drops/Mining then were later purchasable with Badges of Justice which drove the prices down a lot.

I stopped reading about half way, your words were giving me a headache. smh.

if blizzard truly want to see gdkp gone, all they need to do is

  1. Add no loot to bosses increase badges and make people purchase the bis items from vendors. (this ones plausible but unlikely)
  2. Impend personal loot again. in all forms {normals and heroics (if retail mythics too). (this people hated lol i can see this getting a huge no…)
  3. Lock out trading in dungs, meaning no master, no trading menu, loot is rolled open screen (ya! this seems dumb).
  4. Ban gear auctioning in dungs. (just like bots, its less likely this will happen anytime soon, maybe never).

All of these probably will never happen, since blizzard hasn’t done anything since it first started, and it’s been around for a long time now. Just like how blizzard took so long to remove bots and gold spammers from chat. No matter what they do people will always find a way to make the game un-enjoyable for all except those who have $$ to throw about.

Boogie2988 used to have a toon with the exact same name.

Wouldn’t put it past him for this to actually be his toon that you just responded to.

Don’t worry. GDKPs will disappear alongside ML in BFA Classic.

be more like MoP with personal loot and raid finder

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80k on 5 runs? Wish the pots on Paigle were like this. But I agree, GDKP is the best/easiest way to gear through PUGs. Especially for those of us who aren’t committed to a raid schedule.

Baffles me that anyone would prefer to just randomly roll against under geared gray parsers and come out with nothing to show for it. I’m happy to take my share of the pot if nothing I wanted dropped and carry that forward to the next GDKP or pass over to an alt.

You join a MS>OS and lose your rolls? Better luck next time…

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personal loot is the only way to dent gdkps

but ppl are dumb, don’t understand math, and want to lord over ppl

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Please share your math, would love to see how this works