Blizzard, most of your core classic playerbase is still waiting fresh vanilla or TBC

And retail was dropping some bombs at the time.

I started as a tourist in SL. Sub time to burn, not liking sl, I will use this money.

SL got worse, then DF came. DF made SL look good, the impossible happened there.

I went from tourist visa to getting my classic green card at that point.

Ah you missed the fun in WoD and BFA.

Nost was only popular because it was free
X server was only popular because excuses

The excuses never end. Vanilla has repeated proven success. It’s find that you don’t enjoy it, other people do. Get over it.

Numbers are pretty good the whole way. The game had a honey moon period and then stabilized once the tourists left. This isn’t something unique to vanilla. Happens in every version of WoW.

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It didn’t stabalize it literally died out after bwl. If people wanted classic that bad, they would be joining these groups doing things on both EU and US realms, but they’re not. They would be playing SoD, but they aren’t. There is no indication from current numbers that it would be good or successful. Every iteration of classic they’ve launched since then has failed.


I was there for BFA. That jsut got bonus points for 15th KAV.

It was the old school AV mostly. 2 hours, same match, kind of fun. also a nice pvp leveling setup. Many alts did not have to suffer bfa beyond pvp at level ding.

Love me some permanent classic wrath hopefully soon blizz


Mktaar-posting-on-an-alt still spamming multiple threads I see.

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Again I said you can search me love. I got nothing to hide lol. I have no idea who mktaar is.

Sure. Whatever you say Mktaar-posting-on-an-alt.

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I love how you won’t explain anything to me. Who the heck, is mktaar lol. Like you keep babbling on and on about that. And I quite frankly don’t know who the flying fudge you are talking about.

Like seriously. It would make a great drinking game.

Every time someone mentions anything about spamming or wrath classic. Take a shot.

I’ll tell you a little about mktaar, something I noticed because it seemed odd to me. On this forum you can’t use the word bullsht. So people find ways to get around that rule by using techniques like leaving out the “I” as I just did. Mktaar is one of the few people here who uses “bullcorn”, often. Oddly enough you are another of the few people who use “bullcorn”, a lot. That’s certainly not definitive proof of anything but it’s interesting. Coincidence? Who knows?


ngl wrath was the worst of the ‘4’ so far includin vanilla/classic
still think they need to add all expacs in tho. tbc pls!

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I mean, that is hilarious. I thought I was the only one who used the term bullcorn. I got that personally from madseasonshow. If people don’t know who that is, youtube search it. Pretty awesome dude and classic wow advocate.

Certainly alot better than the other word. It honestly sounds cooler.

At the same time, I still don’t know who mktaar is. I think I replied to some of his posts without realizing it. I still find it insane to just, blatantly accuse someone of something though. But that’s just me. As mentioned, you can search me. I am sure there are other irregularities and common speech patterns shared. But I am an avid madseasonshow fan. And he uses that word alot. Kind of interesting though that someone else, other than me use that word to.

I still think it’s kind of stupid to just, blatantly accuse people of stuff though. I litteraly feel like I am in grade school again. But, I was the one who stood out. And the people who truly are unique, and who truly stand out, who are truly different. Those are the people who change the world.

I mean, I get it. I also share similar opinions to. From the looks of it, mktaar also seemed to care very strongly about classic. Just doing my little bit of research here. But whatever. I am not affiliated with the dude at all lol. Plain and simple.

I dunno. Maybe I should just accuse you and antibusu of being bullies and narcissists. Do I have any proof. No. But you sure are giving me alot of grief and unecessary anxiety for supposedly alt spamming. Like what do you hope to gain from that. Like I am not giving any sympathy or empathy. And me personally, unless I had proof. I wouldn’t accuse someone of anything. Going around pointing fingers doesn’t make you or antubusu look good at all in my op. Just makes you both look stupid.

Like you both are worse than the girlfriend of ed helm’s in the hangover. Just grateful that I don’t have to see either of you in my daily life. That is a fate worse than death. I don’t even want to imagine.

But maybe your next post might get me to change my mind about you both. But, I am tired of this little charade that we have going. Like it’s time for me to fly already. As if I would be able to change your opinion on it anyways. You both hate me. And think i am crazy and insane. Time to let it be after this.

Classic era is open, don’t let anyone stop you from hitting that “create character” button.

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The core classic player base is currently playing Cata and not on Era. If your statement was true Era would have a larger population than Cata Classic. Most players I’ve played with say that Cata, despite the poor launch, is the most fun they have had through all 4 classic games. You couldn’t pay me to start my journy over again in vanilla at this point after playing all the expansions and realizing how terrible it was. Sure nice nostalgic dopamine hit 6 years ago, but nah that’s a pass for me to do it again so soon. I highly doubt I’m the only one that feels this way as well.

Introducing TBC Era or Wotlk Era would mean fewer Cata bugs get fixed than already do. Considering both of those classic games still had bug fixes and hotfixes coming out the week before the new classic prepatch hit for the next expansion. I’d rather them not split the already tiny Dev team and have even fewer bugs fixed because we all know they won’t hire more when sub counts remain the same and they make no extra money from it.

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Well then laugh it off. I was accused of being a sock puppet once. I simply ignored it. It was false and it had zero effect on what I post here.

https population classic overall

It had a relatively small dip and was stable until naxx. Naxx was the lowest population point but had a sizable and more than healthy population, and shot right back up for TBC where it was mostly stable the whole way through.

Yeah, seems classic was pretty successful the entire way through, So succesful blizzard has decided to focus classic on seasons based around vanilla.

Right because what people want is to join a static state server where all progression is finished and most of the pop is in full naxx gear. That’s exactly what people want in an MMO /s

You understand perfectly well resets are necessary for an MMO. There is a reason every private server ever does fresh resets. You are being deliverately dishonest here.

Hmmm, a big decline coincided all at once on a patch with no content, barley any new gear, open world killed and replaced with a no-kill incursion farm? I wonder why?

Various vanilla private servers? Big success
Classic vanilla? Big sucesss
Hardcore? Big sucess
TBC? Big success
SOD? Big success before they destroyed it with phase 3.

Vanilla is a proven succesful model, otherwise blizzard would have pulled the plug. People enjoy a different genre than you, get over it.

Cata has half the population of previous classic iterations and a much higher proportion of retail players. It’s by all means a failure compared to all other classic iterations.

Most of the core classic audience has either quit or is waiting room for p4 of SoD.

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Not sure how that was helpful. But seeing as you are a warlock, as well as an alliance player… I really didnt expect better.

Which is where tbcc and/or wrath forever would be in time.

When you run ICC/TOGC/Ulduar or Illidan and such in TBCC for months RNG will be bruteforced to be geared.

Wow also always leads to the BIS. the only exception I know is that recorded onyxia kill back in the day. the crew went in player underwear only, and won. Very cool that, but its an exception and not the norm.

Noting I am not judging. I live in a glass house too. I cant throw stones lol.

In classic I make liked classes from retail.

I tried shaman in retail. Its not me. I don’t care how different it may be here. I have not and will not burn time to make class I know I just did not like.

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Dude. Seriously? This is the best you can do? A petty insult based on one class and one faction of the many alts I play? Standards really are slipping. People just don’t try any more.