Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

If you never switch up, it’s not much of a problem.
But for those of us that were using both on demand, with no wait at all, it’s kinda irritating.

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I think they are trying to cook the books on the outcome of their little data experiment. But it is already backfiring and they lost the narrative.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

They will consider it a win when they tell shareholders that engagement has increased. Make everything take longer by throwing in inconvenience and BOOM. Higher engagement times!


They ignore player feedback because players don’t know what they want, Blizz knows what players want better than players do. That is their logic, always has been and always will be probably.

I’d rather the old system where it was JUST the dragons that had sky/dragon riding than this honestly. I main a druid and so using my flight form to hover, keep momentum when I’d run out of vigor or to be more precise in flying was so much better! Also having the option to just chill fly/regular fly than just ZOOM all over the place was preferred.

It’s kinda frustrating that we can’t select I guess specific mounts?? or just have our flight form/ class specific things untouched at least. I don’t really care if Invincible or my basic flying mounts can go ZOOM :rofl:


the big deal is that someone that we pay…
decided to inconvenience us…at all!
i employ people…and i never allow them
to intentionally inconvenience me…
i mean, why would i!

So logic tells us that frequent swaps is what they want to disincentivize…

This falls under working as intended.


But they took out an ad and everything that said they are listening to us.

/sarcasm off

Not to mention 0 responses about anything in beta

Seems fine to me. Steady Flight is almost useless except for very precise landing on a branch or something.

Toggling between dynamic/steady flight with a 5 second cast timer on top of casting a mount is a trash idea. Make the toggle cast instant while mounted.


Those who never use it, the 99%, will continue to not use it or care, along with those who do use it and don’t care.

Those who do use it and care will be fine and get used to it within a month by the time the expansion comes out.

Totally incorrect, a lot of people have handicaps and are being screwed by Pathfinder in release. Multiple long threads on this.


I hope you are aware, more people got access to the beta overall this time around.
They not only did invites, but also did purchase access.

Odds are good that probably doubled the pool of players in the beta compared to previous iterations.

The Dynamic flying changes did have feedback, but it also is inundated with polarizing feedback from trolls like the “delete skyriding” posts, etc.

I hope you are aware that there is 0 communication in beta this time around. Having more people does not help when the company does not work with the beta team. It’s one of the reasons this patch had so so so many bugs.

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But pathfinder has always been the case at release of a new expansion. What’s different?

I thought 5 seconds was fine to watch Squeakers do a whirlwind barrel roll.


What gets me there is that they’re assuming we’ll all be constantly toggling for some reason. Why? After unlocking static flight in Dragonflight, I’ve used it maybe 3 times on the Isles.

I can understand that some folks will switch back and forth a bit, but I doubt anyone will do it every 3 minutes. (that said I do think they should reduce the switch to like 1 second)

the comment in question stated “if more people had access to the beta”
More people did have access.

I’m not sure why you are even mentioning this when I didn’t say anything relating to that.

It always has been, and always will be. The Elite 1% that play for career, (content creators, raid testers, etc.) The rest of us casual players like myself, meh, if we’re lucky.

Inconvenience us? How do you put out a game with challenges to overcome without inconveniencing people? That’s the entire point of most MMOs, Bosses and Mobs that inconvenience the champions.

Of course we all know what this is really about. It’s the elite snobs who are “End game only”, who want to be top level top gear on day one so they can go straight to high level dungeons and raids. These people are OUT-Raged over anything that delays that in the least.

Challenges are an “inconvenience”. My word !!!

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