Blizzard, most of your core classic playerbase is still waiting fresh vanilla or TBC

Anyone who plays cata can see the massive uptick in retail players. Your core audience, the classic exclusive players, consider WoW dead with the lich king. We want fresh classic, especially after you bungled SoD hard with phase 3. Just give us a proper fresh vanilla already. Cata is the poorest performing classic to date and you can see it. We all saw this coming.

Or even better TBC, greatest WoW experience in it’s history.


Just another Era Andy making claims that can’t be proved. How about “NO”.





I dunno, looks like WCL activity puts cataclysm at a population of 298k and era at 17.5k.

Even SOD has more activity than Era.


Ironforgepro com, vanilla 2019 classic peak. Cope.

Ironforge com.

This is disingenuous and you know it. Nobody wants a static state, forever x realm in an mmo where all progression is complete and everyone has the best gear. There is a reason every private server ever does fresh resets. As has been repeated, 2019 vanilla classic is peak. Cope.


It’s because they are fresh and new mostly. Cata just dropped and people are raid prepping and SoD is preparing for a whole new phase. I play Era still when I’ve done my dailies and my heroic runs. Participation is low as there is little to do, as people are raid logging, I’m noticing Cataclysm settling down. It shows you’re on Pagle as well so I know you’ve noticed zones like the TB daily hub having less player participation.

While I don’t share his sentiment that “the majority” are demanding fresh, I will say I believe the community would benefit from a fresh realm with the phases. One where it runs for a year or two and we can be dumped to the other Era realms and they be reset again would also benefit existing Era realms. Everything is so inflated now and demand for most materials so low it’s hard to make an honest buck to even join a GDKP if you wanted to gear up enough to raid. Actual raiding guilds are scarce these days.


But the fact it was popular in 2019 does nothing to prove it will be just as popular again, What’s your source to say that every single one of those players wants to play through classic again fresh.


“who’s to say because nostalrious was popular means that classic will be popular”?

I remember this from the retailers who were attacking the calls for classic servers in the WoD and legion days. They proclaimed people only played nost because it was free and classic would die in 1 month… then lo and behold it was a big success.

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All fresh private servers die off around AQ phase, classic fresh would do the same.

You can miss me with going through all the vanilla raid content again, and god forbit the old ranking system. Been there, done that.


Elysium WoW lasted all the way to naxx just fine.

You know an even better example? Classic WoW. It lasted with very healthy population all through naxx.

It’s puzzling why retail players are so deeply offended and upset that people enjoy vanilla. Like they can’t handle that people enjoy a different video game genre than them. It’s like arguing with teenagers.

Classic was a success, it was proof there is an audience for people who enjoy old school MMORPGs. Cope harder, this became an established fact.


Didn’t realize I was saying that classic 2019 wasn’t successful, never said that.

That release also came at probably the most perfect time (covid lockdown)… 2019 =/= 2024 and you cannot just make assumptions that you would see the same success. But got off king I hope you get your fresh.


Hard pass.


You realize classic stayed successful after things started opening back up, right? In 2021… not to mentioned it strated in 2019.Also Nostalrious was a similar success story.

You retail andies just cant stop with the excuses. Classic WoW has a sizable audience. Get over it.

The good thing for you is you’ll have retail to enjoy. Classic doesn’t affect you.


Sooo “FRESH” Classic ERA is kinda a thing right now on Deviant delight. It has a “FRESH” economy because there were no players on the realm until this month.

The present economy is really good, people are out leveling a-new and its overall a very good experience.

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There are two big issues here. First, classic players are not their core audience. That continues to be retail players. Retail still outranks the population of Classic, we have the numbers there, and Classic is a side investment to attract an additional market that is not gained by focusing solely on retail. It’s kind of like making smooth, chunky, and meaty spaghetti sauces to attract all the different consumers.

Now, if you were talking about JUST the core community of the classic servers, you’d also be making some serious assumptions about their likes a preferences. I have no doubt you consider yourself a core part of classic players, and that you personally feel that TBC was the best expansion and that Classic died with Wrath, but those don’t transfer to other core members of the classic community.

I have been playing wow since 2005, I have played throughout the Classic experience and SoD. I do not play retail anymore and find it hard to get into. That would make me firmly a member of the core classic playerbase. And I don’t share your views. I am sure some do though.

Ultimately they don’t have the staff to even handle Cata and SoD right now, much less any new servers. They need to fix what they currently have running before working on anything new.


I think you misunderstood this. The exclusive WoW players are the core audience of classic. Since retail and classic WoW share the same sub, only the exclusive classic players create profit for classic. Unless they separated the subscriptions, the retail players fundamentally don’t matter to classic. The entire point of classic was because nostalrious proved their was an audience for this version of the game that will never enjoy the genre of video game that retail has become.

This classic exclusive playerbase considers WoW dead with the lich king, and a good amount consider wrath the beginning of the end. Most of these players were done after WotLK. Hence why it’s time for fresh.

For classic fresh they already have the restored code base. They just have to release it again, no bug fixes or anything. Classic 2019 all over again.

Notice no one here took your side. I think it must be pretty loud in your echo chamber.


I didn’t misunderstand anything. You repeated what I said with extra steps. You didn’t correct me, you just stopped reading halfway through.

See how I addressed this?

There were literal bugs in the TBC and Wrath releases that went unfixed throughout their initial run, what are you even talking about? And again, that takes time away from the team currently working on two other versions of the game. Fix the stuff they have first. It’s not like I said no they shouldn’t, it’s that they shouldn’t do it until Cata and SoD are working right.

They STILL have yet to fix several achievements and other major issues like Maloriak ice tomb bugs.


Bro there’s been a single post since I made mine. What are you even talking about? Another person to add to the list of permanent ignores I guess. These forums need actual moderation again. But they can’t even hire enough devs for bug fixing.


Then you are making 2 contradictory points, or an irrelevant point to the more important one. Classic is the core audience of classic, and the only audience that matters for classic. We are talking about the classic project exclusively, retail is irrelevant as long as it shares the same sub.

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