Blizzard is making a mistake with an easy solution

And yet always gave MM the hunter to use a pet for non-group content.

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No it doesn’t…

A pet is just another auto attack with some added utility.

And I want to, because I enjoy using my pet for those things.

Otherwise I’d be happy with this change.

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Not anymore. Because it was holding back the spec from being played as intended. Yeah, they could have chosen to cause themselves more work to make a fragment of the spec happy, but they chose not to so that the spec can be focused on ranged damage without accounting for pet nonsense.

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Dead spec with Barrage gone anyway.

What’s the point of MM if you can’t MD Barrage onto pet and then flex that sweet power cleave. Why even play the spec long enough to gear up if you have to be single-targeting all the time.

MM’s strong AOE was the best thing about it.

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You enjoy it because without it you die

If you enjoyed the pet because you enjoy the pet itself, you’d use it for more than just soloing


Yes it does and devs have stated as much. You can stomp your feet all day, you have the answer, you just don’t like it. Like ok go off queen but it’s already in the development cycle so we will see how it goes.


It is removing something that’s irrelevant, and replacing it with something that is relevant in other words. Even if it isn’t by much. Hell, one can make a genuinely fair argument that even just removing it outright without adding a random proc would still be removing something irrelevant and replacing it with nothing except open design space.

As it stands, they are still adding more than that.

Fun fact: if you go to any specialization’s talent tree, you can pick talents that everyone would view as “iconic” to that specialization. You can play Frost DK without using Empower Rune Weapon, Pillar of Frost, or Frostwyrm’s Fury.

All of which are iconic aspects as to how you play Frost DK.
Other classes such as Mage, you can skip out on picking up Evocation as Arcane.
Demonology Warlocks can skip out on their Demonic Tyrant.
WW Monks can skip out on multiple key identifying abilities such as Storm, Earth, and Fire, Invoke Xuen, Whirling Dragon Punch, and a few more.

Some incredibly small number of players electing to ignore abilities is something people have been able to do since vanilla. It doesn’t change that the majority, and the general consensus, pick and choose talents that they want to play with - and Lone Wolf has been the default choice for MM hunters since it was introduced.
Even back during WoD when endgame Mythic picked the talent for this reason, despite it being worse than having a pet, folks still picked it.

MM hunters actively don’t want a pet. That’s been the thing people have chosen ever since Lone Wolf was introduced to the game. Even when it was the, objectively, wrong choice to make for performance - and outside of performance, people still pick the talent.


That’s why they’re getting rid of it


I stopped thinking it as such, but more of a random animal that decides to help, & with that said I look forward to testing this on the PTR before my final analysis

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Continue being condescending and informing me why I enjoy things.

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All this copium over a pet and hardly anyone has even tried it on the PTR. I can only imagine how many people are gonna lose their minds when it goes live and claim that they are un subbing and leaving the game.


At the cost of player customization…

There no reason for it.

having LF or a pet doesn’t change your rotation at all.

The problem was that having a pet was baseline.

Making it a choice node with LF makes it easier to balance, especially of LF grants pet utility like bear fort and path finding.


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You informed me


You have been given reasons many times

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This whole thing does remind me a bit of when players who had not set foot in Darnassus in years were going to riot because their beloved city was a victim of the plot.


Nothing with substance…

Please tell me why there shouldn’t be a choice node between LF and a pet.

Your rotation has zero changes with which ever you get.

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Marksmanship still having pets is a tuning issue that has actively held the spec back for years now. The vast, vast majority of PvE MM players use Lone Wolf and there have never been demands for pet damage to be buffed to be more competitive, there have only been requests that Lone Wolf operate more similarly to Grimoire of Sacrifice.

I do think the Grimoire of Sacrifice-esque solution is a good idea, but it still creates balancing issues with Fortitude of the Bear existing as an extra defensive. Their current design with hunters accounts for the extra defensive in FotB, so it’s hard for them to just give Hunters Lust, FotB, and Master’s Call all at once. They already have a huge slow, root, derage+purge, knockback, daze, 2 40% DRs, 2 Self Cleanse Poision+Disease + Target Cancel…Hunters have a ton of utility options.

If they drop the pet for MM, they can probably make better choices for MM going forward.


No one used a pet, so they’re updating the class to design it around no pet so they can give other options that people might actually use

No sense in giving people options they haven’t used in a decade


You can literally use the new MM changes with the ideas on the OP and not change a thing rotationally.

If no one used it as you claim them this wouldn’t be such a recent hot topic

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