Blizzard is making a mistake with an easy solution

There’s a really good reason why making everything a “choice” is incredibly dumb. Because that means literally everything has to be a “choice”, regardless of however little sense it would make.

This is a change happening to MM hunters because it is in-line with what their identity has been for longer than there’s been a MM-specialization in the game. That’s all there is to it.

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Tuning is a pathetic excuse.

It doesn’t need to be tuned the same. All that needs to happen is providing the pet utility when it isn’t out. Having a pet to tank rares, especially all the ones that are CC-immune is still a thing.

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and yet here they are removing the pet because they have a better solution.

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For one the developers do not want to maintain a split paradigm for a playstyle that is highly inferior. If you are using a pet, you would be much more effective running BM. It also allows the spec to be designed without all of the utility complication and accounting for pet damage in the calculations of tuning.

The players using the spec are largely taking LW and want it to function at its best, not having this pet or no pet question holding it back.

Mm has had a pet since vanilla…

And fantasy wise having a stupid eagle is the same as having a pet.

The only difference is that you can’t target the eagle.

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We’ve already established people only use it for solo content because they have to, not because they want to.

I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say with this. It doesn’t have anything to do with what I said.

I am betting this is going to end up like the Water Elemental situation on Mages, people complained non-stop until it happened, then they realized that having it on Icy Veins was a major QoL and no one talked about it again.

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Okay, then again why does BM have the option of one or two pets???

Because of the mechanical class updates you mentioned…

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Water Elemental didn’t act as a tank. All it did was provide one extra source of freezing when there weren’t many in the base spec.

Specializations only began to be a thing in Cataclysm, arguably, as I’d say that even then you’d have your “main” talent tree and then your “sub” talent trees. So specializations became a thing either during Cataclysm or Mists of Pandaria.

Prior to that everyone was just their class with whatever talent setup they had. MM’s petless identity has been around for longer than the one-to-two expansions (depending on whether you count Cataclysm or not) where MM had pets.

You already asked that and I already replied to it

What about them?

Well remind me cuz I can’t find that reply.

So plz tell me why BM can have a sub optimal option and not mm

Having a pet with the OP idea wouldn’t change them …

In a game that tries to be fair and balanced, tuning is definitely a concern lol. I look forward to not having to spec into lone wolf anymore personally.

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Your ideas don’t matter, Blizzard is the one redesigning the class

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There is nothing wrong with having a pet out be lower damage. Exactly the way it has been for years.

There is a problem with being unable to solo rares in MM.
There is a problem with having no tank so you can utilize burst AOE when solo.

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Because BM is a pet-based class and MM isn’t.
The change that BM has is still in-line with “I am a beast master” with the difference being between that of a single super powered beast, versus a menagerie of beasts.

You are providing a false dichotomy and is just at this point avoiding people you can’t refute.

Have a good day.

Your the one claiming having a pet wouldn’t work with them…

I never said “having a pet won’t work with your ideas”

Lol what???

What’s the difference between a pet eagle and a pet anything else???

Oh I know, this eagle can’t be targeted.

Try again…