Blizzard is serious about AV and AFKing! They're watching too! (Source in Comments)

This just further validates the reason for the ban wave last night was for people AFKing in AV.


Yup, that removes ambiguity as to what precisely the bans were for. Hopefully this pushes people to actually participate.


It wont matter, afkers are not the problem. People cant follow simple direction or learn how to av. Its not about killing horde or alliance, there are very clear objectives to complete av and not one involves pvp. Until people understand that they are going to lose. How are they going to police that though? They cant. Bring back premades so we can get in games with people who know how to play and have the common goal of winning. Not just farming rep.

Good thing they ignored it for long enough to ruin the experience for a lot of players.


If only they were this diligent in Retail Warfronts and LFR runs. I know we faceroll that content most of the time, but it’s still disheartening to carry players that aren’t putting in any effort.

Isnt it interesting how sincere and genuine the person that got banned sounds in their OP? U wuld totally believe them… until the blue post comes in and just lays down the hard truth. A lesson and/or reminder that its ez to post rubbish and make it really sound truthful and genuine.


AFKers are a huge problem. Those players take up large chunks of your team and are more worthless than anyone who tries, even if they aren’t great.


100% disagree. If we have people not even trying to hit stuff, this is prio problem #1. If everyone sees that people aren’t even trying to attack, why should they try to organize?


sounds like you need a repeat on that lesson there lol

I can take you to a win with 10 afkers, I cant take you to a win with people who want to farm horde for drops to get rep. Afkers are 100% not the problem. People who dont know how to av are the problem. I can teach you how to av but 90% of you cant follow simple direction. Whoever said bring back the premades is right.

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No you can’t.


AFKers are absolutely 1000% the problem.


10 people farming HK’s would still be more helpful than 10 people AFK.


Read: “People who don’t play AV like I want them to are the problem.”


The ban wave happened last night, and that blue post is from 15 days ago. ≠ the same.

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The common denominator seemed to be AFKing AV and this just affirms it that Blizzard is banning for it. Also, could be WSG jumps and terrain exploits.

not for a win

If you think that having 10 people on defence is worse then 10 people afk in the cave then you are truly a fool.


You can play AV to win AV, or you can play AV to kill members of the other faction.

This is the kind of stuff we need to be seeing from Blizz! well done. More bans for these mongs that ruin the experience for others