Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

The five-second cast on the swap ability is egregious. Without that needlessly clunky implementation I think most people who are upset would probably dislike it but be okay.

There’s just no reason its such a long cast. None. Optimally it would be instant and off the GCD. Realistically it should still be instant. 0.5 or even 1.0 second casts would be grating but accepaible. Five seconds is just stupid.

It feels punitive because Blizzard can’t give you anything you wish for without punishing you for the insolence of asking.


what do you mean? i have not experienced this issue with sky riding. it works fine here.

According to people here it wasn’t the 1% because we here in the forums are the 1% well at least us in GD are .

Now they may have listened to people in the actual Beta froums and on the Blizzard (WoW)Dev Twitter/X channel .

Plus big deal if it takes 5 seconds to switch from Skyriding to TBC stlye static flight.

Complaining about 5 seconds comes off as complaining just for the sake of complaining.

lol…killing a new mythic or raid boss should be a challenge…
mounting your mount…should not be a challenge,
in your verve to disagree/you generalized…
relax…it’s a common mistake.
sometimes, thinking more and writing less


Honestly? I’m kind of glad we couldn’t do this. I have hundreds of mounts on my account, Horde and Alliance. It’d take me literally hours to go through my mounts, compare the animations for Skyriding and Steady Flight and decide which I want for each mount…


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Stuff like this honestly makes me consider going monthly with my yearly subscription :expressionless:


I feel you and then multiply that time by having to do it and set it on every character that you have on your account and it’s like yeah no lets not do that. :scream: :scream: :scream:


This just insures my Druids will never use Sky Riding. They all gather and steady flight is needed. I’m not wasting time swapping back and forth constantly.

And actually Druid’s flight form needs to be removed from Sky Riding completely. It never should have been included.


Exactly. Druid forms are spells. Not mounts.


The must simpler solution is to make skyriding something you can toggle WHILE MOUNTED.

Instant cast at any point to switch styles. Bird or whatever does a little flip and goes stationary, or a little flip and dashes forward.

Literally a basic common sense idea, but they went with the absolute laziest option.

Hardly anyone’s asking for that. We just want skyriding and regular flying to be something that’s determined by the mount, not cast on the rider.


Switching mount types is not a challenge. You push one button. It takes 6 seconds which is half the time it takes for the US Military’s V-22 Osprey to make basically the same transformation.

Let’s put it this way. Who decides not to cook a certain dish for dinner because it takes 10 seconds to cook and prepare? Who decides not to go some place on vacation because it takes more than 10 seconds to pack and put the bags in the car?

TEN SECONDS ??? Now I know you end game people want to be full level full gear within fractions of a second after the expansion goes live but TEN SECONDS is a problem?


At least until Microsoft slowly replaces them all.

Actually no it has not. TBC you got flying at max level, and you had more than enough gold to buy every mount.

Secondly, it is a disability issue for many.

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So what you are saying is that even since TBC flying wasn’t available at the start of the expansion? Got it.

Which disabilities limit the way a player flys but allows them to participate in every other aspect of the game?

Motion sickness, apparently what they did was not enough.
Some people have physical disabilities that are bad enough to not allow usage of skyriding.
There are multiple threads on this topic both here and in Beta discussion.


I’m fairly certain they didn’t entirely ignore, but wrote it off. I believe they intentionally made it harder to use steady-flight because they’re hoping people will adapt to sky-riding, and eventually discontinue support for it. Slowly converting all the mounts to support for both is the first step in removing it altogether. It’s a slow migration plan.

P.S. It’s also a plan I support.


I have severe motion sickness but sky riding affects the same as regular flying or epic land mounts.

I am honestly confused, please be specific about a physic disability that would prevent sky riding but still allows normal playing of every other aspect of the game.

Otherwise that’s just something you are using to prop up your argument that you don’t like the way sky riding works, which is absolutely disgusting.

Like they don’t have better things to do.


Go read.

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