Blizzard isn't banning bots. Should I just buy gold?

Yep the main reason for them. It just a time sink investment to get yourself feeling financially secure. But it pays off in the long run

Virtually everything you just said is wrong.

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Aggressively ban players buying gold and eventually bots will go away


yes buy early buy often.

The solution they found in retail was the WoW token. Do you want that in classic?

“I don’t like bots, so I’m going to support the bots by buying gold”

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You made this thread already, bro.

Says the guy who states they must buy gold.

what would be easier, blizzard stopping bots or convincing every single person buying gold to stop.


Ban gold buyers. Most bots will vanish.


Neither is likely achievable absolutely. Doesn’t mean that either need to give up entirely.

Buying and selling are two sides of the same coin. Both are responsible and therefore both should be accountable to the problem.

Cute name, by the way.

In this thread: People defending a multi-billion dollar company and blaming the player for the bots :rofl:


A relatively safe way to buy gold is to do so using what Blizzard has set up in place.

That is, gift a WoW Token to someone in exchange for WoW Classic gold. Make sure they give you the gold before you gift them the token/game time (this protects you) . Have all your communication regarding the transaction through Blizzard monitored channels, such as these forums, BattleNet or in-game chat (this protects them, potentially).

Do what you want, but if what you do violates the the EULA, don’t be too surprised if you find your account being banned.

We have some precedence for judging how well that will work.


I have to agree with your main point on this. These small micro-companies have beaten Blizzard hands down; and how embarrassing that must be for Blizzard.

Imagine, you are a multi-billion dollar company and your servers are owned and botted 24/7 by a much smaller and less funded group of people, whom you are powerless and/or unwilling to do anything about. All that money and all those employees and STILL, they are beaten at their own game on servers they have created and administer by a bunch of smaller organizations. Blizzard should be completely embarrassed by this debacle. Too bad they don’t have enough professional pride to actually do more than garner enough subscriptions to keep paying their overpriced CEO.

To quote David Bowie, “Such a pity…”



Blaming the player base for this problem is actually pathetic.

“Just stop buying gold if you want the bots to go away” is such a stupid statement.

Please tell me how I am supposed to force Joe/Bob/Jim/Janet from buying gold and micro manage every other whale that wants to dump all their IRL money to P2W?

The root of the problem is the bots, NOT the players.

People will always take the path of least resistance, if blizzard allows gold sellers to operate so freely and cheap, guess what, no amount of finger pointing at the community will solve anything, there will ALWAYS be a whale ready to spend everything they have to p2w.


I agree. That said, the title of the thread is equivalent to:

“There is a problem. Should I condone it?”

It’s a rhetorical question.

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Put in the dang WoW token and call it a day activision. Man how hard is this.


But there will always be people buying gold, and without a transaction, there will be no robots.

Who are you quoting, exactly? Because I didn’t say that.

I’m saying two things.

One is that you have no right to complain about bots if you buy gold.

The other thing I said is that players buying gold is part of the reason bots exist. Gold buyers create the demand for bots.

I never said or implied the solution is for us all to stop buying gold. That’s obviously too difficult of a thing to accomplish as we have no power over any individual that plays except for ourselves. But as an individual you should not buy gold if you don’t want bots. Don’t complain about the problem if you’re part of it.