Account suspended by player report?

Hi, posting this from a second account. I just got a two day suspension and this is the reason I was given in the email:

Violation: Disruptive Gameplay

Your fellow players reported you for a gameplay offense that is in violation of the Blizzard EULA and/or Code of Conduct.

Is this an automated thing? Because I have not done anything to warrant this. All I remember was being in AV and reporting someone in chat for being AFK, I do not AFK myself. Then I had this guy that I reported stand next to me doing nothing and he put a skull mark above my head. Moments later I get dc’d and I’m suspended…
I have seen premades abuse the report system to kick people out for not following their strat. But lone wolfing in field of strife looking for 1v1s or 1vmany isn’t an offense…

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Suspensions can only be given by a GM and are not automated. They also rarely have anything to do with what you were doing when the suspension hit.

It takes time for a GM to look into the reports.

If you wish to appeal it, the e-mail you received should have instructions on how to open a ticket.


Did you get an email with instructions on how to appeal?


This probably isn’t related to being in the instance, but something you did earlier that caught up.

You can appeal this via ticket.


If you aren’t participating in AV - you don’t belong inside AV, Anathalia.

And no, this wasn’t automated.


Except I was participating. I was actively engaging members of the opposite faction.


No, you weren’t, and when you did move, it was to inside a building to further non participation. This wasn’t automated. You weren’t within a mile of the enemy the match that this happened.


Anathalia, the rule breach you were reported for could have possibly happened well before the incident you mentioned in the first post.


Ok sometimes I go inactive in a pug game because the Horde are already DR’d in HKs and there is no point in fighting anymore, or we are pushed into the cave and can’t kill LTs or anything. Most of the time I just get AFK de buff and get kicked out. I swear I am trying 95% of the time, but when it’s futile?

I concede that attitude may not be good, but the system is what it is. I’d expect a warning first, that way I know to just /afk and take the 15m debuff every time I end up in a crapppy match

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You do realize Orylia has access to a lot of game info and logs and can see exactly what you have been doing. If you managed to get a 2 day ban from it, you have been doing it for a while.


You have a 48 hour temp ban, meaning, this is your 2nd account action against your account.


There is a record of that. It can show a pattern of non-participation in battlegrounds. It is better to just leave and take the deserter debuff.

The debuff and getting kicked out are your warning.


The warning is the fact you were temporarly suspended: Punishments stack in severity the more you find yourself in this kind of situation

Listen, I get it: BGs, especially random BGs, can be landslides, but you just chilling out of the way and wasting a player slot on your team doesn’t help you, let alone anyone else

At least if you leave, you can at least do other activities during the debuff, and you don’t drag a team already struggling down, it’s really the better way to approach things :slight_smile:


My question from an outside perspective would be, what about people doing the quests in av that are pve related? This would give those players a reason to be in AV without engaging in pvp would it not? I could be wrong just generally curious.

They would then be detracting from the objective of the activity, which gives people reason to want to remove them. Regardless of what you can do within, the purpose of AV is PvP.

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if they are reported AFK, a GM will know if they are doing the quest, as Orlyia said, the system isn’t automated. You’ll have nothing to worry about, you won’t be suspended.

edit: note, a lot of the quests in AV require stuff collected from enemy players, so you really cannot avoid participating in the fighting.


Im not saying it isnt im just pointing out a glaring problem. AV has pve baked into it so a completionist (someone who wants to complete all the quests) has no way to actually do this as by that logic they arnt allowed into AV.

This doesn’t affect me in any way im not a classic player and you are right it isnt an automated ban. But the info he declared was it was the player was never around enemy players. If thats the metric they go on than that would affect those just doing the quests hence why I asked the question

The GMs are pretty smart, they can tell if you are doing the quests or if you are actively trying to avoid participating in the battle, as from what Orylia demonstrated. From what I have been told by GMs, you have no idea how extensive their logs are. :slight_smile: They see everyTHING.


I have no doubt that this is true was mostly just curious to see if that was infact the case and to get a bite or two from people going no questing to be allowed. I got that bite :joy:

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