Blizzard is making a mistake with an easy solution

What rares are ya gonna struggle to solo as MM now?

So then why shouldn’t blizz make LF a choice node with a pet then??? Even if it’s known to be sub optimal.

Just like how BM has a sub optimal option

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Every single rare elite??

Can you acknowledge that they are CC-immune because I really don’t think you understand that. Kiting is not an option. Trapping is not an option. Mend Pet on yourself is not an option.

Wait until MM Hunters figure out that there other specs in the game that do stuff without pets

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They could also just leave the ability to summon the pet, and make it so the “eagle” is represented by our pets regardless, and otherwise add the utility they’re trying to add to the class anyways.

Main issue is removing folks ability to have their pets. Hunters shouldn’t be unable to use and have pets. Thats really stupid. Intimidate already has functionality to have our pet show up if they are not with us do the attack and then go away again. This should just be put in for those utility abilities/the eagle ones.

Our pets should be used wherever possible and we should always have the option to summon them in. Now if they want to remove the Lust from hunter pets and just give it to hunters and such things thats entirely fine imo, but Hunters are supposed to have pets. Whether or not they use them in their main rotations. Removing that option is dumb.

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I already explained that to you, as have others.

Genuine question, is English your first/primary language? Because you have misunderstood or misrepresented what several people in this thread have said, but if English isn’t your primary language I want to give you the benefit of the doubt.

People are sheep at best and the main reason most are picking MM and lone wolf is simply because spreadsheet dorks say it is best. Plain and simple. If Blizzard tuned it so lone wolf was suboptimal DPS to having the pet, the extreme vast majority of MM hunters would run the pet because like I said they’re just sheep doing whatever the spreadsheet dorks say.

That said, I do think removing pets from MM is the right call since it allows the 2 range specs to operate independently. I would argue Blizz needs to just rip the bandaid and have each class with multiple specs in a role (which is mostly the pures) to have a more defined distinction. At least now MM will be the petless archer and BM can have the pet. Clean and simple.

Like the ones that have 30M HP? You can just kill those in 10 seconds. Especially as MM with its incredibly high burst damage upfront.

I didn’t know hunters come factory-equipped with 636 gear.

Clearly you have never attempted to do rares without being massively overgeared for world content or without someone else there tanking it for you. In an actual difficult one, the pet dies repeatedly and managing that is a pretty important part of beating the thing.

You know what the funny thing is???

This eagle is actually worse for the archer fantasy since it forces you to have an animal companion.

With LF you can at least omit any pet from fighting with you at all.

This is all just blood lust and pet utility issue.

The OP has the perfect solution, period.

That eagle pet mostly only pops out to do utility. They said they are going to add more flavor to it later. Maybe they will let it use your pet. But really it is not a big part of the show. It’s not out most of the time.

All your arguments haven’t had any substance over “lol no, mm doesn’t use pets”.

That you made another thread about this on general after they’ve moved them and moved them and moved them to the Hunter forum and you made another thread instead of using one of the others because legit this isn’t that big of a deal.

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Except why would the pet be the optimal choice when there is an entire spec based on the pet. Makes no sense.

Let me fix that for you.

Removing pets from MM is “not fantasy whatsoever”.

These comments are extremely nonsensical and disingenuous. “If you don’t like pets being removed from you, go play something entirely different that you hate.”


Gutting an aspect of player customization from a hunter spec is a very big deal

That’s not what that statement says and I think you representing it that way is the real disingenuous part.

It’s as big of a deal as the water elemental for the Frost Mage was and that was quickly forgotten this will be as well, people will adapt and keep playing Marksmanship, switch to Beastmastery or Survival or change classes.


Marksmanship in WoW has always been attached to themes of accuracy. Eagles, Hawks–really any predatory fowl, are also used IRL to represent these themes.

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Nope, because AT LEAST the ele still existed in some form.

This completely removes the options for mm players to have the options to have their own pet from hundreds of options and ability to name.its nowhere near the same thing.