Blizzard, please ban GDKPs

I’ve seen it, the “friends and family just relax” guilds that make you lose your mind to see the same people fail the same mechanics for 50 weeks in a row.

They’re always recruiting, but it’s so relaxed guys, just chill and kill bosses

Blizzard can’t ban GDKP.
Blizzard couldn’t even ban the guilds who sold end game raid items for real money in past 15years lol…some of those guilds had the prices written on their guild site.

and even if…Even if blizzard officaly said that gdkp’s is banned! people would still advertise on discord and enter raid but without bidding inside raid…& Instead they’ll bid with any new 3rd party tool outside game using numbers…then after they finish the deals…they’ll simply make the trades in game.

but anyway So you know OP, blizzard promote GDKP’s for that they made classic items able to be traded for 2hours & they’re selling gold “tokens”

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People are still playing this instead of moving on?

This is a lie. How about ban you instead. If u actually played the game you would habe gold and would join a gdkp. But u dont because u rarely play. And if you do, but just dont like gskps, then dont do them. Durrrr. Quit whining about what other players are doing.

Gdkps are the same exaxt thing as normal raids with a different loot system. If you are wanting to get lucky with a random roll then join that type of raid. That makes more sense than crying " Blizz, there are so many gdkps because a lot of ppl like them, but i dont so please ban them so they have to play my way"
Get over yourself.

Especially cause there’s no dollar cap

introduce personal loot

ban gdkps

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Lets say it was impossible to buy gold and the token didnt exist… you dont believe that GDKP’s wouldnt exist do you??

Introduce retail to you.

Ban you from classic expansions.

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I do. That is exactly the way i approached them before the token. I am sure many ppl assumed i bought gold whenever i bid in a gdkp. Wrong. I have never boughr gold. I run my alts through gdkps and not my main. I have never left a gdkp with more gold than i spent. It is not necessary to buy gold to bid on gear in gdkps. I am proof and i am sure most dont. There is no reason to. Some do. But not enough that it bothers me. Those same ppl also spent gold on crafted gear and bought thier epic flying with gold. It doesnt change anything to me.

I make a lot of gold. Lazy ppl dont. I dont care what gear other ppl have. Lazy ppl do. Lazy ppl dont want to play much and still have the same gear as those that spend time making gold just from playing the game. Lazy ppl are ok logging in and getting a lucky roll amd winning gear. Ppl that do more and play more hate getting unlucky rolls against the lazy players. Gdkp is the answe to all of that.

any idea or suggestion as to how they should go about banning those?

Its a player made and controlled issue and personally I cant think of a way for Blizzard to interfere without it being back in action under a different name and with different set-ups a day later.

People are willing to pay for their gear like the sheep they are. Blizzard is not going to prevent them from buying their WoW tokens.

Wrath of the no life vs Wrath of the RMTer. Which one? Hard to tell at this point. I know some people that have no life and do 20 GDKPs a week and are gold capped and also seen people with no alts, don’t farm, and barely do gdkps come up with hundred of thousands of gold.

Personal loot is the only thing that would impact gdkps

I agree, no way are these people farming 500k plus gold everyday. They are buying their gold or they couldn’t afford these gdkps otherwise.

Disable trading for anything but conjured items while the raid has active loot to be distributed.

That’d put a pretty massive dent in gdkps.

Alternatively, track the total gold exchanged between every member on a raid ID, and auto flag the entire raid IDs that are exceeding a certain amount… After a certain number of flags has been achieved for the account, GM comes and reviews. It’d take this one a touch longer to get going, you’d have to set the initial bar higher and tune it down. That said, most normal people aren’t passing significant sums around constantly… Even guilds that do a lot of mid raid gambling are going to be well below GDKPs in total gold volume.

Two methods, both would massively cripple GDKPs, both achieved primarily with coding

GDkPs would 100% still exist the pot just woulndt be as big. As much i might not like gdkps bc it does insentivise gold buying. Its still a system that is bringing people together to do end game content.

I 100% understand why most people prefer it and honestly in my opinion the pros outway the cons. But i do hope it doesnt become the meta and normal guilds just fall to the wayside.

GDKP in my opinion is directly dealing with gold buyers/farmers and…worse…supporting that practice so I simply refuse to be a part of interact with such people. I see the direct consequences tho when I end up grouping with people who very clearly bought their gear and have no idea how to play their class

Nowadays a GS requirement for any activity is a joke. It always was but its even more worthless since GDKP arrived. You want or allow only 5K+ people to do whatever you wanne do? Wait, lemme quickly buy whatever I need to break that mark. Oh you want 5.5K? Sure, lemme dig a lil deeper and bring all the BIS items that are required

Its also a self-defeating activity.

  • oh man, I want all those shineys
  • buys whatever he needs and ends up BIS capped in a couple days
  • what am I gonna do now? I m bored
  • quits playing or repeats the same thing with an alt

As I said…I dont get it. But then I dont respect GDKP people or folks who got their gear with it. It also shows because some of the crappiest players I ve met were taking great pride in their pixel number…its kind of the new epeen of WoW


I’ve never dealt with a gold buyer/seller. I’m still new to GDKPs, but I’ve got 3 toons nearing full BiS and usually I just min bid because I’m new and haven’t been accruing gold since Classic. Most of the big whales have been playing since Classic and have more gold than an average player could buy, so unless you are competing in whale wars, you would never notice the gold inflated into the system.

Any decent GDKP is only taking 1/2 full carriers if that. Most of the time the people in GDKPs have to know the fights and be able to perform their role or they get kicked/lose their cut. I just started GDKPing at the start of ToGC to try it out and the quality of raid/player is on average above that of a guild raider. Unless you are just going to trade chat GDKPs and then they probably aren’t organized and might ninja the pot, so they attract worse players.

Most of the people attending GDKPs weekly get full BIS and then continue to raid the rest of the tier(At a higher retention rate than any guild I’ve been in). They are generally people that like hanging out and raiding together just like a guild.

Obviously this is all my opinion, but I think a lot of people spread GDKP hate based on things that aren’t even happening in most groups. I used to hate on GDKPs, never thought they should get banned, but have seen this narrative of GDKPs full of gold buyers/sellers. After a full phase of doing GDKPs, attending about a dozen different organizations and haven’t noticed or felt anything you’ve expressed.

Unfortunately, unless Blizzard implements a sidereal style essence for Heroic ICC bosses on release for loot protection, people will still pay tons for gear to remove the RNG. My guild hasn’t seen one death’s choice. We are an SR guild, but I bet most of my fellow raiders would drop some gold on a Death’s Choice because they might never see the 258ilvl version at this point. The current loot systems in WoW are bad and have been for a long time, which caused the creation of GDKPs. It’s simply the best time/value for someone who is pugging on alts, if you can’t find good guild groups.


Everything you said shows you have no idea how gdkps work. Which means ,you dont know what you are talking about. Period. You dont participate in them. That alone is proof your comments are based on your fantasy, made up ideas.

If you disagree with ppl bring able to spend thier gold that they made in the game to basically, roll, on gear with that gold, then juat say that and leave it at that. Your ignorance just makes you look like a fool.

Your logic is laughable and sad at the same time. If someone does a guild raid and has the raid leader hand them a piece of gear, or even better, they rolled and got lucky, somehow means they are skilled at thier class. But someone who did the SAME EXACT thing but bid with gold, means they dont know thier class. That is rediculous.

In order to get into a heroic togc you have to clear criteria that eliminates bad players. Those ppl DEMAND that you are capable amd need to prove it. But ofcourse you wouldnt know that because you have no idea what you are talking about. Clearly.

Just because you want to believe something doesnt make it true. That your issue to deal with. One more thing, thanks for sharing your opinion of what you think of players that got a piece of gear in a way you dont approve of. But just know, they couldnt care less what you think of them and are thinking the exact same thing about players like you that are silly enough to think you “earned” your gear because you rolled a higher number. Whoo, such talent.

Becauae the players that dont want to do them but cry cry cry about them instead of just ignoring them, would find out about one and join it and report everyone. Wow is full of wannabe heros that love to tell on other players for anything they can.

Introducing the WoW token made gdkps a pay to win mechanic.

I don’t think you should ban them but I also don’t like them. I just don’t participate in them and I think people who buy gear with bought gold are noobs.