Blizzard isn't banning bots. Should I just buy gold?

People have been buying gold since vanilla.

Or in early MMOs like EQ and DAOC that I’ve played.

It’s a constant part of MMO games.

Me thinks you’re missing the point here…

no, because its not about whether or not you have the gold but whether or not you choose to buy the gold in the first place



I mean, you pretty asked this same question, in the first thread you made. Guess you didn’t get notified of the answers because you block people that don’t agree with you 100%

I’ll just point out that if you where seriously considering buying gold, then posting about how you’re going to buy gold before buying gold was an almost comically stupid thing to do.

That said, don’t encourage or add to the gold buying/selling degeneracy that already infests this game, kthnx.

Im eagerly awaking the classic wow token…

Yes, at this point you should just buy gold to keep up with everyone else who already is. A hunter bought a Death’s Sting in an AQ40 GDKP run the other day for 13k just for the memes over the rogue who only had 11.5k. Blizzard doesn’t care.


Anybody else notice that Blizzard changed the title of this from “Blizzard isn’t banning bots. Should I just buy gold?”


“Should I just buy gold?”

They also moved my other bot post to the Support forum, made a blanket response that totally contradicts the EXPERIENCE I’ve had trying to get this bot banned, then immediately CLOSED THE THREAD.

This company is seriously a joke.

EDIT: I changed the title back :slight_smile:

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This is absolutely blizzard’s fault. Blaming the player base for working within the confines of what blizzard has allowed to become the standard is just apologetic blizzard fanboy BS.

When the same botters have been operating for weeks in the same spots with no repercussions, after numerous reports, it’s absolutely blizzard’s fault. No way around it.

As i mentioned in another thread, there were some bots in Vanilla, no doubt. But there were also real, live CS people who responded to reports of botters, and they didn’t take 3 months to do it.

Like seriously, what is the point of even banning a bot after that much time? It doesn’t discourage the behavior at all, because they know they can simply roll another toon, and get at least 2-3 months of solid farming before they are nuked.


You hit the nail on the head. They’re just paying lip service with all the bot banning talk.

I finally did get that bot banned. You wanna know how? You’ll laugh. I put in a petition as “I want a refund” and explained in excruciating detail again why this was clearly a bot and how I want my money back for this month of service because I’m being denied the ability to farm due to Blizzards inaction.

A DAY later (remember, I didn’t have results even a week later with the report bot function) I had a response from a human AND a ban… In a day… Turns out all you have to do is tell them you want your money back… Also turns out all they had to do was have a PERSON look at the report.

This company is a joke.


Isn’t this a contradiction in terms? Shouldn’t it humorously a joke?

No, because if you give your credit card number to someone who operates bots, you’ll be really lucky if it doesn’t cost you a lot more than the sticker price.

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Duel them right after they loot or while they’re looting. Some of the scripts ive seen will accept the duel. Once they accept it then let them attack a mob then take the bot down to low health (and their pet first if they’re a hunter) then let the mob kill them. Do this till they have to hearth and repair.

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I completely agree with your frustration… My brother, some friends, and I have decided to try classic wow by Blizzard… In the short time we’ve played, we’ve encountered more bots in the world than players. This is absolutely pathetic. I’ve seen free private servers run a thousand times better. All they need to do is actually staff people to respond to the botting reports in a reasonable time. They easily have the income produced from the paying subscribers on these same servers to do this. It wouldn’t even scratch the surface of their revenue…

I get the feeling they don’t care, they’re out of touch, and they’re lazy. Their alleged ban waves are pathetic and not significant from my perspective, possibly completely fake… We should all consider returning to a more respectable private servers if they don’t begin to take us seriously, or another game altogether.


We were killing some bots earlier tonight in STV… I like this idea, but man… we shouldn’t have to do that. Blizzard is incompetent and seriously sucks for allowing their game to be degraded to this level.


Bladewise, I totally agree with you that it is just lip service. You can definitely feel it in game that they don’t give a care about banning bots… It’s the new thing for the rich to blatantly lie about everything and laugh about it amongst themselves… Anyone know of a good private server that’s still running? Taking care of a server is too much for Blizzard to handle.


Never bought gold and I have crafted TF and hand of Rag in two different servers. You’re just bad at farming gold.

God if this aint the truth. Honestly that’s the part that burns me the most is Blizzard lies about it.

Like they could’ve just said “hey we’ll release classic but be forewarned that we will not moderate it nearly as efficiently as we did in Vanilla” and I’d feel better about it but when they say they’re trying their best when they’re clearly barely trying at all it’s infuriating.

Maybe change farming methods? Most Warriors I know do jump runs with a druid in dire mail for rich thorium and arcane crystals