Blizzard on mount equipment: *Running wild, Druid Travel Forms will not benefit*

I’m not seeing the problem. Druid travel form sort of has everything that mount equipment has already (or it will after unlocking flight).


Well, when Mount Equipment is introduced, you will be able to fly, so that solves one of your problems.

And tbh what could you even do for a class mount that feels more “Druid” then a fancy new shapeshift form?

If they made it extend to all parts of travel form (Ground and Aquatic) I think these complaints would be null and void.

Ok then

If we’re not mounts then players should not be able to knock us out of flight form. We should not have that disadvantage while we are also unable to use the mount equipment that counters that.

Either our forms are not mounts and shouldn’t work the same way, or they have the same disadvantages and therefore should benefit from the equipment.

Also our class ‘mount’ needs to be an actual mount - we’ve not been able to use it all expac so far and were unable to use it in argus, any raid, dungeon, bg, IE or any instanced content where you can normally use any other mount.


I would be happy if the class mount modified our ground travel form as well. Give as an additional extra person slot like the flying form does. Maybe spiffy it up a bit. Hmmm… druid camel form with two humps…

They didn’t though.

items that knock players off of mounts still work on druids.

In Warmode, we can be knocked down out of the air, and since we can’t use the parachute mount equipment on it, we are now at a disadvantage to everyone.

DKs and Shamans also have water walking. So DKs now get faster speed, water walking, AND mount equipment? Yeah no. This equipment thing is crap and needs scrapped.

Instant cast does not make it OP. I’m so tired of this bs jealousy comment from people. :roll_eyes:

Arguing that it shouldn’t benefit from mount equipment, that’s fine. But don’t bring this whole OP bs crap into it, too.


I hadn’t thought about running wild. It’s a spell though so I don’t think they’d be able to apply mount gear to it even if Blizz was inclined to do so.

I personally never thought this system would apply to druids just because our forms are shape shifts and not mounts. I don’t think the system should apply either but that’s just me. It would probably interfere with the auto shift when transitioning from air -> water and land -> water too. You’d end up hitting the surface and have to click off the buff to actually be able to use swim form.

The not a class mount is an entirely different subject - they turned it into a glorified glyph because they couldn’t get it to work in the mount journal for some reason so I don’t see that ever happening. Class fantasy-wise it makes more sense as a flight form. I just wish they would pop it out into a separate button so we could change between it and the stormcrow freely.

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Thank you for the logical post!

I’m fine with people saying we don’t need it.

Saying we have advantages since we can cast something instantly instead of a 1 second cast is very infuriating.

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Yes, it does. It can literally prevent death. If you’re falling and you pop Travel Form you will fly away and take no damage.

Good luck doing that with a regular mount.


Aquatic form is slower. Why would I want to use it over running across the water in stag form?

There are honestly only two things I care about concerning druid travel form:

  • a separate button for our class “glyph” mount
  • tome of the stag not turning me into aquatic form when I hit the water

Pack a glider like everyone else does now? A pack of gliders would cost pennies off the AH and shores up that weakness easily.

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Does not work like that in combat, so when we are knocked off our ”mount” we die.

Yes, we are knocked out of the air by an item that only works on flying “MOUNTS:man_shrugging:t3:

I know, I’m just as shocked as you are to find that out.

Seems like we have a bug blizzard needs to fix.


Only when I’m not in combat. And how many times does this happen out of combat? Oh yeah… practically never.

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Why don’t you buy water walking potions to walk on water when mounted.

Oh wait, it’s because your class has something special :open_mouth:

Well, maybe you don’t jump from high places all the time, but I do. It’s my main cause of death lol

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I play other classes as well, if I wanna waterwalk now I use my Strider. In 8.2 Il just send the WW item to who needs it and go from their.

I just adapt to my situation and carry on.

Running Wild not getting benefit from the mount equipment would be a terrible oversight. There is no reasonable excuse to disallow Running Wild from benefiting from mount equipment in its current state. If they insist on keeping it from benefiting from mount equipment, then they need to give Running Wild a built in perk of its own… I’d suggest built in Daze resist or Instant Cast.

Druid Travel form not benefiting is expected, and reasonable. Druid travel form already gets all of the following: Instant Cast, Mounted Gathering, Aquatic Mount, Daze does not dismount (unless in flight), Castable in Combat, Instant Flight (out of combat when available). Druid Travel Form has a lot of built in perks and does not need mount equipment.

Also, yes, aquatic form is slower than water walking a mount across the surface, but considering ALL OF THE OTHER BUILT IN BENEFITS AS A WHOLE… that slightly slower speed is a small price to pay.


Still does not address the situation.

If we are talking about “fairness”, there is already items that allow walking on water, allows you to interact with items while mounted, and prevent you from getting dazed in the game right now.

Adding these passively to mounts isn’t going to make anything unfair, and neither is adding it to a Druid form.

So that’s a you issue and that part makes for a bad argument.

Treating it like the Sky Golem, that was a good argument you had right there. And I feel the Water Strider should also get the same treatment.

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Not a lot of people know this, but all of those are now built into professions as well (minus the insta cast). Druids are no longer unique. No reasons these can’t be added to them.