Blizzard on mount equipment: *Running wild, Druid Travel Forms will not benefit*

Edit: BLIZZARD… Can we PLEASE get verification on the worgens “running wild” mount and if it’s going to work when the patch hits live or not. If not, are there plans to make it happen for worgen?!

Blizzard has stated that Druid Travel Forms will not work with mount equipment…

Anything like the Druid travel Forms will not work either, aka: the worgen mount “*Running Wild”.

Why blizzard?! EVERYTHING should work with mount equipment. Leave waterstriders alone and let them use the mount equipment. Let druids use mount equipment. Let worgen use their RACIAL mount with mount equipment…

This is very disappointing in my opinion. Especially considering the Druid class MOUNT in legion was forcefully “glyphed” into our flight form instead of becoming a separate mount (Yes I know you can remove it).

The worgen mount “Running Wild” will most likely be given the same treatment, and that is very unfair in my opinion as well since it was supposed to be the worgen race mount.

Blizzard already said they were removing waterstrider water walking so everything else could benefit, yet worsens and druids are getting completely shafted as well from this…

Thoughts on this?

Edit: blue post link


Travel Form already has an effect. It’s called “insta-cast”. They should not benefit from equipment.

Running Wild should.


Paladins and death knights have extra mount speed, should they not benefit from mount effects since they have a bonus as well?

Honestly taking away features from a class and letting other classes keep some is really not a fair way to think.

Instead we could ALL benefit from a feature being added instead of a select few things being excluded.


They have an extra passive for all mounts. That’s different from having one OP mount.

Travel Form is more comparable to the Sky Golem, a mount with a special effect that won’t benefit from mount equipment either.


But then you wouldn’t have a reason to grind out the new equipment unlocks.

It’s ridiculous how they manage to turn every suggestion into some sort of timesink.


If this is the case, blizzard need to make the legion class mount an actual mount.

Also a bonus is a bonus, and the mount equipment will be account-wide, so paladins and death knights have 2 bonuses on mounts.

Again, I’m not complaining that they will get 2 bonuses, and in fact they NEED to keep both.

I’m sick of my mount not working at all, and druids getting constantly shafted.

I have not been able to use my legion class mount at ALL this expansion in current content. I can’t use it in raids, battlegrounds, warfronts, IE’s, Dungeons, etc…


I completely agree, both druid travel forms should be actual mounts and have mount times attached, along with not being able to be casted in combat, and thus benefit from mount equipment.

On an actual factual note, logically thinking though. Travel form is already three-fold, castable in combat, instant, and functions as a passenger mount. To claim that it needs the benefit of mount equipment is beyond insane. Let’s make your instant cast, castable in combat mount, that is also a vehicle, have permanent water walking! Oh, completely forgot that it clears snares, and can jump higher than any other mount (with wild charge), travel form is so underpowered I forgot.

Edit: Added a comma and the fact that it also shouldn’t be castable in combat if it should be treated like a real mount.


I do not actually want mount equipment to work on my forms simply because they’d use that as an excuse to remove the instant nature of it.

Right now, the equipment we know about are:

  • Can’t get dazed off
  • Water walking
  • Slow fall

We can be dazed but we can keep running after

With the raft, we can water walk in travel form, I do this all the time

Flap or Wild Charge

We have ways to already negate those mount equipment options so they’re not really that exciting. Plus we have the bonus of instant cast, interacting with things while flying/mounted and mountable (for flight as well if you use the class “mount”). We have so much going for us already.

I will say I wish the “class mount” was a separate spell so I could choose between two flight forms. I spent gold on the owl glyph only to glyph over it, and I miss having a choice between what “travel” form I use. I still hate that Blizzard put them all into one.


You do not run at full speed in combat, in fact, I’m pretty sure if you use travel form in combat, ghost wolf Is faster

I would take the Castable forms though if I’m combat, and not have us run at full speed (and of corse no casting flying form in combat). I think it would make things far more fair.

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They might have a mounted speed bonus but thats a trade off for being the two slowest on foot walking/running classes in the game. Its hardly comparable to insta-cast mount speed travel form.

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It’s only mount speed while NOT in combat.

And as I’ve mentioned, we can’t even use our order hall mount, so how are these trade-offs fair?

I’m being punished because I play a Druid?

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Even so, while not in combat paladin and dk remain the slowest walking/running classes in the game, why shouldn’t they have that trade off?

By your comparison, shoult instant cast mount speed travel form be removed because no other class has that?? If you petition that those classes have that perk removed, you are opening that option for others to petition that druid instant cast mount speed travel form also be removed.

I dont agree with the flight form not being a mount, however that is a different argument. You cant claim to be entitled to one thing because of something entirely different. If they allowed druids the ability to have mount equipment, everyone would complain because they had two very distinct advantages that no other class has. Every other class already has the disadvantage of cast time while mounting, which is more than enough class perk in itself.


I understand the druid forms not having the equepment. There would be alot of room for completly unfair advantages.

But the worgen should have it. There is no added benfit for using running wild execpt the fact it looks cool.

Will lock, pally, and DK class specific mounts be able to use equiptments?


Had forgotten about that perk, so travel form has even more benefits over traditional mounts. Instant cast/passenger/usable in combat/can jump higher/not dismounted by daze/clears snares on cast/immunity to polymorph mechanics. Adding water walking on that would absolutely make it already worse than druids already are for being chased.

Travel form is 40% in combat iirc, ghost wolf is 20% and has a pvp talent to go to 40% after 4 or 8 seconds. The main difference is ghost wolf is more resistant to snares while in ghost wolf form, but cannot clear roots as druids can by reshifting. On the other side, Guardian druids have a pvp talent that causes them to ALWAYS move at 100% movement speed, in combat included.

I’m a little confused on that statement, do you mean you’d want them to have cast times and be usable in combat? Or do you mean you want them to be instant cast when out of combat/cast time in combat? Just asking for clarification on what you mean by that.


We are talking about an out of combat case here.

This isn’t about removing features from paladin and death knights, it’s about giving features to all classes.

We already had the Order hall mount shafted from us, and we can’t use it in any of current content.

Make it so it is like it is now out of combat, but in combat it has to be casted, and it keeps the slowed down (not full mount speed) version.

That way it would be far more fair for druids to get the mount equipment.

So by that you mean all class hall mounts should be instant cast, carry another player and have mount equipment?

What about the other 11 classes? What should they get that give them an advantage?


It’s not even a “mount” though.

If it was a mount, I’d be able to go into my spellbook and click it.

In fact, this is what blizzard were going to initially do, but instead made it work more like a “glyph”.

Every class has their own advantages.

A mage such as yourself can teleport and make portals to various locations. Should we all get teleports and portals now then?

It’s understandable why Travel Form doesn’t benefit:

  1. It’s not really a “mount” since it’s another shapeshift form, so it’s most likely coded differently and making it behave like a regular mount in order to enable Mount Equipment for it would probably break some of its functionality.

  2. Compared to other mounts it’s insanely OP, since you get:

  • Instant Cast Mount (when OOC)
  • Item Interaction
  • Can’t get knocked off
  • 2 seater (w/ OH variant)

Adding anything else onto that would make it a super mount, moving it beyond just a really nice class perk.

Just use a regular mount when you wanna take advantage of Mount Equipment.


Worgens actually have a race mount though. Running wild is just a passive.

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I agree it is powerful, but it is not a massive “advantage” in progression rather than a time saver.

The only powerful thing about shapeshifting is the fact it removes snares, and makes you immune to polygomorph.

Blizzard has already shafted us enough by making our Order Hall mount not useable in a majority of content, and not actually giving us a MOUNT :sob: